Disclaimer: I do not own Wildfire.

Five Years Later…

"Alex!", Kris called to her daughter running towards the stables. Alex stopped and turned towards her mother, trying to catch up to her. "Mommy can't run as fast as you can baby," Kris said. "Why?" The little girl asked. "Because I am older."

"But the older kids at my school run faster than the little kids at my school," she argued. "She's just as stubborn as her mother is," Junior said before he kissed his wife. Kris turned back to her daughter, "Uh, nevermind. Don't go past the stables okay?"

"Don't worry mommy, I'm just gonna go see Wildfire." Alex ran off towards the stables again. "And she has a love for horses and racing just like me too." Junior nodded, his arm around Kris, both of them looking towards the stable. "But she has her dad's beautiful eyes." He kissed the top of her forehead.

Pablo had Wildfire's rope in one hand and Alex in the other. "She never gets tired of riding him," He told Junior and Kris. They smiled and admired their child. They followed Pablo, Alex, and Wildfire to one of the small rail circles on the ranch. Jean was already there so she opened the gate to let Pablo through. He saddled Wildfire up and then gently sat Alex on top of the old horse. He walked Wildfire slowly in a circle, with one hand on Alex's back to be sure she didn't fall. Jean sighed happily. "This reminds me of when I used to watch Matt and Todd ride on top of Houdini." Kris smiled at her.

Ken Davis Sr. passed away three years after his son was married, and left his son, daughter-in-law, and granddaughter that he was very fond of the entirety of Davis ranch, where they now resided, though they still spent a considerable amount of time at Raintree Farms, with Pablo and Jean. Dani was left Ken's cars, and all of his savings account, except for 30,000 dollars which was put away in a trust fund for his grandchild. Dani and Matt lived in New Mexico at Promesa Farms, and were now married with one son, named Matt, two years old. Dani used the money from her dad's savings to fix up the farm. They renovated it and built a second story to the home, adding another restroom and two more bedrooms. They also added more to the stables there. They came to Fremont four times a year to visit Junior, Kris, and Alex. Jean and Pablo married two years after Kris and Junior. Todd went to a military academy and so Jean and Pablo had the house to themselves. They adopted one child from an orphanage who took over Matt's old room, and kept Todd's room the same for when he returned home. Kris' brother Jace enlisted in the Marines and supported a wife and two children in San Francisco. Kris' mother successfully completed rehab and got a job in Fremont. She rented an apartment close to Davis Farms in order to be closer to her family.

A/N: Sorry the epilogue was short, but there wasn't much to put into it. Anyway, I enjoyed writing this fanfic and I hoped you all enjoyed reading it.