Kris was walking down the long stretch of highway before her. I can't believe this is happening. I just wanted to help and I messed everything up! I always do. What's wrong with me? She kept thinking to herself what the Ritters could have done for money if she hadn't joined the race. Just win races I guess. But now it's harder without me and Wildfire doesn't perform his best with someone else. Matt was right. What was I thinking? That was a HUGE risk I was taking. I thought I became more responsible after almost three years at Raintree. She tried thinking about other things to take her mind off what she had done and the aftermath of it, but nothing seemed to work. Maybe I have changed a little. I haven't stolen a car yet. I'm still walking. Kris smiled at the irony of the situation. Where will I go?I can't call Jace or my mom. I left my cell at the ranch so no one could be able to contact me. I can't go to Juniors and I definitely can't go back to Raintree. She didn't know where to go, she decided to just walk and wherever she ended up, fine. She would make it work. She could get a job, she was no longer on parole so it wouldn't be much of an issue, and she was arrested at sixteen and she was now twenty. A good four years. And the record gets erased after turning eighteen. She never ended up getting her GED, but she could easily go back to school and get it. She was already almost done earning it anyway.

After an hour more of walking and thinking about what she was going to do, a car slowed up beside her. A bald, perverted-looking man, probably in his late forties, poked his head out the window. "Need a ride, honey?"

"Ugh." She was disgusted. She walked up to the car like she was going to accept his offer, then kicked the side of his tire. "Get out of here." The man shrugged and pulled his head back into the car. "Your loss." Kris walked off smiling and said sarcastically, "Right." Gross!!

Kris walked for another hour or so, and she was getting hungry. She looked in her backpack. Okay, what do I have? She had so many things she decided to take, that she had to walk away from the road she was walking onto the nearby grass. She threw her duffel bag of clothes down. Wow, amazing how much lighter I feel after setting that down. She then sat down herself and began to go through her backpack. She didn't even remember what all she had put in there. She was so hurt and guilty and confused that she just threw things in. She found a hershey bar and began to snack on that while looking for something more wholesome. My first racing ribbon, she put it to the side and looked into her backpack again. The picture Jace gave to me of him in Iraq, she then set that down next to her as well. A picture of me and Wildfire, the bracelet Todd made for me, the cowboy hat Junior threw up in the air towards me after he qualified the first time, she went threw almost all the things in her bag and found only a bag of potato chips to eat. She sighed heavily. This sucks. And not just the food thing, everything. There has to be something left in this bag. She reached into her bag one more time and pulled out a small, thick, long piece of paper. What's this? She turned it around and stared at it for a long time, thinking about all the memories that it started. The pictures of me and Junior in the photobooth. She looked at them and remembered how happy she was at that moment. I miss that. I miss Junior. I miss Matt. I miss Pablo. I even miss Dani. Kris rested her head in her hands and sighed again. She threw everything back into her backpack and got up. She picked up her things and started walking again.

It seemed like merely walking reminded her of so many more things than the things she was looking at. Probably because she had nothing to do with her mind while walking and she had time to think about those things. Her mind took her back to the first year she was there.

"I never met anyone like you before, and I could really care about you." She remembered how Matt looked when she said that to him, then how he looked after she told him it couldn't happen.

"The guys I date are like, Junior. I know them. I know how to handle them, but when it comes to guys like you, I have no idea."

"So get to know me."

"Matt I need you to promise me that you will leave this alone."

"If you wanna choose Tina Matt, choose Tina."

"You used to think with your gut!"

"You know it's there Matt!"

"I don't want it to be."

"Well me either but it's there!!!"

"I don't know what I want."

"What do you mean?"

"I just need time to think."

"What is there to think about Kris? I love you."

"Matt, if something goes wrong..."

"Don't say that! This isn't even about everyone else, this is about us!"

"I don't know..."

"I wanna do this. I want us to be together."

"I guess this is payback. I slept with Kerry while you were dating him."

"Gillian I'm sorry."

"We have to tell Junior."

"I know."

"Is something going on between you two? Because there is only one reason why Matt wouldn't tell me he broke up with Gillian."

"Yes, there is."


"Junior wait! Let me explain!"

"Explain what?! What are you gonna say Kris?"

"I'm sorry."

Kris remembered the look of complete devastation on Junior's face that day and it nearly brought a tear to her eye. She never meant to hurt Junior. She had feelings for Matt. Was she supposed to ignore those feelings just because she was still in love with Junior? Wait, I'm not still in love with Junior. What was I saying. Or at least I don't think I'm still in love with Junior..

"I'm full of good deeds, you just have to ask."

"I'll do it, if you come out with me to night."


"To a club, then maybe back to my place."

"You want me to sleep with you to save Wildfire?"

"Only one night. Friends, plus benefits."

"Forget it."


"Wait. You promise you won't go back on the deal?"


"One night of fun and romance, I guarantee you'll be back for more, and if not, okay."

"You're not into this."

"I'm here. You got what you wanted."

"Good morning."

"Why did you pretend to fall asleep last night?"

"You know us men. We get headaches."

"So, you didn't want to?"

"No. You didn't."

"Just to let you know I put the claim on Wildfire before we went out."

"The way your smile stretches all the way across your face. Kris, I see you."

"I think I'm in love with you."

"You can't be. You don't know me."

"Everything I know I love."

"I thought you wanted to talk?"

"We're not so good at talking."

"Right, we're better at this."

"Kris Furillo, meet Tina Sharp."

"Oh my God Junior! How do you know Tina?"

"She used to ride for my dad."

"You want to..."

"Yeah. Not here..."

"My place?"

"What about Dani and your dad?"

"Your trailer?"

"Oh yeah. That's special."

"It would be to me."

"What are you doing?"

"Remembering this."

"I'm still here."

"Ha yeah you better be."

"Come over later?"

"If you insist."

"Kris you know I don't care about what my dad or anyone else thinks. I want you. If I had to choose you or my family I choose you! I choose you!"

"I don't want you to leave your family because of me."
"My family's a farce!"

"Mine's not."

"I can't see you anymore."

"What? I thought this was what you wanted. I thought you loved me."

"I- I do."

"Oh my God Flame!"

"I bought him, for you. Kris, I would do ANYTHING. Please, don't go. Kris, I love you."

Kris had so many more memories of Junior than she did of Matt. But that doesn't mean that I still love Junior. That was over nearly two years ago. I love Matt. Still, the memories of the good times she spent with Junior and all the pain she saw him go through and what she went through, brought tears to her eyes. She didn't even wipe them away. The tears ran down her cheeks and fell to the cold asphalt beneath her. "I still can't believe this happened," she whispered to herself. With every step she took it seemed to get darker. Until she saw headbeams coming up behind her. She turned around and a car was slowing down and came to a stop. She couldn't see the car or the driver, the lights were too bright. Oh my God if this is the same asshole it was earlier I'm going to hurt more than his car this time... Kris walked towards the passenger side window with caution. Slowly the driver came into view. The driver rolled down the window Kris was looking into. She was confused, shocked and scared, but still maintained her seriousness and composure when she asked, "What are you doing here?"