Hello, boy is it good to be back...

This fic is different from my others in that it incorporates a few Greek mythology references though its not necessary to be up to date on it. Also another note is that it is an AU (Alternate Universe).

Disclaimer on my profile, enjoy!

Prologue: The Black Reaper (Kuro no Shinigami)

Quickly running down a torch lit hallway, Zack Fair ruffled back his dark spiked hair as he thought over what he was about to tell his boss. Skidding to a stop as he nearly passed a darkened office; he gulped and cleared his throat to announce his presence.

Adjusting his black tie and straightening out his overall appearance as best as he could, despite the fact that he clearly was not a person who usually wore suits, Zack slowly entered the room, past the crimson silk drapes that hung by the doors. Stepping onto the lush black carpet he made his way past the open balcony doors towards an elegantly carved crystal desk. Stopping just a foot away from the desk, he kneeled down on a knee bowing his head in respect and with a bit of nervousness to the immaculately dressed man sitting behind the desk.

"My Lord…"

"Is there something wrong?"

Looking up at his superior's face, Zack stood up and chuckled nervously, "No, not at all, everything is just dandy, in fact, I'd say that everything is going as scheduled."

Seeing his boss raise one dark slender eyebrow, Zack then raked a hand through his spikes and gazed down at the carpet, "Okay, so I suck at lying…but, Vincent-

Pausing as he the gauged his superior's reaction at being called by his first name, and seeing no anger flit across his face, Zack continued, "Sir, if I may…Tseng tells me that Rufus is losing patience with you, he wants you to find yourself a wife ASAP."

Standing there uncomfortably as he watched Vincent silently stand up from his seat and make his way over to his liquor table, he was about to say something, when surprisingly Vincent came over to Zack with two glasses filled with an electric blue liquid.

"Zackary…how long have you been working with me?" said Vincent in a calm almost friendly tone as he passed Zack a glass.

Glancing down at the bright liquid, Zack swirled it around and then looked up to see Vincent standing there waiting for his reply, "Uh…since…your tenth reincarnation…I think…"

Stepping away from Zack, Vincent walked over to the balcony overlooking the Lifestream that coursed pass, the acid green of the river reflected off of his pale face, giving him a sickly look, "I see."

In all of his years of service to Vincent, Zack had never seen his usual, calm and unruffled superior look so…despondent. Shrugging his shoulders he then took a large gulp of the blue liquid and immediately regretted drinking so much, coughing heavily as the liquid burned him right to his core, he then felt the presence of an unannounced visitor.

"Sir- someone…here" said a hoarse Zack as he snapped his fingers which then lighted the torches in the room.


Quickly getting out of the line of fire, Zack then stumbled over next to Vincent as the two of them watched a stunning woman with long black hair glide into the room. Even in death, Désirée Lockhart, was a sight to behold, glaring at the crimson eyed man standing next to a pale faced Zack, she was about to unleash her wrath upon the man, when he calmly raised a hand as if in parley.

"Mrs. Lockhart…and what do I owe to the favour of your presence?"


Looking slightly surprised at her outburst, Vincent glanced at Zack who was slowly regaining colour in his face. Catching on to Vincent's glance, Zack then whispered softly, "Tifa Lockhart."

"Mrs. Lockhart, you do know that I only deal with the dead."


Now slightly raising his voice, Vincent then stepped towards the shaking spirit, "She is safe."

Before she could continue, Vincent then raised a hand and suddenly Désirée felt a calming presence beside her.

"Dés…Tifa is fine, she knows how to fend for herself…oh yes, and Aerith Gainsborough wants the both of us to see her new flowers, let's go." said Aaron Lockhart as he led his wife out of the room.

Breathing heavily, as she allowed herself to be led out of the room by her husband, Désirée then nodded, "Your right." Pausing in mid-step, she looked over her shoulder at Vincent and Zack, and turned fully around, bowing low, "My Lord, I must apologize for my behaviour, I am sorry for disturbing you."

"Apology accepted, though I expect you to keep Rufus busy…"

Looking up with a smile on her face, both of the Lockharts nodded, "Aerith says hello." called out Aaron, just as the two of them disappeared.

Raising his eyebrow, at Zack's flushed face, Vincent then returned back to his seat and snapped his fingers, which then made the two glasses in Zack's hands dissolve into smoke and drift off towards the balcony. Fidgeting with his tie in embarrassment of his boss hearing about his girlfriend, Zack then gave a small grin.

"Zack, how do you know about this Tifa Lockhart?"

Surprised that Vincent would even ask about his life before he passed on, he then made a circular motion with his hands, and in his hands appeared a large circular gold-glided mirror. Turning the mirror so that it faced Vincent, he then approached the desk and handed it over to him.

"I met her before I passed on…Sir…may I?" Seeing the eager look on Zack's face to leave and meet up with Aerith, Vincent nodded.

Once Zack disappeared with a slightly dramatic puff of smoke, Vincent then looked into the mirror and saw a beautiful teenage girl clutching a chemistry textbook, walking to school with two of her friends, smiling and laughing.

"C'mon, Tifa lemme see your worksheet!" whined a short black haired girl who bounced along side her friend.

"No way Yuffie! I worked on that all week, right Cloud?" said the girl named Tifa as she turned and smiled at the shy blond spiked hair boy around the same age as her.

Nodding in surprise at Tifa addressing him, Cloud then turned slightly pink and continued ahead of the two girls.

Eyes widening at Cloud's reaction, Yuffie then chased after him and called out to Tifa, "Hey Teef, what's up with Cloud?"

With a smile Tifa shook her head, "I don't know Yuffie, what do you think?"

Feeling the tugging of a smile coming on to his face, Vincent then frowned; nobody he had ever encountered had ever caused him to truly smile before, smirk yes, but smile, now that was a first. Placing the mirror face down on his desk, Vincent then stepped back towards his balcony and watched as more glowing strands of souls joined the Lifestream, making up his mind he then said out loud to no one in particular, "Tifa Lockhart…."

Next: Time flies, mysterious flowers, someone dies?

Okay, so what's the verdict? (What do you think?)