I Guess Dreams Do Come True

There you go again…passing me in the hall swiftly. Because up ahead by her locker, you see Little Ms. Perfect AKA your girlfriend. Nobody in his or her right mind could ever understand how hard it is for me to say "your girlfriend". I thought we had connected over the summer. You had acted so different toward me practically caring. Until you realized it was her, your friends or me….not a hard decision. I bet you didn't know my dad wasn't going to help you get a scholarship after the talent show. I had to convince him that even though you broke my heart you deserved the best. Don't you see Troy Bolton how much I care about you?

There goes the freaky math girl running…. wait is she crying that's strange. I see you on the other in the end of the hall walking the opposite way. That's not normal for you too. It's not until homeroom that I found out that Gabi cheated on you with Ryan, you deserve better. I WOULD NEVER CHEAT ON YOU! I care too much Troy too much.

You sit behind me in Darbus' class asking for me to meet you at your secret place. I agree, to my surprise you give me a small smile, which I return with a true one. I can't wait until lunch, when I'll be with you again. Hopefully I'll be close enough to smell your trademark Hollister cologne that I've decided only works for you. Other guys might as well hang it up they could never wear it like you.

Lunch rolls around, you're waiting for me only to cry on my shoulder. I'm not used to this Troy but I don't care you're still my first and only love forever and always. But you're close enough for me to smell your trademark scent. But you break my thought when you tell me I should sit. I do but I'm worried. You kneel in front of me on one knee. I can't help but brush my fingers through your hair. You don't seem to mind.

You say you have a question to ask. I say go ahead. You ask what I'm doing with t he rest of my life. I respond spending it with you. You slip the ring on my finger and say you've planned to ask me since kindergarten. I told him I had planned to say yes just as long. The next thing I know you're picking me up shouting & crying of happiness. Then you yell I love you Sharpay Evans forever. All I can say is I love you too…Troy.


What a dream. Wait who is that lying beside me? You look and say good morning Sharpay Bolton how was your wedding night? Wow I guess dreams do come true.