DG stood gazing out over her balcony at the castle at Northern Island. Looking out at the magnificent colorful world of the OZ. Behind her playing the harp was Ambrose, a look of lust and satisfaction upon his face.
"Isn't this wonderful DG? I got my brain back, you got your family back. Everything...worked out."
DG continued gazing out toward the sea, a giant fish jumped in the moonlight.
"DG? DG are you listening to me?" Ambrose called.
"Common Glitch. You know me better than that." DG could never get to calling her best friend by his original name.
"Ha you know, I found the TRMD series 21 the other day, I remember hiding it from Azkadellia just before she removed my brain. The Time Removal Memory Device. It's suppose to remove unwanted thoughts and memories from your brain. I was so proud of that creation." Glitch sat back in his seat and let out a long sigh. He smiled and looked at DG who was sulking over the balcony.
"DG?" He asked as he came up behind her. "What's wrong cupcake?"
She smiled, Glitch's corky personality was always a comfort to her.
"Glitch..." Her blue eyes were full of sadness and regret.
"What is it DG? You know, you can tell me anything. They don't call me adviser for nothing." He announced proudly with a chuckle and a snort. He quickly frowned at himself when he realized he snorted.
"It's...It's Azka.."
"Azkadellia." He nodded his head. Ambrose was always quick to finish someone's sentences.
'I know she's been thinking about it the last few days. She knows just as well as I do that something isn't right with her. It's been four days since the witch was destroyed and OZ was saved. Azkadellia has yet to come out of her room.' He thought.
"It's alright. We'll think of something."He slightly pulled away, one hand still on her shoulder, he brushed the wet hair from her cheeks that had gathered in her tears.
"I can't help it. Theres just...something not right with her. "
"I know what you mean, but you try sharing your body with a witch for a decade and see how you feel. She's still trying to figure out who she is, what her own thoughts and feelings are."
DG shook her head and placed her hands over her face. "Oh I don't know..." She growled. "It's all my fault."
"No..." Glitch started. "Yeah..but that was a long time ago. You were young and scared." Glitch removed her hands . "I probably would have done the same thing. An ugly witch screaming at me? No way."
DG half heartedly smiled and allowed Glitch to drag her to her bed.
"Now, get some sleep."
As DG crawled in to bed Glitch pulled the covers around her.
"Are you sure it's safe?"
"Of course." Glitch agreed. He had the Emerald well hidden. "I checked for bed bugs myself."
DG smiled. She had been so lucky to have met Glitch when she did. If it weren't for him she possibly may have never been able to finish her quest for the Emerald.
"Thanks." She smiled. "Goodnight Glitch."
"Goodnight DG."
Author's Note...yeah short chapter...