What do you put as the Author's note in the final chapter of the best SVU story you've ever written? I know. I've got a sequel in mind! But this has been fun, really. Of course, I'm still happily ignoring the fact that Adam Beach and Diane Neal have left SVU. But that's okay, It just leaves Chester open to interpretation. And I'm not entirely sure of mechanics of this chapter, as Terry Prachett put it, but I'm doing my best. Enjoy and thanks for all the reviews!

Disclaimer: I only own Amanda, Georgia, Plummer (yuck) and Pete. Everything else belongs to Dick Wolf. The short block of lyrics is One Thing by Finger Elven Oh, and guess the guest stars!

Plummer swung the Baliff's baton and caught Georgia in the lower stomach. She gasped and dropped to her knees. This was new. She'd taken hits to this region before, but they'd never hurt like this. Elliot, Fin and a couple Baliff's tackled Plummer, while Chester ran to Georgia's side.

"What's wrong?" he asked, helplessly holding her shoulders. Georgia gasped, trying to breathe through the pain.

"I-I don't know. It's never, uh!, hurt like this before!" she almost sobbed, using one had to hold herself steady against the wave of pain and nausea.

"Get a bus." Chester snapped at one of the uniforms, but his hand was already on his radio. "Come on, let's get you to your feet. Nice and easy, sweetheart." he said, gently easing her to her feet. She leaned heavily on him, moaning in pain with every step. Langan pulled a chair out, apologizing profusely for not controlling his client.

"It's fine." Chester growled when the apologies became too much. "Just...go sit somewhere." he said, his tone a little more friendly. Langan did, shame written clearly on his face as Olivia came up.

"What happened?" she asked as Georgia nearly howled in pain as Chester touched her stomach.

"I don't know! No touchy!" She snapped at Chester, swatting his hand away. "Sorry, just hurts." she muttered, arms wrapped around her stomach.

"The paramedics will be here soon. Let's get her to where she can lie down." Olivia suggested. Chester slipped his arms under Georgia and lifted her with little effort. He gently set her on the bench and sat next to her, so she could rest her head in his lap while they waited.

"Better?" he asked softly stroking her hair. Georgia bit her lip, but nodded.

"A little." she murmured. Her muscles relaxed and some of the pain eased, making it possible to breath again. Chester kept talking soothingly to her until the Paramedics came, then he held her hand down to the ambulance and insisted on riding with them.

"She's my fianceé, so let me in." he snarled. The Paramedic scowled, but let him in, shaking his head.

"'Fianceé'? Was that your way of proposing?" Georgia teased as the pain medication began to work. Chester grinned.

"Is it working?" he asked, watching as she smiled a little.

"Yes, it is. I'd be more than happy to marry you." she said, Chester's grin became ecstatic and he kissed the hand he held.

"Then a diamond ring it is. I can't promise how big the diamond will be, or when it comes, but you'll have it." he said, leaning down to kiss her forehead.

"I'll take you any which way but loose. But no Orangutans, hear me? There are enough loud critters running around our house. And that's just you." she teased back. Chester blinked, then it clicked. The old Clint Eastwood movie with Sissy Spacek.

"How many times have you seen that movie?" he asked, but she was dozing. He glanced at the E.M.T., who nodded reassuringly.

"It's okay, she's supposed to do that. It's the meds. How close are we to Mercy, Doc?" the young spanish kid asked. The older black man shrugged.

"Ten minutes. Vitals stable?" he asked. The kid nodded.

"Yeah." he replied. Chester frowned as he saw the 55th fire station on the kid's jacket.

"Long way from home, aren't you?" he asked. The kid snorted.

"Not really. Doc here likes to take the scenice route!" he said loudly. "Instead of sticking to the patrol route." he said. The older man rolled his eyes.

"Knock it off, Carlos. We're here." he said and they unloaded the bus.

12345 Thirty minutes later, ER unit, Mercy General 678910

"I'd like to offer my deepest sympathies." Dr. Morella said. Georgia and Chester exchanged confused looks.

"For what?" Georgia asked cautiously. Now it was Dr. Morella's turn to look confused.

"For the loss of the baby." she said, as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. Georgia's eyes widened.

"B-Baby?" she asked, sounding lost.

"You didn't know," Morella paused. "You were in the second half of the third week, Detective. Between the timing of pregnancy and the force of the blow..." she trailed off. Shock blanked Georgia's face and her voice went flat.

"It was enough to dislodge the embryo from the uterine wall and when it was knocked loose it couldn't sustain itself otherwise..." she trailed off as well, tearing up. Chester's mouth was open and he was mouthing unintelligbly.

"Was there any way to tell-" he was cut off as Georgia put a hand on his arm.

"No, it's considered a break through that they can tell a woman...A woman is even in the second week. It...Still would have been an embryo, not formed enough to have...Definitive features." Georgia said, haltingly as the tears built. Anne nodded.

"I'll leave you alone." she said and walked out. Georgia put the hand that had been on Chester's arm over her mouth.

"I didn't know. If I had... Oh, god." she sobbed, burying her face in her hands. Chester put his arms around her. Clutching him, Georgia steeled herself because for the moment she had to be strong, there was time to mourn later. Gently she pulled away and kissed his cheek lightly. "Come on, I want to go home." she said. Chester pulled back, squeezing her hand in acknowledgement. The door opened and Olivia stuck her head in.

"Is it okay if we come in?" she asked. Georgia nodded, reaching under the bed for her pants and shirt.

"What happened?" Elliot asked. Explaining to the group in clipped tones, Chester ran over what they had just found out and what they were doing.

"You should stay so the docto-" Olivia broke off as Georgia pinned her with a vicious stare.

"I appreciate the sentiment, but shut up, Olivia. If I want your advice, I will ask you for it." Georgia snapped as she finished, with a wince, pulling her shirt on. Chester held the door as Georgia walked over. "See you later." Georgia tossed over her shoulder as they left.

12345 The Brownstone 678910

"Hi, Mom!" Amanda said cheerily. She paused when she noticed Georgia was moving a little slower than normal. "Are you okay?" she asked. Georgia managed a smile for her daughter.

"I'll be okay, sweetie. But I'm awfully tired, do you mind if Dad puts you to bed?" she asked, sitting in a chair. Amanda shook her head, eyeing her adoptive mother suspiciously.

"Okay. I'll see you in the morning," she kissed Georgia on the cheek and walked out, calling Pete to follow her. He paused and licked Georgia's hand once, before following his little mistress. Chester sat down on the couch across from her.

"Can you get to bed okay?" he asked. Georgia nodded. She pulled herself up, wincing all the way, to her feet and shuffled off to their bed. Chester watched her go with a sigh of near defeat. How close they'd come... He heaved a sigh, and himself, out of the chair and made his way to his daughter's room. He found her all snuggled in and staring at the ceiling. Walking in, he pulled a chair up to her bedside.

"Hey, honey. I need you to listen close for a minute." he said as Amanda turned her head to look at him. "Mom was going to have a baby, but she lost it. You know what that means?" he asked and when he got a nod, he continued. "Good. Now Mom's gonna be sore for a long while around her stomach, so we have to be careful to keep Pete from jumping on her and to be careful when hugging her, got it?" he asked. Amanda nodded.

"Got it." she replied, then sat up and hugged him. "I'm sorry, Dad." she said. Chester felt tears well in his eyes at this show of affection. He hugged her back tightly.

"It's okay, baby. It's not your fault. Get some sleep, okay?" he said as she pulled back. Amanda nodded and snuggled back down. "Good girl. We're going to have our door closed, so Pete can't jump up there. Is that okay?" he asked. Amanda was still having nightmares, but they'd eased somewhat lately.

"Yep. Pete's here to keep the nightmares away." she said. The lab's tail gently thumped the bed at the mention of his name. Chester smiled and stood, kissing her forehead as he had the same way with Georgia in the Ambulance.

"That's my girl. Good night, sweetie." he said. Amanda already sounded sleepy when she replied.

"Good night, Daddy." It was an unconcious endearment, but it almost sent him to the floor in tears right there. He only smiled sadly and walked out, leaving the door open a crack. Sighing and rubbing the back of his neck, Chester walked into his and Georgia's bedroom and closed the door gently behind him. Fully clothed, he walked to the bed and slid in, took the shaking, sobbing form of his fianceé into his arms, buried his face in her back and cried right along with her.

Even though I know

I don't want to know

Yeah I guess I know

I just hate how it sounds

12345 The Next Day 678910

Judge Petrovsky frowned at Plummer. He was in cuffs with a Baliff on either side. Georgia, despite everything, was there with Chester by her side as usual.

"Mr. Plummer, I find your actions in my court yesterday atrocious. Not only did you steal an officer of this courts weapon, you also caused the loss of Detective Davis and Detective Lake's child. If it were up to me, you would go to jail simply for that. But that would be bias and not only is it against my ethics, it is against the law. Mr. Foreman, have you reached a desicion?" she asked. The man nodded.

"We have, Your Honor." he said, passing the findings to the baliff. He passed it over and Petrovsky read it with a glance. Her face was neutral as she handed it back.

"How do you find?" she asked.

"On the count of Kidnapping of a minor child, we find the Defendant, David Plummer, guility. On the second count of assaulting a minor child, we find the defendant guility. On the count of Molesting a minor child, we find the defendant guility. On the count of assaulting a police officer, we find the defendant guility." he said and sat down. Georgia smiled in relief, squeezing Chester's hand.

"Normally I would schedule a sentencing date. But you've wasted enough of this court's time, Mr. Plummer. All of these charges are federal offenses and carry 20 years each as a minimum. So I sentence you to 105 years in prison at Riker's island. In General Population." she said. Georgia grinned and leaned over to whisper to Chester.

"Who knew she had a mean streak?" she asked. It was general knowledge that child molesters were normally kept away from Gen. Pop. But this was the order of a judge. No going against this one.

"Tell me about it." he replied.

"Get him out of my courtroom." Petrovsky said and Plummer was hauled to his feet. "Court is adjorned." she said and banged the gavel. Langan stood up, he hadn't even bothered to open his briefcase, and walked over to Georgia and Chester.

"I am truly and terribly sorry for everything that happened. I'm a father myself and I can't imagine going through that. Please accept my condolences." he said. Georgia shrugged.

"Accepted and thank you. We may hate you professionally sometimes, but you're not so bad personally." she said. Trevor looked relieved, nodded and walked away, step lighter, as Casey walked up.

"How are you feeling?" she asked, lightly hugging Georgia.

"Like I had a 1,000 pound animal tap dance on my stomach, but I'll live." she said, shrugging. Judge Petrovsky walked up. "Your Honor." Georgia said, resisting the urge to salute.

"I'm sorry for what happened, Detectives. I do have some interesting news for you. I talked with a judical friend of mine in Family Court. Appearently, social services have been looking for Amanda's family," she paused as she took in the terrified expression on Georgia and Chester's faces. "And found none. The Judge is recommending that the girl stay with you two. As a matter of fact, the paperwork has already been filed, all it needs is your signature. There is no need for home visits, you two are decorated officers and have ringing endorsements from your captain." she said, winked and walked away. Chester, without hesitating, dropped to one knee and looked up at Georgia.

"My first proposal wasn't exactly what I'd had in mind, so I'll try again. Georgia Davis, will you marry me?" he asked. Georgia tapped her chin in mock thought.

"I don't know..." she grinned down at him. "Yes, yes and yes." she said. Chester laughed and stood, lifting her in his arms. He kissed her and squeezed her. She hissed. "Whoa, hey. Easy on the stomach, lover." she said. Chester smiled apologetically, but kissed her again. "Wait a minute, didn't she say something about 'Our Captain'?" Georgia asked. Chester's eyebrows reached his hairline.

"I think we oughta drop by the Squadroom."

12345 The Squadroom 678910

Cragen noticed the shadow that fell across his desk. He looked up and saw his junior Detectives standing in the doorway.

"Now I see why you two have such a good starting arrest record. You two could intimidate anyone." he said. Georgia walked in and sat down in one of the chairs, wincing a little. Cragen smiled sympathetically. Chester leaned against the doorway.

"You knew." she accused, but with a smile on her face.

"I just got a call from Judge Tivin, she asked how I thought you two were with Amanda, I told the truth." he shrugged.

"Thank you." she said. Don grinned.

"You're welcome. Now go home and hug your little girl. You both get two weeks off. Come back when you're ready." he said. Georgia stood up, walked around the desk and gave him a one armed hug. He patted her arm and Georgia pulled away, smiling.

12345 The Brownstone 678910

"Amanda!" Chester called as they walked in. Georgia winced as she made the last step and walked in. She sat on the couch and unbuttoned the top of her jeans.

"Ahh, much better. Who knew I'd be wishing for sweatpants now?" she said. Chester held up a finger and walked into their bedroom. Amanda came in and sat down next to Georgia. Chester came back, smiling at Georgia and Amanda and handed Georgia a pair of his sweatpants. "Thanks, babe. Listen, Amanda. We have some big news." Georgia said as Amanda moved closer to her as Chester sat on her otherside, leaving her sandwiched between them.

"As soon as we sign, your ours, legally." Chester said. Amanda looked between the two.

"Seriously?" she said, eyes wide.

"Seriously." they said in unison. Amanda squealed, squeezing Georgia, then Chester, around the neck. Pete jumped up on the couch and licked Chester on the face and neck. Laughing he pushed him off.

"Can I go tell Elizabeth across the street?" Amanda asked. Georgia nodded.

"Go ahead, sweetie. Just be home by 3:00." Georgia called after her. Pete jumped down and followed Amanda.

"How are you feeling?" Georgia asked, laying on her side and resting her head in Chester's lap. He sighed and stroked her hair, curling his legs underneath him and adjusting his seat.

"Physically, fine. Emotionally..." he paused, sighing deeply. "I'm gettin' there. It's gonna be a while. But, I'm getting there." he said, leaning down to kiss just below her ear.

"We'll get through it. It's what we were designed to be like. To quote Tim McGraw 'We carry on, when our lives come undone, we carry on, cause there's promise in the morning sun'." she said and kissed the back of his hand.

"Also to quote Tim McGraw 'Everything inside of me is wanting you and needing you, I'm so in love with you'." he replied and kissed her. She grinned.

"I love you too."
