A/N: When I got my first request (brought to you by AmazonTurk) she suggested, "Buttons" by the Pussycat dolls. She also said to include, "Stripping and the chairs" I did not know what she was talking about. I haven't heard that song in the longest time, and didn't even watch the music video. But when I did, I LOL'D so hard, I died. "MUST. DO THIS. SONG." was concluded.

Best if your imagination had a quick bath and is chipper and curious, and prone to show you pictures you don't usually want to see.

Warning: Anything that was originated from, "Stripping and the chairs" cannot be a good sign, now can it?

Disclaimer: I'm very sorry to Square Enix and Disney for mutilating their series of Kingdom Hearts so badly. Also, the song, "Buttons" Belongs to the Pussycat dolls.

Chapter 3: Buttons

As you recall back in chapter one, when poor old Mansex lost both his dignity and sanity when he was faced with a troupe of can-canning minions who seemed to loose all willpower when struck with the odd tune developed by the Melodious Nocturne himself. But you recall, a certain little chocobo head who failed to succumb to such powers.

I know, lets do a flashback! Flashbacks are ALWAYS interesting!

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Axel, with the loyal accompaniment of Roxas, strolled in, Axel asking, "Yo, what's this I hear about someone being gay and someone else being okay with it?"

And BAM! That was it. Axel was singing-zombified. However, for some reason, Roxas was unaffected, and was appalled and shocked, backing up and slumping against the wall-that-refused-to-is.

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Demyx had been curious about this. Why hadn't Roxas been affected? Everyone else had, and took little fight to get it, too.

He pondered this as he went on the Internet, he pondered this when he found a new song, and was fully prepared to use it while he finished pondering and started plotting.

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Roxas was in the kitchen-that-isn't, eating some scrambled eggs that Larxene had made. Truthfully, Larxene sucked as a cook-- but she made some DAMN good eggs. There was some kind of a rumor going around that said it was because she was killing baby chickens, but whatever. Roxas thought they were good. No matter how... incredibly sadistic that was.

As Roxas lifted the fork to his mouth, he heard the melodic twang of a musical instrument. He put the fork down and looked around. "Demyx?" He called. There was no answer, so he went back to his eating.

Then, with a sound that shouldn't be possible on a sitar, a loud penetrating whistle made it to Roxas' ears. His person twitched, but he didn't really react. He shook his head and continued to eat.

There was a pause, one that was filled with Demyx's utter confusion and scratching of the head, but he was a persistent melodious nocturne, and he tried again. And this time, he could tell it worked:

Roxas froze, with his fork halfway in his mouth, some scrambled egg unbalanced from the shove into his mouth fell out and onto his lap. The hell happened? Roxas thought. Come on... I wanna... eat... some... eggs! Dammit! Why can't I move?

"Score!" Demyx cheered, and ran to him. "Roxas? You ready?"

Roxas' head turned to him mechanically. "Yes..." Ready? Ready for what?

"Good." Demyx's mind was eased. Maybe it was just some sort of glitch. "Now... we are going to go sing..."

And... for suspenseful reasons, Demyx's voice dropped to a whisper as he told Roxas what he was to do.

Oh HELL no!

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Axel was in the Break-room-of-non-existence-and-cake-that-are-lies, watching something Monty Python.

"Your arms off!"

"No it isn't."

"Then what's that, then?"

"...I've had worse."

"You LIE!"

Actually, I lied. Axel wasn't really watching it. He wasn't in the mood for weird British humor at the moment. He was flipping through a magazine, while listening to it, smirking whenever something witty was heard. Saix was in the room, off in his own little world, reliving the moment that he and the superior had shared. Then he would shudder. The kind of shudder that makes YOU wanna shudder. The kind of shudder that makes you wanna shudder the kind of shudder that makes OTHER PEOPLE shudder. THAT kind of shudder.

And, being in his own little world, this meant that he had unfortunately let all his guard down. This would be his downfall. There was a high-pitched sound that Axel didn't seem to hear, but Saix heard it well. Too well. He was succumbed in a matter of 5 seconds. Go on, count, I dare you.

He promptly went to do as he was told, lock all doors except one.

Axel didn't notice.

And that would be HIS downfall.

In trooped Roxas, Marluxia, Zexion, and Xemnas through the only door to escape. They all lined up side by side next to each other, Roxas in the middle. Demyx arrived after this, prancing to the corner to start the music. Saix promptly locked the last door before joining the line.

Axel still didn't notice.

Demyx began the music, knocking his palm against his sitar at the same time so as to recreate beat, synchronizing his strumming, making the music... SHIMMER.

Axel muted the movie, wondering what was going on, and turned around.

Zexion walked forward in a... for lack of a better word, "pimpish" sort of way, rapping, if you will, "What it do, babyboo."

And on that cue, the rest of them strutted forward (and this doesn't sound as sexy unless you're listening to the song at the same time so go look it up on Youtube. Its more funny that way.) swinging their hips and (although easier for some then others) proving themselves rather... flexible.

"Yeah, little mama you lookin' good," Zexion began to rap, bobbing his head and pointing rather suggestively at Roxas, who seemed to lead this little ...uh, thing."I see you wanna play with a player from the hood, come holla at me, you got it like that-- Big Sexy Zexy, with the lead PussyCAT."

Axel stared, "The hell? Guys, are you sick or something?" But it started to get a little awkward when Roxas started to do a suggestive... rubbing, on the slightly taller nobody. (I'd say Zexy's got about 2 inches on 'em)

"ROXAS?? What are you-- that's SICK, MAN!"

Tell me about it! And I can't stop this! NOO, stop it body, stooop!

But Roxas' physical self refused to be sueded by the mad sobbings of a very confused teenager.
"I show you how it go down, YEAH! I wanna go down me and you, one on one, treat you like a short-AY-- You look at me and I look at you, I'm reachin' for your shirt what you want me to do?" Zexion completed his rap, making a completely unneeded, but totally necessary grab movement towards Roxas' coat.

"I'm tellin' ya to--" In response to Zexion's solo, Roxas, along with his background singers, ripped their coats off, showing in full view, quite a bit of flesh, and a bikini top. "LOOSEN up mah buttons BABEH!"

"GERFLUF!!" Was the basic sound Axel made when this flash happened, and the magazine went flying while Axel didn't make such a graceful arc. His ass went straight for the coffee table as he unintentionally tipped backwards in a strange concoction of disgust and confusion.

But the song wasn't stopping for a long time now... "Uh-huh." Was the backup being sung-- everyone nodding to the beat, Xemnas and Saix started rubbing on each other, in a vaguely interesting way to prove how sexy the other was.

"But you keep FRONTIN'!" Roxas uttered, flexing his spinal cord in a way no nobody thought possible.

"Uh." The rest of them grunted, copying his gymnastic moves... or... whorish, really, but I'm trying to be poetic here, give me a chance.

"Saying what you gon' do to me" Roxas made a suggestive stride across his cross-dressing chest with his hand.

"Uh-huh" Marluxia bent down close to Roxas like he was about to kiss his neck, but didn't, while Roxas turned his head to the side flirtatiously. Noooo, get away from Marluxia! You're no gay man-whore!... I'M no gay man-whore!

"But I ain't seen nothing."

"Uh!"The rest of them responded by a longer moan, turning respectively to their partner and arching his back at him. Zexion wasn't really needed around this point in time, so he just stood off to the side with Demyx in a daze. So, accordingly, Xemnas and Saix did their thing while Roxas got it on with Marluxia. (Oh the pairings that could erupt from this.)

Axel shielded his eyes, "This isn't RIGHT! Roxas! Marluxia, get away from him! Superior! What the-- SAIX??"

Then they promptly stopped their gay shenanigans, turned towards the frightened and disturbed red-head, and started to walk. Like one of those models on a Victoria Secret catwalk.

"I'm telling ya to loosen up mah buttons baby." Roxas sang.

"Uh-huh." Everyone else sounded, waving their hips around to show off their junk.

"But you keep frontin'"

"Uhh..." The slutty singers suddenly stopped and did a slide, flipping their long and short hair, while curving out themselves so their rib-cages and their couldn't be man-boobs could be the center of attention.

"Saying what you gon' do to me..." Then they stopped and posed: each just as slutty if not sluttier then the other. "But I seen nothin'"


"Typical," Roxas sung his solo, running his hand across his neck, "Hardly the type I fall FO'..."
The song slowed a bit, and they stepped towards Axel seductively, as he packed himself up against the TV, while Roxas and all his possessed glory reached for him with a single finger, singin', "I like when the physical, don't leave me askin' fo' mo'!"

Then he struck a pose, running his hands down his chest, going, "I'm a sexy mama!" He declared.
"Mama!" Xemnas and Saix echoed.

"Who knows just how to get what I wanna!" Roxas closed his eyes and tilted his head up.

"Wanna!" Zexion and Marluxia called out.

"What I wanna do is spring this on ya!" Roxas sang, swinging his hips exaggeratedly.

"On ya!" Xemnas and Saix repeated, copying his forward movements.

"Back up all of the things I told ya!" Roxas moaned, while in the background the rest of them whispered in chorus, "Told ya, told ya, told ya!"

Demyx grinned happily, strumming his sitar and beating the side of it with his fist, swaying and nodding his head to the beat. Axel pressed himself against the TV, confused, horrified, but mostly confused. Why, was his thoughts, and why this song?

Roxas stepped towards him again, singing, "You been sayin' all the right things, all night long! But I can't seem to get you over here to help take this off!" And on cue, him and everyone else unzipped their coats all the way and brandished their chests.

"Baby can't you SEE?" He felt up his coat before chucking it to the side.

"See?" The rest echoed, throwing their coats at Axel like roses.

"How these clothes are fittin' on me?" Roxas unzipped his pants.

"Me!" Saix repeated. The rest undid their bikini strings.

"And the heat comin' from this beat!" Roxas waggled in his underwear while inner Roxas slammed his head repeatedly against the wall in his mind.

"Beat!" Xemnas and Zexion felt up their new-found nakedness in attempt to impress Axel.

Axel felt himself throw up a little in his mouth.
They moaned harder and sang, "I'm about to bloooow, I don't think you know!"

The repeated the whole charade a second time, singing about how "I'm tellin' you to loosen up mah buttons babeh!" and "Sayin' what you gon' do ta me!" and speaking about how much they wished Axel would put them to bed... Axel tried to subtly go around them and sneak out the doors. However, with Saix locking them up like that, it slowed him down tragically and soon, they were upon him.

Several things had happened at once. It could've been that Xemnas wasn't as graceful as his current character had to be, or it could've been that that wide sweeping arc he managed to do with his leg was simply just too graceful. Another thing that happened was that someone had placed a table in his way. A third thing was that that table had on it several pounds of glitter on it. In a nice little bowl; for a project that was unknown at the moment. Well, because of-- wait that was... that was one thing... okay, because of Xemnas and his ridiculous stripper-esque action, those several pounds of glitter flew into the air, and somehow managed to hang in air and fall down in waves... much like snow. If it had been a better moment, one would gaze upon it in awe and sigh, "Pretty...!"

"You say you're a big boy! But I can't agree..." Roxas felt up his chest and shook his head sadly, sending glitter that had fallen into his hair to swarm up in small glittery clouds, "Cause the love you said you had ain't been put on me!"

"But I wonder!" Marluxia said behind him.

"Wonder!" The rest echoed, while Roxas did his show.

"If I'm just too much for yooou!" Saix moaned.

Axel scrambled for escape, but only managed to slip on a pretty large pile of glitter, and sent up more sparkles into the air.

"Wonder!" Xemnas twirled and immersed himself in the shiny.

"Wonder!" Zexion emphasized.

"If my kiss don't make you just..." Roxas touched his lips lustfully for a second, biting it and looking at Axel suggestively, while Axel scrambled against the repressive special effects.

"Wonder..." Marluxia whispered

"Wonder!" Xemnas and Saix cooed in unison.

"What I got next for YOU!" Roxas gasped, and grabbed a chair, singing, "What you wanna DO?"

"Do!" The rest followed his example.

"Take a chance-- to recognize," Roxas pointed to himself by rubbing a hand against his chest sexually, placing a leg high on the chair, before twirling, and sitting, "that this..."

"Could be yours!" They all sang in unison.
Axel had finally gotten to his feet, having been thoroughly shaken by his fall by the glitter, which had finally settled in large clumps on the floor, and the passing contact the four of them had given him while attempting to get him to become aroused. All Axel felt was sick. What the hell was this anyway? Why is this happening? Was it Demyx's fault? Why was he just sitting there playing his damned sitar! This sucks! He couldn't get away. What was this supposed to mean? He had to wait it out to the end of the song? Who knew how long THAT was gonna take! "Guys!" He pleaded, "Snap out of it! Don't you know what the hell you're doing?"

But they had merely ignored him, continuing their metaphors of sex with games and how they'd like to just take all their clothes off and how hot they were becoming because of how sexy the whole thing was. Speaking about "heat" and "loosening up" more "buttons" and how Axel was doing a terrible job of trying to sex them up. They danced around their chairs, stood on them, straddled them, did a bit of dry humping if you looked close enough. They shook their money-makers and showed off their stuff. The chair, as useful as it was for sitting, had found itself a whole new purpose.

And Zexion, who had stood quiet for a fair bit of time, finally began to move with renewed vigor, leaning against Axel, with a hand attempted to go around his shoulder as he rapped, "Now you can get what you want, but I need what I need!" He pointed at the dancing girly-men, then put his hand on Axel, "And let me tell you what's crackalackin' befo' I proceed!"

They had all gone back to the whole cat-walk strutting towards him, wagging their hips and wriggling around, while Zexion used his weight to bend Axel to his will, whispering, "Imma show you were to put it at! PCD told me, yeah, I thought I saw a Putty-cat!" Zexion's hand went to Roxas cheek, and Axel could only witness horrified, "Now roll wit' the big dog-- All for of ya'll on me, now tell me how it feel babydoll-- Roxy, Saix, Xemnas, Marluxia-- you feelin' me?" He bent Axel's head down, while the rest of them burst into strange orgasms, dancing with renewed vigor.

"Huh- huuh-- hot!" Roxas hissed. "Ha... haaa... loosen up!"

"Mn... yeah!" Saix and Xemnas dirty-danced each other in the background, breathing ragged.

"Uhhh-- can't take this!"

And then, thank God, there was no more singing; at least, for a little bit. There was just more dancing. They bounced, waggled and shook. They pelvic-thrusted and threw their arms in large exaggerated motions. They did hair-flips, they shook their whole bodies. Axel just managed to get out of Zexion's grasp, only to be met with tackling fan-service and naked body contact. Then they sang again, singing about how he should just rip their clothes off, which Axel obviously did not want to do.

Roxas, while still being himself in his own body, was dealing with trauma, and was crying to himself. Why isn't this over yet?

And, finally granting his wish, the music stopped shimmering, Demyx stopped humming and smiling to himself, and stood up. Once they had sung "But I seen nothin'!" The song... was complete.

But before the song was officially complete, apparently, Roxas' body couldn't take the strain anymore, and reached out, mouth open, at Axel, but had slipped, terribly, awfully, conveniently, over a mound of glitter, and Roxas missed by about a few feet. Luckily, he managed to actually hit Axel instead of the hard, cold, unforgivably shiny floor. But what he did hit, was not something a lot of people would like to hit.

But that was not to be noticed yet. Because, once out of their cold, cold trance, the first thing these men noticed was that there was, for some reason, a whole lot of glitter everywhere. The second thing they noticed was that there was a terrible draft.

There was silence. Then a strangled gurgle, and finally a full-grown scream of utter confusion, and finally hysteria, in which everyone flew in all direction, yelling, confused, general utter chaos.

Roxas, however, didn't burst into hysteria. While his best friend whimpered in a corner curled into a ball, having had a head butt to the crotch, Roxas cried.

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...now that I think about it, I'm sorry for that mental image. Very very sorry. So... here we are. Finally updated something. Very sorry... hopefully this has broken my horrible streak of non-activeness.

As Always,
