A/N: Hello, peoples! So I have this idea for a little contest for all of you readers. So the contest is this: Who can draw the best scene from any of mine and Lyn's fanfics? In case you don't know them all, here they are:

We're Not In A Fanfic (Yu-Gi-Oh!)
TV's Are Starting to Revolt (Yu Yu Hakusho)
Eating Food From Bleach (Bleach, obviously)
The Dark Shards (Inuyasha)
Is Blood Thicker Than Water? (Vampire Knight)
Shinigami, Fangirls, Detectives, Killers, Oh My! (Death Note)
Wristbands (Naruto)
Hellions Break Loose (Supernatural)
and A World Apart (Final Fantasy 7) -- on Lyn's fanfiction account, if you haven't read it

What I mean by scenes is that you can draw Lyn getting mad at Reneey for cursing out Seto in We're Not in a Fanfic!, Hiei kidnapping Reneey and Lyn from TVs Are Starting to Revolt, or any other scene from any of our fanfics listed above.

Here's how you must enter: You send me a PM or an email (you can find it on my profile) with the LINK of your picture. It can be photobucket, deviantArt, whatever. AS LONG AS IT'S A LINK AND NOT A FILE!

Use this form:

What story did you pick?:
What characters are in it?:
What's happening in the picture?:

The deadline is May 30th; the winner will be announced on June 10th.

AND THE PRIZE! (Insert flashing lights and all that pretty shiny stuff here)
The winner will get a sneak peek into our upcoming Elfen Lied, Code Geass, Full Metal Alchemist, and Avatar: The Last Airbender fanfics as well as a special treat from each of us. I will do a dedicated AMV, and Lyn is too indecisive to decide on one thing so she's said she'll do a sketch, edit it with Paint Shop Pro if you want, random abstract on PSP, do a new humor avatar, make an AMV, write a oneshot -- basically it's your call. Yes that's right, folks! Six prizes for one little fanart! Think you're up to it!?

Second place will get to pick a prize from either me or Lyn and choose two of those four sneak peeks, so basically you get half the first place prize. And for third there will be an award of one sneak peek. And if you respond to our sneak peeks with comments, you'll get mentioned and/or quoted in the author's note of the first chapter of that fic when it's posted!!!

Oh and you might want to check out our deviantArt to see our stuff before you decide what you want for a prize -- Lyn's is LadyOfRandomness(dot)deviantart(dot)com and mine's ReneeyUmbra(dot)deviantart(dot)com so check us out!


"Lynni?" Reneey asked as she gently tugged on Lyn's shirt. "It's morning! And I'm hungry!" Reneey pouted as she poked Lyn's cheeks.

"Mm?" Lyn murmured, opening one eye and flinching in surprise only slightly before she remembered the events of the previous night. Little Reneey. Right. And their conversation...

"Do you know what time it is?" she asked slowly, peering at the clock on the wall which hadn't ticked since she had been here -- actually, probably since the mid 90's, if he the decor was any indication. "No, you probably don't know how to tell time..." Sighing, she dug her cell phone out of her pocket and checked the time -- 9:24. Good. That meant it was high time for Dean and Sam to get a rude wake-up call.

Reneey shrugged. "I dunno, I don't konw how to tell time yet, and all I know is that the sun goes down so that means it's nighttime and when the moon goes down, that means it's morning or afternoon..." She shook her head. "Anyway, I want my lasagna!"

"You can have lasagna for lunch," Lyn responded tensely. "You need cereal or something for breakfast. Come on, let's go wake up Sam and Dean, okay?"

"Pancakes with syrup?" the five-year-old asked with wide brown eyes. "And water? Or iced tea? No orange juice, that's icky. No, coffee! I love coffee! French vanilla?"

"I don't think they'll have french vanilla coffee here, hon," Lyn said as she took the little girl's hand and let her out the door toward the other room. "But we'll see about getting you breakfast after we wake Dean and Sam up."

A grin appeared on Reneey's face. "Can I wake them up? Pretty please?"

Lyn considered that for only a second before a slightly evil grin spread across her face as well. Somehow kids always had a way of waking people up in the most random and often frightening ways imaginable. "All right," she agreed, but just to make sure, she also added, "But you know, it's really important that they get up quickly so that we can get your breafast and everything. Because if they don't get up, you don't get lasagna!"

Reneey's eyes quickly filled with worry as she raced to Dean's room first and pounced on him. "WAKY WAKY BIG MEANI MONSTER!"

"Ahh!" Dean was taken by surprise and almost fell off the bed. "What the hell!?" He blinked, trying to figure out what exaclty just happened.


"I am awake you brat!"

"If she's a brat, you're so low below her on that totem pole that pond scum would be ashamed to be compared to you," Lyn growled as she stood at the door with her arms crossed. "She wakes you up and you cuss at her?"

"She pounced on me and almost gave me a heart attack! This is the devil's child!"

Reneey giggled and began to jump on him. "This is fun!"

"Oh?" Lyn hissed, her eyes narrowing suddenly. "Is that what you forgot to tell me?"

Dean blinked and looked at Lyn in confusion. "What -- ow! -- do -- ow! -- you me -- ow! -- an?"

"I mean what Reneey was talking about last night," Lyn growled. "About our parents. Which you and Sam obviously didn't find freaking important enough to tell us!"

Dean blinked and looked at Lyn in confusion. "What -- ow! -- do -- ow! -- you me -- ow! -- an?"

"I mean what Reneey was talking about last night," Lyn growled. "About our parents. Which you and Sam obviously didn't find freaking important enough to tell us!"

Dean blinked for a moment and was confused. "What do you mean?" he asked once he took Reneey off of him. Everybody knows that Dean's memory is as Reneey's.

Reneey ran to Lyn, grinning. "I did it! Where's Sam's room?"

"There," Lyn said, pointing to the door before giving Dean one last death glare and stating simply, "If you're lying, I'm gonna break your face." Then she turned and headed for Sam's room right behind a hurriedly running Reneey.

As soon as Sam's door was opened, Reneey ran right in like a bullet. A couple second later, there came crashes and cabooms.


"I'M UP I'M UP!" Sam surrendered as he got up from the floor sporting a bloody nose and buises.

"Sissy is pissed at you!" Reneey said, grinning.

"... What?"

"Yeah, 'sissy,'" Lyn said coolly as she walked in, one eyebrow arched dangerously. "Imagine that, Sam. Reneey seems to remember me being her sister, and a whole lot of other things that somehow we never learned about when we got back to our regular ages again."

Sam widened his eyes and did a nervous chuckle. "Oh yeah... about that... uh... I ca explain... really I can!"