Pairings: Prowl/Jazz, Wheeljack/Ratchet/Ironhide, Red Alert/Inferno and a special surprise pairing that took even me by surprise!
Disclaimer: As per usual, the good things in life are not mine to have, but belong to someone else... in this case Hasbro, Takara and IDW and anyone else I've forgotten…
Authors Note: Written for the 'prowlxjazz' Livejournal community Christmas challenge, which is based around the four candles of advent. This one is for Hope. I am squarely placing the blame for the threesome on 'vejiraziel' who introduced me to the delights of Ratchet/Ironhide… I normally pair our dear CMO with Wheeljack… and, let's just say I'm indecisive… which resulted in the threesome… looks completely innocent Any other strange possible pairings can be blamed on cider… And I am never going to be able to get the image of Ratchet pole-dancing out of my head… not that I'm complaining mind you, just saying…
Feedback makes friends. Flames dealt with by the masters of paranoia and fire, Red Alert and Inferno."Right, the baubles go there. No, not there Sideswipe!" Jazz called out.

"I like the Christmas that fulfills my needs ... to be forgiven from greed and selfishness, to fill my empty soul with peace and compassion, for hope and faith and charity, for myself renewed and hope restored in an erring world" –Robert D. Wigert

"But they're more fun there."

"I'll 'more fun' you Sideswipe." Ratchet growled from across the room. "If I have to remove any of those from your exhaust pipe, I'm not using any pain dampeners!"

"Awww, you're no fun." Sideswipe pouted and hung the bauble on the huge pine tree they had dragged into the Ark. How Trailbreaker and Hound had managed to transport it back, Prowl didn't know. And he hadn't wanted to read the details of Ratchet's resulting medical report too closely. That and Jazz had decided to peer round the doorway to Prowl's office as he had picked up that datapad put paid to any intentions he had.

"Sometimes I can't understand how you can manage to organise something like this." Prowl muttered in amazement.

"Heh, learned from the master of organisation." Jazz retorted good-naturedly, elbowing Prowl gently in the side. Prowl shot him a wry look before sighing.

"I have to get back to work." He ventured almost reluctantly.

"Thanks for keeping Red off our backs." Jazz murmured, discretely reaching round to squeeze Prowl's hand.

"I'm not the one you should be thanking. Although I do think Inferno will be thanking you later."

"It's best for me not to ask ain't it?" Jazz asked. Prowl shook his head and smiled. "I so did not need that image Prowl!" Jazz gasped.

Prowl left the rec. room and headed towards his office. He still had reports to check over before he could retire for the evening. He had spent most of the day covering shifts for those mechs involved in setting up for the Christmas party Jazz had planned for the following evening. The only things running through his processor now were to sign off the reports and get some well deserved recharge. He picked up the first report on the pile, scanning through it and noting down anything he needed to confirm or raise with Optimus Prime.

Finally after several long hours, he was finished with all the reports. He made his way back to his quarters, frowning briefly as he could see a light shining from under the door. Keying in his code he was greeted with the sight of Jazz curled up on his recharge berth. A small smile crossed his face and with some difficulty (not that he would ever complain) he managed to fit himself on the berth next to Jazz as comfortably as he could.

"You are definitely incorrigible." He murmured affectionately.


The party was scheduled for Christmas Eve, to enable their human friends to join in without making them miss their own holiday customs. Prowl was amazed at the transformation that had taken place in the rec. room as he walked through the door. Garish decorations hung from virtually every available space on the wall. The huge tree that had been the cause of one of Ratchet's most colorful diatribe was decorated in a stunning array of colors; the baubles having been hung in such a manner to reflect the soft lighting that now illuminated the room.

"Good eh?" Ironhide muttered as he pushed past Prowl, making his way over to the corner where Ratchet was standing, talking animatedly with Wheeljack.

"Good? It's amazing." Prowl replied to himself.

"Thanks." Prowl felt a hand trail its way gently down his doorwings.


"Prowl. C'mon, let's get this party started!" He cut off any semblance of a protest Prowl could have made by grabbing hold of both of the tactician's hands and dragging him fully into the rec. room.

The music was loud and overly Christmassy, a fact that seemed to be lost on Blaster who was concentrating on simultaneously pumping out the music at as high a volume as he could get away with and downing a cube of high-grade. Prowl watched with concealed amusement as he managed it, only to have another cube shoved in his hand by none other than Bluestreak. The young gunner was hovering by Blaster's side, making sure that their music player was well taken care of. And Blaster certainly didn't look as though he was displeased by the attention. In fact, the way he ran his hands down Bluestreak's doorwings… Prowl turned to find Jazz at his side, a wide grin plaster on his face.
"Drink up and you might get some of that." He said cheekily, nodding towards Blaster and Bluestreak before thrusting a cube of high-grade into Prowl's hands and dancing away. Prowl spluttered briefly before he shook his head fondly, deciding it might be prudent to offline his battle computer while he was around Jazz.

As the party went on, more and more high-grade was consumed, particularly among the 'younger' Autobots. In fact, the only Autobots to stay relatively 'sober' were Prowl and Ratchet, although both Wheeljack and Ironhide were trying to change that particular fact. And Ratchet, against both his partners tag-teaming him stood little chance, Prowl's battle computer told him. Even Optimus Prime had succumbed and was on his fourth cube, swaying merrily to the music still being played at an excessively loud volume. Prowl took a moment and looked around the assembled group. Everyone was enjoying themselves. Gears and Huffer had sequestered themselves away in a corner, chatting together; the pile of empty cubes at their feet steadily growing. The sound of laughter drifted around the room – a sound that Prowl hadn't heard since they'd crashed here. It was music to his audios. Morale was creeping up, the party doing everyone more good than they might admit. The human custom of Christmas was rubbing off on them and Prowl found himself wondering what other customs the humans had. Were they all so frivolous? Yet, at the same time, there was an enormous sense of family. Prowl suddenly found his logic center flashing a warning at him, and he made his way outside.

The air was cool and crisp, a soft blanket of white covering the landscape. Prowl stood and just gazed, letting the peacefulness of the night wash over him. The sounds of the party drifted outside, mingling with the quiet night. He heard footsteps behind him, not needing to turn around to recognise who had followed him out.

"Prowl?" Questioning. Almost worried.

"I'm fine Jazz. Just needed some fresh air." He could hear Jazz laugh, tearing his optics away from the snow covered visage in front of him as the saboteur came to stand by his side.

"Beautiful ain't it?"

"Most certainly. It looks so peaceful. It's so hard to believe we have brought our war to this planet."

"Ain't nothing we could do about that Prowl." Jazz said, entwining his hand in Prowl's. "Besides, tonight there's no war. There's only love and light and laughter!" As he finished the sentence, a burst of laughter could be heard from inside.

"That would be Ratchet showing off his dancin' skills." Jazz explained, the smile on his face giving away one of the reasons he had decided to follow Prowl.

"I take it Wheeljack and Ironhide finally managed to get him to drink more high-grade than he could handle?" Prowl asked dryly.

"You could say that." Jazz finally allowed the laughter out. "Man, you should have seen him… I think the Twins took a few snaps. Heck, he even posed for one of them! As much as he could pose holding on to Ironhide for dear life!" Prowl listened as Jazz recounted the events that had lead up to Ratchet 'shakin' his thing' (as Jazz put it), a weight lifting off his spark as he realised that they might find a way to end the war and find themselves a new home amongst new friends.

"Thank you Jazz."

"For what?"

"For giving everyone hope again."

"Hey, I didn't do nothing. I just organised a party."

"Needless to say, you didn't disappoint."

"Hope I never disappoint ya Prowl." Jazz turned to face Prowl and grinned suddenly, making Prowl actually take a step back. Several scenarios ran through his battle computer and he quickly discounted all of them. He didn't expect to see Jazz pull a sprig of green and white and hold it over their heads. Quirking an optic ridge, he waited for Jazz's explanation.

"Mistletoe. Ya have to kiss when you're standing under it."