1- Take It Out On Me

Ichigo sat on his bed silently, looking out the window into the darkness, sighing as he shook his head. Shiro's water-like voice hasn't went off in a long torturous while, as if in deep thought. Which was usually unusual for the dark half. The white haired demon never thought this much, usually he'd be talking to Ichigo about wanting to be out for a while to kill something, or someone, which the orange haired teen automatically refuses.

'Yo, Shiro, talk.'

The white figure was still silent, scratching the back of his neck. "Naw," he complied, "I ain't got much to say, King."

'Stop calling me that, I'm sick of hearing it.'

"Make me."

'Asshole,' he thought bitterly, hearing a very brief chuckle before Shiro slipped back into silence. 'What's the matter?'

"Nothin', I jus' don' feel like talkin'."

Ichigo laid back with a heavy sigh, turning to the side with a grimace. 'Geez. Usually you wanna talk about blood and that other crap.'

"Is it unusual for me not t' talk?"


"T' bad, I don' wanna, so go suck -"

'I'll kill you if you finish that!!' he thought, hissing angrily. 'I get it, you don't wanna talk, geez. That's all you had to say.'

"I did." Shiro stated dryly.

"Shut the hell up." Ichigo sneered.

He shut his brown eyes with a deep frown. He hated it when Shiro got like this sometimes, epecially when he wanted to talk to someone, when he was home alone.
Shiro sighed, lifting himself up, realizing he was in possession of Ichigo's body, flexing his left hand's fingers in his face, wiggling them as he sighed.

'Tch, why let me be in possession now?'

He stood, opening the window and leaping out with a huff, frowning as he darted off, looking over to the side to see a Hell Butterfly not far from where he was, seeing Renji emerge from it with Rukia, both blinking once they caught sight of the vizard.

"Ichigo?" Rukia blinked, seeing the white haired form turn and rush off someplace else, both shinigami running after him, Rukia having a worried look on her face, swearing she saw white hair instead of orange. "Renji, be prepared for the worst!"

"R...right." the pony-tailed shinigami nodded, holding onto his Zanpaku-to tightly, trying to understand how Ichigo could be a threat.
Shiro flash stepped into a park, turning to face the two Soul Reapers, his Hollow mask vaporizing onto his face, red strips dashed everywhere, his golden eyes flashing angrily.

"Why don' ya leave me alone, Soul Reapers?!" he growled, bringing an arm back, dashing towards Renji, who thrust his blade forth.

"Roar Zabimaru." he frowned, leaping at the Hollow, turning his blade in a half circle, the blade extending and cutting the pale form's left arm, screaming out in pain as his Spiritual Energy slowly healing the wound. "Geez...I can't believe this."

'Ichigo's a vizard...'

"Months of pain! A gift between you and the next! A precious gift, yet a sin!" Rukia cried, running towards Shiro, slamming her hand onto his face, the other on his stomach, pushing him out of Ichigo's body. "Separation!!"

Shiro coughed out, blood spurting from his mouth, clenching his eyes shut, flash stepping out of there as Renji lifted Ichigo's sleeping form over his shoulder, a quirked brow as he looked over at Rukia, whom was frowning, not able to stop Shiro from getting away.

"Let's go, Rukia, we need to get Ichigo home before he wakes up."

The dark haired girl nodded, frowning as she followed the redhead.
Having laid Ichigo down, both Renji and Rukia left, yet, the orange haired teen opened his eyes, seeing Shiro sit beside him with a deep frown.


"Hai, they kicked me out." he scowled, rubbing the side of his head, blinking once he was slammed to the ground, seeing Ichigo on top of him. "King?"

"Tch, this means I can take my frustration out on you." he smirked, leaning down as Shiro blinked. "Hell, I'll have to thank them later."

"Wait a minute, ya gotta be kiddin', you're gonna thank 'em?!"


Pale lips connected with Shiro's, causing the Hollow to blink from shock, but it all was happening a little too fast for him to stop it.

"Wait a damn minute! Stoppit, King, think 'bout what you're doin'!!"

"Too late, Shiro," he grinned cruelly.

'Shit...' the white form thought as he blushed slightly.