I don't own anything from Transformers Armada, which really sucks.

Chapter 1

The dry air in Nevada was enough to make anyone wheeze and cough. The little town next to the technology center on the small mountain was lazily going through another day. Summer vacation had started a week ago and school wouldn't start until 2 and half months later. Rad had just woken up from his deep sleep. It was 11:27 am. He hadn't slept in this late since he had to stay and clean up after a party his parents had during Christmas vacation. He let out a loud yawn. 'Time to get up self. Need to go meet the Autobots today.' Rad slowly got out of bed. He felt weak all over thanks to a condition he had. Rad couldn't think to call the condition a virus or illness. Since when did something make you feel weak and get you maroon colored bruises all over your body? He quickly sighed and started to walk towards the bathroom for a nice lukewarm shower.

As soon as he got out he sat at the table with his parents and decided to eat a bowl of cereal before heading out. "Morning, Rad. It's about time that you got up." His mom said from behind the refrigerator giving Rad the milk. "Sorry mom. I've just been really tired lately."

"Tired?" was his dad's reply while he was reading the newspaper. "Its summer vacation now, how can you be tired?"

"I don't know dad. I just am. Well, I'll be with Carlos and Alexis all day today."

"Ok Rad. Come home before 9 o'clock ok?" His mom called out after him as he headed out the door. He grabbed his bike and started riding over to Carlos's house.

Carlos was already out the door when Rad stopped in front of his yard. "Hey, Rad! You ready to get going?"

"You bet Carlos! Come on, I'll race you there!"

"You're going down dude!"

They started to race down the roads and sidewalks until they came to the secret door opening into the Autobot base. "Ah man! I lost!"

"Don't worry Rad; I'm sure you'll beat me someday…" Carlos stated rubbing off his victory on his best friend.

They both laughed down the long hallways, towards the command center of the base. The doors opened and Optimus was talking to Scavenger when he noticed the two boys come in. "Hello, Rad, Carlos."

"What's up Optimus?" said Carlos making his way down to the 2 bots. "Nothing much Carlos. The minicons seem to be a little restless right now and we're trying to figure out why." Optimus responded. "Maybe you two could find out more. Are you willing to try?"

"No problemo Optimus! Rad and I will go check things out."

Rad started towards another door leading to the minicons with Carlos following close behind.

"Do you think they'll find out Optimus?" Scavenger asked. "Remember Scavenger, the kid's have a greater bond to the minicons then we do. They trust them." Optimus replied to him. It was the only reply given back before Optimus decided to check on Red Alert who was working in one of the engine rooms.

""Hey guys." Rad said when he entered the room where most of the minicons were.Highwire quickly came up to Rad and greeted him. All the rest of the minicons looked tense. Rad could sense it.

"Hey, Highwire. Are all you guys ok?" Highwire answered back with a series of low and sad clicks.He grabbed his hand and started to pull him with the rest of the other minicons. Shershock went over to Carlos and pulled him out.

"I think they want to talk only to you man." Carlos said before being tugged out of the room by his minicon partner.Rad followed Highwire until he stopped him. He pulled out his shirt to reveal the maroon bruises around his abdomen. The other minicons started to move in towards him.

"Highwire, what are you doing?" Highwire and some other minicons answered him.Highwire looked sadly at Rad.

"Rad…" he said speaking English, "You don't have much time to live." Rad was shocked.

Highwire hardly ever used that voice, only when it was something important, and then after that he realized what Highwire had meant. The thing that was causing him to get weak and giving him these bruises was killing him. Rad fell down to his knees trying to grasp the full meaning of what was happening. After a few minutes, with tears in his eyes Rad spoke.

"Highwire. What's been happening to me? What am I going to tell the others? How long do I have?" All these questions hurt Rad to ask, but since he was going to die, he might as well know what exactly was going on.

"The Virus is killing you Rad. You don't have much time." Rad let out a faint sob. He wasn't even out of high school and he was going to die. But the sudden pain that came from his abdomen made him shut up and he began to cough. Highwire told the other minicons to go the Autobots quickly. The blood that was leaking out of Rad's mouth was the beginning of his death. Rad only had a handful of minutes left.