A/N: Yay! Final Chapter!!!! I have started to write the sequel to LBD but give me a week or so before I post anything (new computer setup). Suggestions, story ideas, plots, and comments are always welcome! If you like my writing style check out the one shots I will be posting this week and next! They are all request stories from friends!

Thank you to everyone that has followed this story! I almost didn't post this but I am glad I did! THANK YOU!

Warning: Contains SEX!

Mai scowled. She was trapped. There was no way she could get out of the situation, not that she really wanted to get out of the situation…but…but still! Naru was already on top of her straddling her and therefore preventing her from moving. She was too weak to push him off or even really offer much verbal protest…considering that her rational side completely shut down as soon as he started to touch her. I guess it is as they say, 'you can't force the willing' and not so much to her dismay she most entirely was willing considering the sight before her.

Naru was caressing her body lightly, barely touching her skin. Her skin seemed to tingle and burn every place that he touched. He started to trail kisses down her exposed skin, where the shirt had gone to was a mystery to her but she didn't much care at the moment. All she knew was that Naru was touching her, his warm body and lips were touching her, and she didn't want it to stop.

Mai laced her fingers in his hair, gently encouraging him closer. Naru grinned into Mai's skin when he felt the contact, he had waited so long for this after all and he was hell bent to enjoy it to the fullest.

His grin deepened when he felt Mai moan with pleasure as his hand found its way into her, massaging and rubbing gently. He trialed his other hand over her fevered flesh and his lips found hers and took them eagerly.

Mai pushed up to him reciprocating the kiss willingly, her hips bucking into his hand. "Naru…" she breathed as he broke off the kiss and smiled at her. Her body still tingled sweetly from his passionate kisses and she blushed at the look he was giving her. "Hurry…" she pleaded while fiddling with his shirt.

Naru took her hand from his shirt and smirked. "Do you really think you can handle me Mai?" He asked devilishly.

Mai gulped at the sight before her. In mere moments Naru had unbuttoned his pants and was now inching his shirt up and off his pale body. It was by sheer willpower that Mai did not have a nose bleed right then and there. She knew Naru was handsome…but the image before her was beyond anything she could have ever imagined. His pale skin was blushed slightly from excitement and it contrasted his eyes and hair in the most amazing way. He was, for lack on any other word, sexy…

"Mai…" he spoke in the most seductive tone he could muster, which was incredibly seductive if he did say so himself. He breathed on her ear and nipped at her skin while he made his downward trek toward his goal all the while crawling agilely from atop her.

Mai could have climaxed right then. The feel of his breath, the sound of his voice, it left a prickling fevered sensation throughout her entire body but before she knew it Naru was already off of her and between her legs positioning him self.

Mai stared dazed at the half naked boy. His pants were falling off his hips and Mai could clearly see how excited he was. "Naru…" she panted his name.

"Mai" he said as casually as he would if he had called her name in the office, "don't move. You don't want to hurt yourself any more than you already have."

There he went again. Making it sound as if she had somehow been at the root cause of all this; that she actually wanted to get hurt or something. Mai decided she really must have some kind of sign above her head that said 'please attack me' or something. She scoffed at his aloof look he was giving her. 'Really he is like a kid or something…'

Before she could continue her thoughts she recoiled backwards slightly as Naru entered her and began to move slowly. In that instant Mai's mind went blank. The heat and passion were overwhelming, so different from what she had to go through before.

"Naru!" She breathed as she reached up to grab him close to her. Her head was dizzy just from looking at his face, not to mention the rest of his body. He was so warm. Naru started to quicken his pace, his face glistened with sweat and Mai was happy to see an expression on his face that she had never seen before. Was he happy?

"Mai…are you okay?" He asked softly as he continued to thrust rhythmically. He gently placed kisses down her neck and collar bone.

"Fine…" she whispered into his hair that she was currently grasping. She was feeling it, oh was she feeling it. "Naru!" she gripped into the bare skin of his back tightly. Her call was met with his lips fervently claiming her own. Mai knew they were both almost at their limit. It wouldn't be long now.

Mai arched her back and squeezed into Naru's exposed chest, he grunted a low and tantalizing moan as he climaxed and settled at her side. Mai's body continued to tingle and shiver with a sweet sensation as she tired to calm herself down. She felt Naru brush a warm hand across her face.

"Are you alright?" he asked calmly. Naru was resting on his side and examining Mai carefully for any signs of pain or distress. He really shouldn't have lost control like he did, but he couldn't wait any longer. The last thing he wanted to do was hurt her or cause her any more trouble than she was already having. He was glad to see Mai blushing softly with a pleasant smile plastered on her face.

"Yeah, I am okay." She turned to face him the smile never leaving her face. "I thought you would be more forceful…"

Naru raised a brow at her. Did she really think… "Why would you think that?" he questioned in amusement.

"Well, I just thought…that would be more like you…or something…" her confused expression brought a smile to his face.

"I can be gentle when I want to be" he said arrogantly. He was met with a scoff.

"Well, this is the first time I have seen it!" She laughed lightly. "But I am glad…I think I like this side of you…"

"You don't like the other side of me?" he smirked playfully.

"That other side of you usually pisses me off, annoys me, or mocks my intelligence…what could I possibly like about that!?" She replied in mock anger.

"You are a horrible liar, Mai. You are so easy to read, like a book. You display your thoughts clearly on your face." He teased and she blushed deeply.

"…I know you like reading books…"

"Yes I do…"


"Are you sure you are alright?" Naru repeated. He was still concerned about the way she was dealing with everything that had happened, or rather the fact that she was not dealing with it.

"Yeah, I told you so! You were good. Though if you really want to know I think anyone would have been better than what I had before. Based on the standards I have to compare it to you were great!" She laughed to herself.

"I don't want you to ever compare me to anyone else. I want to be the only one…" he said seriously. "You can cry you know. Everything you went through, all that was done to you…I think you should tell me what you are really feeling. It is not good to keep it all in."

"I think you need to take your own advise." She muttered softly, cheeks flushed and eyes averted due to the first part of his statement. "It sucked what happened…but it's done and over with. I am alive and no harm was done. Are you going to tell me what you found? Was it that guy?"

"There was harm done. Mentally and physically you were harmed and yet you are acting as if it was nothing." Naru pointed out sternly. "And yes, if you must know, that guy was writing a story on cursed paper. What ever he wrote came to be and that just so happened to take place at this particular inn to virgin girls."

"Cursed paper?" Mai asked confused. "So, it wasn't really his fault. He didn't know what he was writing was causing so much harm."

"Correct." Naru confirmed. "Lin and the others have already taken care of it. There is nothing left to worry about."

"You didn't…" she started hesitantly.

"I didn't do anything. Lin and Bou-san were with me." He watched a relieved expression wash over Mai's face. She didn't have to know that the man did not remain intact after they left, though Lin prevented him from beating the guy to a bloody pulp but he did get in a few gratifying hits that reduced the man to a crumpled heap on the floor. Naru was disappointed that he was unable to inflict more pain than what he had on the man, since the pain he caused was nothing even close to the suffering and pain he caused the girls and their families with his writings.

"Good…he didn't know what he was doing." She mused slightly.

'Damn her kindness' Naru thought darkly to himself. He wanted nothing more than to kill that guy. Ignorance was no excuse. No, death was too easy; after he killed him he would curse him to endless torment and pain in the afterlife, yes that was deserving punishment. "Why…" Naru thought through his words carefully, "did you act the way you did?"

Mai looked at him stunned for a moment before she let her gaze fall. "I didn't want to cause anyone trouble…or make anyone worry."

"You just succeeded in making everyone worry about you more with the attitude you took."

"Yeah, but after I lost my mom I have been alone. I had to deal with everything alone and it is hard for me to change my way of thinking so easily. I am not used to having people around me that will worry for me…"

"You are a fool…" he responded and softly hit the top of her head with the back of his fist. "You have people that care about you now so stop being such an idiot."

"Why you bastar-" she was cut off by Naru's deep kiss that left her breathless. Naru pulled away from her and offered a smile before he got off the bed and started to dress.

"I am going to check and see how the packing is going. Stay here and rest. I will come get you when it is time to leave." He said almost sweetly as he stepped out of the room and walked toward the base.

Before he left Mai could clearly hear him say to the closing door that they were going to finish the conversation when they got home. Mai blushed and squealed into the pillow. 'I wanted to save you from your problems…to become stronger to protect you, but you are always the one saving me…thank you Naru' Mai whispered into the fabric of the bed.


Naru waltzed into the base room where the rest of the team was busy packing up equipment and supplies. No matter how hard he tried he was unable to erase the grin plastered on his face. He had finally gotten Mai and she seemed to reciprocate his feelings fully. He couldn't ask for anything more than that.

He was not satisfied with the vague answers she had given him, but he decided that for now he would let it go. He would slowly work out her problems, fears, and wounds gradually from here on out. Together he would get her to open up and that way he would be able to help heal the wounds and scars left behind from the incident.

Yes, together...Naru decided he would never let her deal with problems alone again. She was no longer by herself and he would make sure she got that fact imprinted into her mind.

"Naru!" Bou-san turned around and gave his boss a once over. A knowing smirk appeared on his face. "Ohhhhh! Congrats…oh to be young again…" the monk mused as he patted Naru roughly on the back earning him a withering glare.

As annoyed as he was it didn't take long for Naru's smirk to return. "Ha," Naru chuckled softly, "don't you wish you were me?" he said sarcastically before turning around and heading back to the door. "You shouldn't be wasting your time talking, hurry and get everything packed so I can leave."

With that Naru strode from the room apathetically leaving a fuming monk in his wake. "Why that little bastard!" Bou-san called after Naru had left. John tried to pacify the man while Lin just continued to pack the supplies with a hidden smile on his face.

You know you are in love…

When his every movement captures your attention…

When the pain is nearly as strong as the joy…

You know you are in love when you are with him and no matter where you are or what you are supposed to be looking at - the rising sun, the setting sun…

…all you see is the light reflected on his hair…

"Shadow of Nothing"


A/N: Well? I wasn't sure how to end it and I didn't want to drag out a lengthy 'work-out-the-emotional-trauma' conversation...so I implied it and left it at that! I will say there is an x-rated version of this last part but I really toned it down for here, I hope it still sounded okay and was good to read! I thought it was easy to follow and was clear enough to imagine! But that is just me...

So, anyway...thank you all again for reading and look forward to my next story and one shots! Comments welcome!