Author's notes: I will leave this last chapter up, as it doesn't feature so much in my book. And then it will make the next stories easier to understand, I hope.
I'm sorry I've had to take it down, but just in case and all that. Enjoy the rest of the series, they will stay! Not sure if I'll get to write True Lies yet or not, though. Billy x
Chapter 20
As the taxicab drove, there was silence between them. Both sat in the back of the cab, separated, looking out their passenger window. Amy watched the sidewalk while Face watched the oncoming traffic.
In the night, she had woken to find herself still wrapped in his arms and she'd kept it that way. She'd placed her hand on his chest, listening to his breath, faintly feeling his heart beating as he peacefully slept, as she'd slowly drifted back off herself. But when this morning had come, he'd already gotten up, like every morning that weekend. She hadn't woken in his arms. Maybe that was a good thing. And nothing was said about their night together. But to her relief there had been no awkwardness between each other.
The goodbyes at breakfast had been quick, and therefore so had their pretence, and before they'd known it, they were checked out of their hotel room and on a plane back to LA. She'd insisted on paying for the upgrade, rather than Face using his charm this time. It had been the least she could do. She wanted to do it, to thank him.
Now she stared out the window, one arm resting on the door providing support for her head, her other arm resting on the middle of the seat. Face dropped his arm, his hand brushing against hers. But he didn't move it, let it remain touching the side of her hand. She glanced down. She nearly moved hers, a natural reaction, but she relished in the touch. This was it. It was over. Back to normal. Back to Amy and Face. Would they ever share this closeness again?
Far too quickly the taxi came to a halt.
"This is it, lady." The cab driver turned to face the pair of them.
Amy nodded to the cab driver. They were outside her apartment building. Home.
"Face, are you sure you don't need a place to stay for the night?" she said, turning to him.
"I'll be fine."
"I promise I'll make you sleep on the sofa," she said playfully, through a smile, not quite meeting his eye.
"I'll get a hotel room for the night, if I have to. But I've got places I can stay."
"Just turn up and they let you in, do they?"
"Hey, guys, the meter's running," the cabbie butted in.
Face waved him off. The driver sighed and turned back to look out the windshield. Amy liked that Face didn't want to rush. She didn't want to get out of the taxi just yet either, which was stupid.
"I usually come with a gift," he winked.
"I bet your smile does it." Amy knew he was going to connect up with one of his girlfriends. She couldn't stop him and usually she wouldn't care. But for some reason she did today. Hated the feeling it was giving her.
She gathered up the few bags that were by her feet.
"Oh, I nearly forgot." She pulled out a little boutique bag and handed it to Face. His eyes widened with surprised and she smiled. "This is just to say thank you for a wonderful weekend. You didn't need to be so… perfect."
Face unwrapped the little parcel inside the bag.
"I picked it up at the airport in New York. I don't know if it's your favourite or not, but well I noticed you were running low over the weekend."
It was a bottle of cologne. Chanel. It might not be Face's favourite, but it had become hers. His scent and she wanted it to stay that way.
"Thanks, kid. You didn't have to."
"I did."
She held her gaze with his, then remembered she was supposed to be getting out of the taxi.
"Okay, well, see you probably in a few days or so." Amy opened her door and got out.
"Yeah, I think the colonel has a new client already lined up." Face got out of the cab. "I'll help you get your bags out."
The taxi cab driver rolled his eyes.
Face opened the trunk and lifted out her case.
"You okay carrying this?"
"I'll be fine." She took hold of the handle. She looked up into his eyes. "Thanks, Face." Hesitantly she stood there, and then leaned forward and kissed him, gently placing her lips upon his, closing her eyes as she did so. As quick as she'd placed them on his lips, she'd withdrawn.
A smile crept over his face. She looked down, grabbing the handle of her case and turned.
Walking towards her apartment building, pulling her case, she glanced back, and waved. He was still standing there, leaning against the cab, watching her.
- End -