Disclaimer: I dont own rent, though I wish I did. I dont own Angel. Dang it! I dont own anyone in this story.

"No way Mimi! I am not doing that!" Angel said forcefully, being a bit too loud. He didn't want to wake his parents. "What if someone sees me?" he asked being a lot quieter.

Angel felt his face flush. It's a good thing its dark. He thought to himself. He honestly didn't know why he was adamant about this. When he was younger, in primary school, he would do this kind of thing all the time when no one was around, he dressed in his sisters and mothers clothes and walked around, he loved it. But now was different. He knew if he did it he would want to do it again. And he didn't know if he could.

"Come on…" Mimi whined. Stopping Angel's train of thought. "No one will see. No one we know goes into the city on Wednesday nights. Who are you so afraid will see you anyway?"

"Mimi… I don't think this is a good idea. My dad could see… and we both know that wouldn't go down well. One, he hates that I am a "fairy" as he puts it. Two, He would hate that. He would never let me see you again and he'd probably send me to… to… military school or something." Angel said, he hated the fact that his father couldn't accept him for who he was.

"One, you can get ready at my house. Two, consider it my birthday and Christmas present. Three, I'll buy the stuff." Mimi said, mocking Angel.

"Mimi, I really don't want any one to see." Angel insisted.

"Who would see if you got ready at my house?"

"Your brother." Angel admitted sheepishly. He realised he was blushing again and was grateful for the darkness.

"You like…" Mimi trailed off thinking.

"Fine!" Angel said, wanting to make Mimi forget all about what he just said. "I'll do it." Angel grinned in spite of himself.

"Yes!" Mimi said excitedly. "Your gonna be so pretty!"

"Mimi?" Angel asked, pretending to muffle a yawn.

"Yes Angel?"

"Can I go to sleep now?" Angel asked, trying to sound tired to convince his Spanish friend. Truth was he was way to excited and nervous to sleep.

"Sure." Mimi said, smiling. She got her way, she was happy.

Angel rolled over, he needed time to think without being interrupted.

What if I like dressing in drag. I mean I know I will… but what if I like it more than I should I decide to be a drag queen. It's a possibility. What if I tell Mimi and she thinks I am a freak and she won't ever talk to me again? I don't really have any other friends. What if someone sees, no one around here is exactly gay-friendly. Well maybe they won't recognise me. I wonder if I'll be able to walk in heels… I wonder if drag will suit me, what if I look like an ugly hag? I hope I don't. Some times I just wish I could be normal… I wish I could be like everyone else and I wish I didn't have to be so confused about everything. I wish I didn't have to pretend to be someone I'm not and I wish, more than anything, that I could just be accepted by my father and mother. Angel's mind was going crazy with thoughts. But somehow, he managed to fall into a deep sleep and didn't wake until 11 the next morning.

"Angel…" Mimi said gently, trying to wake her friend.

"What…?" Angel slurred sleepily.

"Exchange student arrive today!" Mimi bounced; she had been looking forward to this for almost a year.

"Okay… okay… calm down chica I am up. What is the time?" Angel asked.

Mimi glanced at her watch. "Umm… 11:03."

"What?!" Angel practically shouted. "We have to be at the airport to pick them up in 30 minutes and it's a 25 minute drive. Why didn't you wake me earlier?!"

"I tried…" Mimi winced. "You hit me… hard."

All anger Angel felt towards Mimi turned into an overwhelming feeling of guilt when he saw the huge purple mark on his friends shoulder.

"I am so sorry Mimi chica!" Angel apologised.

"Its no biggie." Mimi brushed off the apology. Angel jumped up and hugged Mimi with all of his strength. "Angel… I can't breathe." Mimi choked out. Angel blushed and released her.

10 minutes later Angel was dressed and sitting in the car on the way to the airport.

"We are going to be late…" Mimi said.

"A few minutes won't hurt." Mimi's mother said.

Angel was nervous. He had never made friends easily and was worried his exchange student wouldn't like him. Sometimes Angel wished he could have been born like Mimi. In a loving family, one who accepted you for who you are. Mimi was confident, she had heaps of other friends. But Angel was glad that Mimi liked Angel best.

"Hey best friend!" Angel said, feeling the need to be comforted.

"Yes Best ever friend." Mimi replied. That was all Angel needed.

Feeling more confident he opened the door of the car and walked towards the entrance of the airport with Mimi beside him, what could go wrong?

They walked, a little faster than their usual pace, to where they had arranged to meet their exchange students.

"Who do you think mine is?" Angel said to Mimi under his breath.

"Well… do any match the profile you got of him?"

"Uh… yeah… that one over there. Come with me!" Angel pulled Mimi in the direction of the handsome stranger.

"Umm…" Angel said, getting the attention of his potential exchange student. He turned around and Angel's breath caught in his throat.

"Hi!" The stranger/potential exchange student said brightly.

"Umm…" Angel said, a lush beginning to show on his lightly tanned cheeks.

"He means "Hi"" Mimi said for the stunned Angel.

"Okay… Umm… I am Tomas Collins, but call me Collins. I hate my first name. Is one of you Angel Dumott Schunard?" He said, obviously expecting it to be the female of the two friends.

"Yeah…" Angel said, coming out of his trance, sort of. "That's me."

"Oh…" Collins said, embarrassed.

"You thought it was me!" Mimi giggled. "My name is Mimi, Mimi Maria Marquez." She accentuated the 'M's in her names.

"Nice name." Collins chuckled.

AN/: If anyone can guess what the title means I will... give them a cameo in my story.

Please review and enjoy!