Wizarding Common Law
Chapter 13: According to Wizarding Common Law
A/N: I sincerely apologize this chapter has taken so long. I've had SATs and ACTs out the gazooks and my school has been a priority. This story will consist of one more chapter, an epilogue that will be posted before I go to camp for eight weeks. After I come home in August you can expect to see more from me- perhaps a sequel or prequel. I'll let you all know. I hope you enjoy the story and please leave a review on the way out!! 200th reviewer gets a cyber glass of milk, cookie, and dedication to the next chapter. Thank you!
Hermione & Fred. They've been living together as friends for seven years which means that according to Wizarding Commonlaw, they are now married. Hermione is Head of the Auror department, and dealing with a case involving a series of murders. How will she be able to cope with the difficult case with the wedding presents that keep appearing? Is there any way to divorce in the wizarding world, and moreover, do they want to? And what the heck does toilet paper have to do with anything?
Over the next few weeks, the only big news in the muggle world was the news of the extremely liberal Prime Minister resigning before disappearing mysteriously. The only clue as to the mystery involved a strange piece of paper which read 'I love the conservative party' signed by the man himself. It was sitting next to a birthday card addressed to his girlfriend (who did not happen to know where he was either and showed up furious at the office only to be confronted by the new minister, one Manchester Blake), and a medicine bottle, the remnants of which had turned up blanks in the medical world. The muggle police couldn't figure it out.
The wizarding police, or Aurors, on the other hand, knew exactly what had been going on, and this was showed to an extreme in daily headlines as the Aurors dredged up more and more dirt on the man who had formerly been one of their own…
Lila Holmes, Witch Weekly
August 20, London. This week, Hermione Granger, Head of the Auror department and recently married to Fred Weasley of Weasley's Wizard Wheezes, has shown an excellence capturing dark wizards which almost matches that of the former 'Mad-eye' Moody. The several year head of the Auror department has proved her worth with the defeat of Voldemort, Phlogerom Grey, and the recently convicted Phineus Gardiner, a former member of the Auror department.
Few of the members of the Auror department suspected that their colleague Gardiner was bad; many, says Pavarti Patil, who worked side by side with the man for three years, trusted him to the utmost. Ms. Granger, according to Patil, was different. 'Hermione and I are old school friends and I know that she never fully trusted him. This was especially shown when she assigned Ronald Weasley to keep a constant watch on him.' When asked how she pieced it all together, Ms. Granger referred to a number of friends: Harry and Ginny Potter, who she fought side by side with against her first dark lord; Ronald Weasley, her brother-in-law and longtime friend; Honoria Callahan and Eleanor Dudley, fellow Aurors, held imprisoned by Gardiner in the bowels of his manor; and most importantly, her husband of little more than a week, Fred Weasley. 'Fred was very supportive of me through this trying time.' Ms. Granger also expressed gratitude towards the house-elf Kreacher who saved her life when she was poisoned… poisoned, continued page 13.
Gilbert Holbrook
August 25. As many of our faithful readers know, a former Auror, one Phineus Gardiner was convicted last Monday after the alleged killing of over 40 muggle doctors, several muggle politicians, including the Muggle minister. Gardiner is also charged with funneling away the Ministry wards, killing one Auror and holding two others hostage, poisoning the head of the department, and using several Unforgivables. He will be tried Thursday on the above listed charges as well charges of the killing of his muggle mother and several of her friends in his teens, and the Imperius curse on the late Tony Ingram, former Auror Department Head among other things. With these charges on his record, it is most likely that he will receive the kiss.
How did he go uncaptured and unsuspected for so long? Gardiner remained in society blameless long enough after the murder of his mother and her friends in his teens. This all changed, he was forced to admit under Veritaserum, when he heard about more muggleborns attending Hogwarts, he soon figured out the reason. A type of brain sugery known as (please forgive your pureblood correspondent… it was worse that gobbledygook and left out for that purpose) has been found to 'give' muggles magic. That accounts for the tripling of Muggleborn magical students attending Hogwarts which has been so common in recent years.
The first of the charged murders having to do with the case happened earlier this year to one of the muggle politicians supporting these doctors. This murder baffled the muggle and magical police alike, for only toilet a rather vague item was found at the scene. The murder was then followed with two others: the most recent and famous being that of Mr. Perkin Warbeck, opposition to the muggle minister. For security reasons, the Department of Magical Law Enforcement and the Auror Department will not release any information regarding how these murders were committed… mystery, continued page 51.
Wilma Hardsinker
In the aftermath of Gardiner's sentence and kiss, we find ourselves in an interesting situation. Regardless of how he did it, the man did reveal something interesting to us: the possible slow breakdown of the statute of secrecy which has been in effect since the 17th century. With more and more muggles attending Hogwarts or any magical school, it will become increasingly difficult to hide ourselves as we find ourselves needing more room. New schools will have to be founded, and this influx could mean something entirely new to our community which still has many medieval traditions… Medieval traditions, continued page 4.
Gilly, Free House Elf Times
This week Kreacher-house-elf saved the magnificent Harry Potter-sir's friend the fantastic lady-Hermione from snuff-it. Kreacher-house-elf then saved all of favorite Harry Potter-sir's friends and the whole world of wanded.. to have Kreacher save youse, contact Gilly-free-house-elf right now…
Lavender Brown
Wizarding Common Law, in addition to causing our favorite Hermione Granger and Fred Weasley to hook up, has other uses as well. Most notably, it says that every magic child born in England shall have entitlement to a magical education to Hogwarts. So tosh, to what Mr. Goyle has been saying about the exclusion of all muggleborns from Hogwarts. We all know what the consequences of Wizarding Common Law are- if the laws are broken for any reason, the said witch or wizard looses their magic. So why not train new witches and wizards into our ways to become the most powerful wizarding nation in the world?
Hermione snorted at the papers she finished reading. Kreacher was such a piece of work, and so was his friend Gilly. Speaking of which, she hadn't sent S.P.E.W.'s monthly donation to the Free House Elf Times yet… Moreover, she was glad she didn't have to deal with the new policy regarding muggleborns and the Statute of Secrecy! With this case patched up, it was back to business as usual: old ladies calling a squad when her cat got lost, etc.
She looked up at Fred and grinned.
"Did you read the one on Wizarding Common Law?" he asked.
"Oh yes," she cocked an eyebrow.
"Loss of magic, huh?"
Hermione waited, eyebrow still cocked, to see what Fred was getting at.
He leaned closer. "You wouldn't want to loose your magic now, would you?" He grabbed her hand and pulled her into the bedroom, unbuttoning his shirt as they went.
"Now why would I ever want to do that?" she asked, breathlessly after a long kiss. "The other options are so much more enjoyable… mmmhhhmmm…" She smiled and pulled him back down again. After all, they didn't want to disappoint Mrs. Weasley…
Although maybe June was a little too soon.