Please Read and Rate, this is my first fanfic, so constructive criticism is welcome. This doesn't start right at the beginning of Gx. It starts just after the Paradox brothers duel. By the way, I think Chumley is awesome and is not given enough credit. Just to say, I don't know the names of girl clothes so I'll just describe them through the characters eyes. And another thing: I hate doing descriptions. It'll get better after this, promise. By the way, you say Rhys like: Rees

Italics – Thoughts

Bold – Monster Spirits

Disclaimer: I do not own Yugioh Gx or any of the Characters or Cards owned by Konami (I can always dream….), but I do own my own OCs and a small packet of revels :)

Jaden climbed out of his bed, wiping the sleep out of his eyes. Syrus and Chumley were still asleep, and Jaden decided to keep it that way. He knew how Chumley was when he is disturbed while in dreamland. He tried to get the image of Syrus being dunked in a pot of melted cheese out of his mind.

He opened the door, stepping out into the cool morning air. He then heard a noise, like a low buzzing. He looked around and finally saw the source of the sound. It was a helicopter, landing on the helipad near the docks.

Suddenly, Syrus and Chumley's heads peeked through the doorway.

"What was that?" Syrus asked sleepily.

"A Helicopter! Let's go!" Jaden exclaimed, running off towards the sea.

"Aww, wait up Jay!" Syrus shouted, setting off after the speedy duelist.

"How many times do I have to tell you, I don't like running!" Chumley groaned, reluctantly following his two friends.

Jaden was first to the docks, Syrus arrived shortly after, and Chumley last, muttering something about missing breakfast and that he'd rather be eating grilled cheeses.

They were greeted by 4 girls. The first one introduced herself as Molly. She had shoulder length hair, which was chestnut brown, and deep blue eyes. She wore a white vest, as Jaden put it, and a light blue skirt. She had two identical bracelets made out of metal chain on both of her wrists. She was a Ra Yellow.

The second was called Joanna, but she insisted on being called Jo. She wore a Red jacket to show her as a Slifer, a black vest, and baggy camo trousers. She had long black hair that reached her shoulder blades, and warm blue eyes. No one seemed to notice the slight blush that Jaden had creeping onto his cheeks.

The third had to be introduced by Jo, as she had a massive blush on her face, and was refusing to speak. She was called Chloe, and she had long blonde hair that fanned out from her head down to her waist. She had green eyes, and was wearing a long Obelisk blue jacket and an Obelisk skirt, showing her to keep strictly to the rules. Both she and Syrus seemed to be blushing, and they couldn't keep each others gaze.

The fourth was also a Slifer called Leah. She had blue-ish hair that ran to her shoulder blades like Jo, and chestnut brown eyes. She was wearing the entire Slifer costume, and looked as if she could look after herself.

Before the group could start talking, A Slifer ran over to Jaden.

"Hey Jay…" Rhys' voice drifted off as he saw Leah, and a pink tinge came over his cheeks.

"Oh, hey Rhys!" Jaden said, and Jo seemed to blush at his voice.

Rhys had spiky blonde/brown hair that reached his neck and partially covered his gorgeous blue eyes. He had a slender face, and was wearing a Slifer jacket over a black top, and dark brown baggy trousers.

Leah just smiled sweetly at Rhys who said nothing but turned away.

Chumley and Molly were now the only ones not blushing. Molly rolled her eyes at the others antics.

"Urgh….You wanna get a grilled cheese?" Chumley offered.

"Grilled Cheese! My favourite!" Molly said, walking off with Chumley.

"Yeah w-we'd better get off" Jaden finally managed to say. They all agreed quickly and left, everyone heading off to Slifer's dorm (Chloe soon explained that Obelisk was full and Slifer was the only dorm free)

By the time they got back, breakfast was ready. Jaden sat down on a table with all the boys, while the girls sat on a separate table. Chumley and Molly (Who both had a love of food) were eating their 6th Grilled Cheese each. The whole room sweat dropped at this.

The day passed by uneventfully, until the evening. As soon as the whole gang of newly found friends saw invitations on their beds:

You have been invited to a sleepover with a difference!

Come to Mindy and Jasmine's Room on Saturday at 8:00

Be there or be square!

That night, at Eight, the whole group from the morning, as well as Chazz, Alexis, Bastion, Mindy and Jasmine arrived in the dorm room.

They all were soon settled. Syrus and Chloe were soon in conversation, there shyness counteracting the others shyness. Rhys had started talking to Leah nervously, with much laughing and stroking of the back of his head. Jaden was sitting at the back of the room, Jo near him, discussing duel monsters.

The rest were sitting around the TV, watching a movie.

"What's your favourite colour?" Syrus asked, as they continued there question and answer session.

"Red! What's YOUR favourite colour?" Chloe asked.

"Urrghh….red…no, blue..." Syrus mumbled.

Chloe laughed lightly, "Get your facts right Sy!" Syrus just blushed and laughed nervously.

"Where are you from?" Lea said in her New York accent.

"Now you mention it, I'm Half-Welsh, Half-English" Rhys said, stroking his long hair.

"You are? Coolio!" Leah said, laughing, causing Rhys to laugh nervously, his cheeks turning crimson.

Jaden sifted through Jo's deck, "No way! You have Forest Green Guard Baboon!"

"You have Elemental Hero Electrum! That's like, super rare!" She looked at Jaden's chocolate brown eyes and there was a sudden clutch on her heart, but it went quickly.

Jaden smiled back at her and they exchanged their decks, and he shivered as their hands touched. But he shook the feeling off and placed his deck back in his belt pouch.

A few hours later, and the merriment was still going strong.

"Everyone, Listen up!" Mindy cried over the babble of chatter.

Immediately, all eyes turned on Mindy who looked pleased with herself.

"I hope you've all brought your sleeping bags, 'cause it's time to get some sleep!"

Everyone groaned, especially Jaden, who was about to challenge Jo to a duel. Eventually, they all settled down, and were soon dropping where they stood. They all agreed one thing as the started to drift off. It had definitely cemented relations, which had been the purpose of the sleepover, and the girls had made firm friends.

Later that night, the door creaked open, and a shadow crept over the sleeping figures. A shadow with a digital camera….