Author's Note: Whee! The epilogue! Epilouge? Oh well. So, this is only for the fans who've read it everytime it was uploaded, because no readers are permitted, because I lost a chapter. ....And read all about that in Cucumber Affair, which is now titled OHMYGODWHATHAPPENED!?GODWHY!??. I'm rather happy with this. I hated the final chapter, but since this will all be deleted in the new year who cares! This is used to wrap things up a bit. I realize I failed at the LNear romance, but I'm breezing pretty well right now so I'm just going to type that with a smile. So, yeah, once again this is just for the readers who've read all the chapters, and who I promised this to. This is goodbye. Bye! -enthusiastic wave-

1.) Yeah.

2.) You know that "I'm Blue, dadadidaddada" song? ...That's it. Lego version! But I forgot some lyrics and which verse goes where, so that ended up as that.

He held the boombox in his hands, playing a soft ballad, outside of her high window. The song was her song, the one she said reminded her of him. She would come back to him. He looked up at the window with his frozen smile and----

The batteries to the music died.

Near pouted. Way to ruin a scene. Reaching up, he buried his hand into his curls, lips V-smiling as he rummaged around. After a few seconds he brought out a tiny screwdriver, and a Jollyrancher. Popping the candy in his mouth---while making a small "nyah" noise----he reached into his hair again and pulled out two batteries.

After replacing it, tossing the other carelessly under his bed, the music started again and he stood his Fabio Barbie back into place.

His long hair flowed around his face as he smiled up at the window. Suddenly the doors opened and his love came out. No other Fairytale Princesses couldn't compete with her neon go-go dress----

Near growled and puffed his cheeks out. All right, he was mad. "L." Large frog eyes popped over the large Fairytale Princess castle. "Cease playing with me." And with that, he dropped Fabio and hobbled off. Sighing, L got up and slowly walked after the teenager.

The birdie staring into the window chirped a "WTF" at them, since it was like Gollum running from the Creeper. (1)

"Near," He shuffled faster. "No." "Wait." The boy hobbled faster. "As your boyfriend, I say wait." "I break up with you." "Then I want my stuff back."

The boy crumbled into his usual position on the ground. "Not the strawberry jam from Germany!" "Yes." "Monster."

He fiddled with the end of a curl, and L sat with his knees bent beside the almost-albino-but-not-quite, head cocked sideways at a gross angle as he wrapped a bony arm around the prodigy. "What are you mad about?"

"You're supposed to be Marilla, the princess." "But Sasha the go-go gives the story depth." Near stared at him before hitting him in the neck. L's neck went uncomfortably and nastily to the side, making a loud popping sound as the force made him slowly tip over.

"I won't play with you anymore." And with that he hobbled away back to his room.

Roger, who happened to be walking past, looked into the room at the tipped over genius. He sighed, shoulders hunched, and walked away. After a year of this crap he learned to ignore it. Though he made damn sure no extra bad-touchies took place.

But he still wasn't used to Watari's sudden touchiness.

It always happened out of the nowhere, the touches. He'd be in the bathroom and feel a sudden brush on his butt. Or he'd be resting his eyes in his office and feel something run through his hair. Or at any of the meals, when Watari would lean over to get something and he'd feel something slimy and tongue-y against his ear. Weird.

Now he was walking, alone, and felt a sudden chill. A Watari Chill. He walked faster, heading towards the crowded cafeteria. Just .... a few ..... more ..... RUN! He put a hand on his hip and ran as fast as he could, but was so slow a fly was born and died before he got even a inch, to which the bird on the tree outside chirped an "ooooohhhhhh."

A hand grabbed his wrist, and he screamed.


Suddenly all the doors flew open, an alarm sounded, and the distant sound of pounding feet grew closer.

Children and employees ran around to circle the attacker. They all had sharpened blocks, and they stared at him, some kids jumping on each other's shoulders to block his view of Roger. "All right," Watari said, raising his hands and sighing. "I know when I'm not wanted." He moved towards the detention room, children glaring and chanting a low "ebil, ebil". Roger nodded approvingly and began to clean his glasses, whispering lowly, "People = shit."

He turned and walked off in the bright sunshine filtering through the windows.

Now that the Narrator of Life tied up that one loose end, she returned to Near's situation. Near was sitting in his room, huddled under the covers, holding a Megatron against hist chest.

He hated L.

It was an unspoken agreement that Near controlled the pants in the game. He picked what game, L decided on the story, he reviewed it and then decided on costumes. They'd been together enough time to understand this.

But noooo, L had to be an idiot moron.

That dummy.

He closed his eyes and went into his Lego dream, the good one of him as a Lego, just sitting and playing in his Lego house with a Lego little window, and a Lego corvette, 'cause everything is Lego. Lego is the color of all that he wears. He has a boyfriend, and he is so Lego. (2)

Then he opened his eyes, gasped, and fell over, because L was under the covers and smiling all boogey-man like.

Unfortunately, his head made loud a "crack" sound, and he just knew that he broke his brain. L's eye peeked over the edge, and he reached out poke him. Near stared dazedly up at him, before frowning. "I'm calling rape again."

"Yes, that worked extremely well last time." He couldn't tell if it was sarcasm or not, but decided the headache slowly forming didn't care.

And it was all the current head trauma's fault, because he crawled back under the covers and L lifted him to slide between the hunched man's chest and knees.

Bony fingers went around to the back of Near's head and softly rubbed the hurting spot. Near felt droopy and sighed. "I'm sorry I chose Sasha instead of the one you wanted." L said. He mumbled, turning his head to sleepily smile up at him.

"Will you buy me the new Polly Pocket mall?" L's lips went all bracket-y and he blinked as he nodded. "Then I forgive you."

He sat up and pecked L's lips, before laying his head back down. L's cheeks briefly colored and rested his head on the other's, then pulled it back at the feel of random items poking his chin from the slight afro.

"Hey, L?"


"I...I like like you."

"...I know."

And it was the end again.

But not quite!

Mello was viciously munching on some chocolate, not even able to enjoy its greatness of a flavor. It was caramel filled, and the fact that he couldn't enjoy should drive home how annoyed he was.


The redhead didn't look up.

"Is he here?"

"Kind of on level 99 here, Mello."

"Is he here!?"

Matt sighed, hit pause, and nodded.

Mello smiled, and evil smile of evil. "Gooooddd." He stood up, put his now defunct eyepatch on, and opened the door to the bathroom. "Welcome."

The stranger walked in, clad in a hoodie and a scarf. "Mello." "Stranger." They nodded, getting down to buisness.

They sat down, Mello by Matt and the stranger acros from them. "You've done your end of the deal?" Mello chuckled, hitting Matt on the elbow. "Oooowww!" Matt's head shot up and tears started to roll down his face. "M-my funny bone... you hit...." "SHUT UP!"

Mello took a snap out of chocolate, making one eye bigger at the stranger. "Show him." Matt reached into a pocket hidden in his vest, pulling out an envelope. He tossed it at the stranger, who dove to it and started to rip it open. What was it? Drugs? Porn?

No. Mello tossed his head back and started to cackle, and the stranger joined him. Because, on the floor, was a badly photoshopped picture of Jackson on a date with what appeared to be Near's school picture. "There's no way he'll tell it's fake!" Jackson shouted, only muffled by the scarf used to "protect his identity".

"I know! But seriously, you got the payment? And you know already we charge interest." Jackson nodded, handing Mello a large package. "The chocolate sculpture of your head, and the game titles requested by Matt."

Mello also ripped into his package, only to find a large sack holding his prize closed by .......a twisty tie.

Laughing, he prepared his fingers for the task. "Piece of cake!"

And all was tied up, no loose ends, the Narrator of Life found that she could rest. As she prepared to shut down her Electronic Writing Tool of Six-Hundred Dollars, there was a disturbance.

"Um, L," Oh no, that serious tone! ""Is there a problem, Near?" The Narrator bit her lips, looking at the clock.

"I thought we agreed on the KenxCameron pairing?" There would be no eggs left if she stayed up later.....

"Yes, but Ken's friend Ben added edge." "Oh, I see."

Maybe it was all over with .... surely....

"I'm not playing with you anymore."


And, so frazzled the Narrator was, she accidently uploaded an edited chapter over a real one.

And with tears pouring down her eyes, she decided that someone was sooo getting shipped off to Japan to do months worth of detective work.