Summary: Ichigo was a normal girl of 16, a freshman in high school. She had 4 close friends of different ages that she worked with at a local café in the suburbs near Tokyo, Japan. She was content with her simple, boring life … but secretly she longer for something a little more. Little did she expect the three new boys that moved into town to be that 'something more' … inspired by my recent obsession of Stephenie Meyer's Twilight series. Rated T for violence (blood/death), language, and tongue-action; "but mostly violence!" –quotes Fairly Odd Parents–

A/N: Dark AU story that sprang into my mind and wouldn't leave until I wrote it. Damn thing begged to be written. And there will be NOT MANY of similarities to this from Twilight. If you haven't ever read that book series, then pick it up because it's a great vampire novel/series. And a romance, too. Which is what this will be, mainly with IchigoXKisshu but also some PuddingXTaruto and LettuceXPai, because I like those pairings; one-sided AoyamaXIchigo as well. I promise to write with great description, metaphors and such, because I don't want this to be written badly. And unlike my other fics where I miss a typo or two, this will be as perfect as I'm able! ((And I know, I just keep writing more and more fanfics without completing any of my others, but that's becuase I keep having new ideas! And besides, they'll be continuted and/or complete soon. So anyway, here's another fanfic of mine...))

Warnings: Blood and plenty of it, and Kisshu is not as kind as Edward, so expect more lusting for Ichigo … her body AND her blood. Which is why this is T-rated. Reason being: I'm slipping in some tongue-action limey things. Haha. And also, if you don't like any of the pairings I listed above, or are weak at the mention of blood, then GTFO (not to be rude. I really mean 'get out', but if I type GO, then it's like 'go', and then you won't get the idea…).

And now we go to the story … have fun, kiddies.


Bittersweet Strawberry Blood
Chapter 1
"Just an Ordinary Day"

Minto laughed and flipped back some of her navy blue hair, hey tiny cheerleader uniform swaying slightly in the breeze. Ichigo smiled and turned to face towards the sky, which was a dim grey as the clouds blurred out the cool sun. Rays of light that streaked down through the haze on the autumn day were hardly much warmer than the breeze itself, which gave you shivers as it licked across your face. Ichigo's friend shivered and complained about having practice today, saying that the whether was not fit for jumping around in tights and a miniskirt with pom-poms as her only protection.

"It can't be helped," Ichigo sighed, her raspberry bangs falling into her eyes as the wind gently tickled her face.

"I really wish it could be helped," whined Mint, tugging down on her skirt in a feeble attempt at warming her thighs.

Suddenly the little breeze picked up and became a wild gust of icy air, rendering the two girls frozen for a moment on the sidewalk. Ichigo held up her hands to block the unexpected rush, but Minto, unfortunately, wasn't prepared … it flipped up her skirt and pierced the fabric of her attached shorts, the icy wind finding it's way into her slightly open jacket and freezing up her chest with cold fingers.

"Chikushou," the pink-haired girl cursed under her breath. "Minto-chan," she said louder, going over to her friend, whose eyes were watering. "You alright?"

"No, I am not 'alright'," she said between clenched teeth. "Let's turn around and head to my house. I'm skipping cheerleading practice today, and all of them can kiss my frozen ass." The 16-year-old tugged down her skirt and zipped up her coat farther, her teeth beginning to chatter. She had such a thin physique that the cold went right through her, down to her bones.

Ichigo could hear her friend grumbling about this and that lowly to herself, but she just smiled, her eyes soft. "Tell you what," she said to her friend, "We'll call Lettuce and invite her to my house, and the three of us can hang out instead. We don't work today, remember."

Minto nodded slowly. "Yeah, and you're house is closer than mine. So we'll just go to yours, then."

Ichigo smiled. "Sure. My mom just bought some more of that tea you like, and I took the liberty of getting more Pocky; chocolate, your favorite."

The blue-haired girl smiled slightly in return. "Mm, hot tea and chocolate Pocky … just what I need right about now," she sighed, linking arms with her friend. "The sooner the better, too!"


Since it had been Friday when the girls had come over, Ichigo was now laying between her two friends in her full bed, both of them snoozing silently, they bodies warming the space beneath the sheets. The strawberry girl herself was wide awake, no matter how dark or how warm it was sandwiched between the two other girls.

It was funny, because her life so far had been mostly this … sleepovers, football games where she watched Mint cheer and Lettuce play in the band, days at the café where little blonde Pudding, only in middle school, would tell her jokes and walk on her hands like a circus monkey. Her life was mostly about her friends and family, and her two bosses at the café that had become her reliable friends as well; Keiichiro-senpai and Shirogane-senpai. And there was her little dog Masha, and that boy at the dojo that gave her flirty looks, but she never pursued him. It was funny, because her life was so boring and simple and average. She had no problem with this, because it was nice in it's own way … but deep down she longed for something more. Something … extra.

With a sigh, Ichigo climbed over Lettuce and headed for her windowsill, sitting on it's cushions, her cheek resting on the cool glass. The moon was shining with a yellow-white glow, almost completely full. She could see her oak tree out front shake slightly as the wind passed through it's branches, the yellowed leaves churning. One or two leaves would fall here and there, unable to hold on any longer.

"Isn't there something else for me to do in my life?" Ichigo asked herself in a dull whisper, her eyes closing.

She was a relatively good student, although not as bright as Lettuce, who was taking the high-leveled classes. She had two loving parents and was pretty popular, although she wasn't stuck-up or mean to anyone. Her life seemed … well … perfect. And … she wasn't sure if she liked that.

"There's nothing," she sighed, answering herself. "Nothing else to do, unless I want to become something I'm not."

And by that she meant a punk or some other high school label. But maybe that's just the kind of spice she needed … now that she had a driver's license, maybe she should think about getting a motorcycle license, too. Maybe she should wear a little more black. But … she wouldn't have a good reason for it. Her only reason would be, 'because I'm bored with being perfect'; and that's no excuse at all.

Reluctantly Ichigo lifted her weight off the cushions of her windowsill, turning towards her bed again. She had no choice now but to sleep, her mind running out of thoughts to keep her occupied. And so she pulled back her sheets, seeing Lettuce next to Mint now, leaving a space for her near the edge. Ichigo smiled slightly as she slipped into her bed, her body ready to sleep finally.

But as soon as she had fallen down into her dreams, she woke with a scream.
