Warning: This is a slash.

Disclaimer: I don't own Psych or its characters, etc.


As Lassiter was walking through the station, the papers he was holding were suddenly snatched out of his hands. He whirled around to see Shawn smirking at him, waving the documents just out of reach.

"Spencer! What the hell? Give those back!"

"Make me!" Shawn turned and ran in the opposite direction.

Barely hesitating, Lassiter took off after him. Lassiter was much faster than most people thought he was. He caught Shawn down by the empty interrogation rooms, and pinned him against a wall. Shawn stuck his hands behind his back, trapping the papers between him and the wall.

"Give me those!"

Shawn looked at him defiantly. "No."


"Wow, these must be pretty important. I wonder what you'd be willing to do to get them back?"

"Are you trying to blackmail a detective? In a police station?" Lassiter stared at Shawn in disbelief.

"Not at all, Lassy. I'm just asking a small favor, and then I'll hand over your precious papers."

"Dammit Spencer!"

Shawn tsked. "Language, Lassy! Really! I would have expected better of you."

"What do you want?" Lassiter growled menacingly.

"Just something very, very, very small…"

Lassiter opened his mouth to yell.

"…a kiss."

"WHAT?" His eyes bulging, Lassiter gawked at the other man.

Shawn grinned. "Come on…it won't be that bad. You want the papers don't you?"

"You're crazy!"

"Lassy, I've got all day. What's it gonna be?"

Cursing, the detective leaned forward and gave Shawn a swift peck on the cheek. "There! Are you happy?"

"You're kidding, right? You seriously think you can get out of it that easily? I mean a real kiss. Right on the mouth." Shawn puckered his lips enticingly.

Lassiter glared at him. "You are going to pay for this." Bending forward once more, he placed his lips on Shawn's. Quicker than he would have believed possible, Shawn took his arms out from behind him and wrapped them around Lassiter, pulling him closer. Shawn bit Lassiter's lower lip, causing the other man to open his mouth slightly in surprise. Shawn immediately took the opportunity to deepen the kiss. After a moment, Lassiter realized he was kissing back. He stumbled backwards in shock. Shawn smirked at him.

"Something wrong, detective?"

Lassiter stuttered incoherently.

"Sorry, what? I didn't catch that."


"Ah, yes. The papers. Here you go." Shawn held them out. Getting no response, he placed them in Lassiter's hand.

"See ya!" Waving, Shawn trotted down the hallway and disappeared around a corner.

The head detective watched him go, and then glanced down at the documents he was holding.

What just happened?

The End


Author's note: Hmmm. I sat down to work on my project, and somehow I ended up with this. How odd. Hope you like it!

