Chapter Three: Mondou: Questions and Answers

Rein stood by the aquarium full of hells butterflies as the group surrounded her, ready to ask questions. Suni and Kulodi stood by the door, awaiting for Dr. Xeron to appear. The room was silent as the group looked at her.

"Rein-san, do you believe there is a way to escape from this world?" Matsumoto asked her. She released her breath before starting.

"I do not know of any way to escape, I just know how to get here." She said, "And even then, you had proven there to be another way." She looked at Captin Hitsugaya. "So I do believe there may be a way out."

"How long have you been here?" Rukia asked her, and Rein's eye twitched.

"I'd rather not answer that..." She said, crossing her arms and looking to the side. "...and anyways, it's basically asking how old I am too...which is bad to ask to a woman." Rukia stayed quiet.

"About this world, why is there no spirit particles?" Captin Hitsugaya asked.

"Because there is technically no life here, so there is no means for spirit particles." She said, "This is a place where Shinigami go after they are killed. Then they just wander around here aimlessly, day after day...until..." She trailed off as the door disappeared and a young man that looked to be in his twenties entered. He had short black hair that was pretty plain, with brown eyes behind a pair of glasses. He wore, what looked like, one of the shinigami scientist from squad 12 would wear. "Dr. Xeron, glad you could join us." Rein said smiling simply and quickly.

"Rein...What is it that you need?" He said, sounding a little annoyed.

"I was wondering, Dr. Xeron, if may be you can research something." Rein said simply walking around the group towards him, "Research about a way out of this world back to soul society for these here. They have not died twice yet."

"Ah...right...I think I had just seen something the other day about it..." Dr. Xeron said as Rein nodded, he left to go and do research.

"I have a question for you guys now." Rein said, walking back towards them. "In soul there a shinigami named...Harlem?"

"Harlem...?" Hitsugaya questioned, looking at Matsumoto. "Do you know what squad?"

"I believe it was the tenth division squad." She said, looking at Hitsugaya. "I ask because you are the tenth squad's captin."

"There is no one who's name is Harlem..." Matsumoto said.

"Yes there was." Hitsugaya said, "He was the captin before me."

Suni made a noise which caught everyone's attention. "Suni, shut up." Rein said snapping at her. She let her eyes wander to the floor, where they stayed glued. "Harlem was the one that killed the two of them, and was Kulodi's twin." She explained, "But I don't understand...he would have appeared here by now then..." She looked up as a hell's butterfly appeared before her. She let it land on her hand and it told her a message. "Right... Thank you." She said, capturing it, and putting it in the aquarium.

"What is it?" Kulodi asked after seeing her slightly scowl.

"Someone's trying to break into the grounds. I'll take care of them." Rein said, turning towards the door. "I'll be back in a minute." She said, turning to lock the door into it's place. She ran up the flights of stairs, well aware that one of the Shinigami were following at a distance as she left the castle onto it's grounds. She jumped into the air and landed on the top of a statue.

The shinigami that followed hid behind on of the tall pillars that layed in ruin around the castle. He looked up at her, not being able to sense or see what she could. She pulled out her zanpakuto, and held it in her left hand, and straight in front of her.

"Your presence was sensed long ago, Shinigami." She said loud enough for him to hear. "Come out if you wish to see the demons that lay in my world." She said as the red haired Shinigami walked out from behind the pilar. "Abarai Renji, correct?" He nodded and she smirked. "Try not to die." He looked at her oddly as she jumped off the statue a moment before it was blown to bits.

Where did the attack come from? He looked around, unable to see what had caused the explosion. "Wh-what was that?!" He said pointing to the once statue.

"Eliminate, Shiro to Kuro tsuki." She said coolly. Her zanpakuto's blade split into two equal length zanpakutos, one white with a white hilt, the other black with a black hilt. There were chains from the hilts that wrapped around her neck, connecting to eachother. Her hair went pure white and her eyes pitch black. Her tone of voice reminded Renji of his own captin, so cold, so uncaringly.

Her speed was increased dramatically as not even Renji could catch her speed. She must have been a great shunpo master. There was a loud crash, and ear piercing scream when all of a sudden three menos grande's fell to the ground, before slinging away. She landed infront of Renji, calling back her zanpakuto into it's sheath. She turned as her hair returned to it's normal color, her eyes as well.

"A-Amazing..." Renji said in awe as she glared at him.

"You do realize that every moment that you are not in that room, you are just asking a monster to come and kill you!" She said to him more coldly than his captin ever did. "We do not live on spirit particles here, Abarai. But when there are some around, they will come for it, until they can obtain them."

He took a step away from her, she was quite intimmidating the way her eyes bore into his. So narrow, and cold. She might even give Byakuya a challenge. "Your's the fastest I've ever seen."

"I'm glad to hear that." She said turning to head back into the castle, "I would be disappointed if the creators daughter couldn't keep up with her father." She said lightly as he followed. "I still don't understand why you came here...I'm still trying to figure it out."

"Do you remember when you first came here? Like where you were at and everything?" He asked her as her eyes narrowed at him.

"It was well over six hundred years ago, when I first came here. Yamamoto was using a kidou to counter mine... and when they collided, I was knocked cold, and when I awoke, I was here. I fell down the same whole that everyone does when they first arrive here." She said, coolly. "A few hundred years later, Suni and Kulodi showed up. A menos grande had killed them. Dr. Xeron was brought here after an experiement he was working on. He called it...geez, what was it... but it was like combining a Quincy with a hollow, or something like that."

"You are one strange girl..." He mumbled under his breath to himself. Her eyes narrowed even more at him, "Sorry..." He said as she turned away from him. They soon entered the room of spirit particles.

Okay, well, I got school tomorrow, with play practice afterwards, so I'll try to get another chapter out tomorrow, kk? Well, still lovin the reviews! and lovin more if I can get some!LOL, well, thanks again for the read!


PS...did I by any chance spell my name without an I in the last chapter...I think I might of...Oops...