
You can fool any friend who ever knew you, so take your turn, take a ride on the merry-go-round (& let's see the mask behind the man.)

(a/n) hello, all. I'm a relative newcomer to this fandom myself, so pardon me while I settle in a bit. this is set at the beginning of the arrancar arc, so beware of vague spoilers.

(disclaimer) bleach and all related characters belong to tite kubo. lyrics from "masquerade" belong to andrew lloyd webber and are not mine.


I know your secret.

Well, to be honest, that isn't quite right. It's not just that I know your secret. It's my secret, too. The one that I'm talking about, anyway. In fact, you may be very surprised to know how many share it.

Tel me, Ichigo, how many people can keep a secret before it isn't a secret anymore? The answer: always one fewer than you think.

Don't worry. We don't plan to tell anyone for now. Your secret's safe with us. Whether it's safe with you is another question. Some secrets are content to lie down and stay hidden, but others... Others tend to take on a life of their own. Others want to be told.

I think you do know what I'm talking about.

You give me that look now, but understand this first: we're here to help you. We don't have a plan. We're not out to make conquests. We aren't an organization.

We're a family.

Take a look. We're perfectly sincere. Come on and join the fold. The merry-go-round of faces here is still in operation—go ahead and take a ride! We don't bite. Much.

Oh, you're probably feeling very hesitant. It's understandable. Take your time. We'll wait. It's only a matter of time before you figure out that it's in your best interest to come to us. We won't lie to you, Ichigo. We're very honest people. We have nothing to hide.

The people you know and the faces you trust? They're the liars. They're the ones wearing the masks. How can you stand it? The sea of false faces grinning yellows spinning reds seething shadows breathing lies true is false who is who, that inhuman race to see who can smile the widest while stabbing you in the back. You can drown sometimes, I think, in the sea of smiles; drown in the light, in the sound, drink it in, drink it up, burn the glances, turn the heads and keep an eye on your drink at all times.

Makes you thirst for something more, doesn't it? Makes you want to draw the curtain back and expose the farce once and for all. We, at least, can claim one point of pride; when we're smiling on the outside, we're smiling on the inside as well.

Do you smile on the inside, too? Are you afraid to show it? Do you hide that grinning madness down under your fear in case it might show in your eyes, on your face, reflected in your sword? Don't. Set that smile free.

The banquet hall's burning, Ichigo. The masquerade ball is over. Show us your real face. You've waited long enough.

Time to see the mask behind the man.