Um please tell me what you think

Drew awoke wearily, inconspicuous to him; he was awaking in a bewildered state in an equally eccentric place. But marvelously for him, he had someone to accompany him and had much to reflect as well.

May pressed her nose against his shoulder; broadening her body as she began to awaken. She lay momentarily against him as her eyes adjusted to the pallid illumination.

"What-," May clenched his arm. The room was menacingly bare, nothing except the pale white space and the couch they were seated upon. The air smelled of pure refinery, a strange and desolate atmosphere. "Drew, where are we?" she said timidly.

"Ow, May your hurting my arm, let go."

May glanced up and become aware that her grasp on his arm was unyielding. She immediately released him, much to his relief. Sensing his shorthanded pain, she gave his arm a stroke of affection.

Drew smiled, as he stretched and scratched his head. Noticing his arms had more energy on them than before. His hair astonishingly was back to its original length. None of this made sense. Uneasily, Drew looked around. "May, where are we?"

"You guys are in the waiting room" a voice said.

A strange man sat next to them on the arm rest of the pastel couch. Drew recognized him as the man from his previous dreams he had while in the hospital. He wore a plain blue and white striped shirt with ripped jeans; two wings were developing from his back, disheveled feathers quivered to the ground as he stood, his blonde hair poking at his face.

"Excuse me?" Drew said finally, after gawking at the man for what seemed an eternity.

"The waiting room," He repeated. "Here is where you guys wait, obviously."

"Wait for what?" May asked.

"For what you guys have been waiting for, for the past, uh week and a half. Look, here you guys will take one last look at your lives, you'll also hear your loved ones calling you back to life, or onward into the afterlife, I'm not really sure. "

"Afterlife?"May moved closer to Drew, shivering as she heard him speak.

"Yeah, I'm sorry guys one of you isn't going back. I'll be back when the time comes, until then enjoy here." The man walked off disappearing before their eyes, through the seemingly solid brick wall that surrounded them.

They both looked at each other; they knew the angel's prophecy was correct. He had appeared so far just twice and only to Drew. To May he was a mystery. How suddenly they had been transported from the hospital to this outlandish barren room was obviously a sign. They had no other leads to go by and no one else to trust.

"I guess we just wait here May."

"I guess this means one of us has to go, doesn't it Drew?" She asked, grabbing his arm once more but with ease this time.

"Yeah, I guess so," He sighed, "I wish...Just this once; I could've fulfilled my dream that I've always wanted to accomplish. Ever since I knew I was terminal"

"What do you mean?" she asked.

"Oh May, it's just, everybody always dreams about growing up and finding the one who they'll spend their entire life with. When I found you, I thought that could be us, but we weren't exactly in a position to talk about our futures were we?"

"Stop talking like that, you know we couldn't…not after everything that's happened. We're just kids; we couldn't have a relationship that would extend to more than a few weeks."

"Not with that attitude, we wouldn't. Who knows, maybe the chemotherapy would've worked did you ever think of that?" Drew's voice dropped. He stood up, pacing the room; His hands grasping at his hair.

"You were on your death bed Drew; I thought it was too late." May followed his paces as they both circled the room, her pleas continued.

"I've been trying to find some way to deal with all of this. I didn't make the right decision last night but I just can't stand to lose anymore. My parents bond, my brother and now you? Maybe I should't've gotten involved with you. I think about that ever since you told me you were terminal. "

"It doesn't matter; there are probably thousands of better guys out there for you, why do you want me? I'm going to die any day now, because of this fucking disease whether it kills me recklessly or I kill myself because I just can't stand to feel emotions anymore."

"And what, the emotions you felt for me aren't worth feeling anymore, is that what you're saying?" May shot her hands in the air, She couldn't bear to continue with this brainless conversation, She started nervously twiddling her fingers viciously.

"I wish, I love those feelings for you, but because of them they end up hurting both of us, they hurt me because I hurt you."

"I don't care anymore!" She yelled. "I m just as reckless as you are Drew, Don't think you're the only one with things going on. I'm eccentric filled to the brim with polar opposite emotions, depression and euphoria. How do you think I feel if someday we fight and I go off and sleep with everyone, because I know that's what I think you rather… see me do?" May uttered her last words in silence.

Drew turned and faced her, surprising her as she dropped her hands to her side and ceased her fiddling. "Why would you comprehend that I wanted you to be treated like crap by everyone else?"

"If the next morning I'd would hate me even more, I would deserve it..."

"No you wouldn't...I know what you mean now...I think because of a single thing I do I don't deserve you and you think the same way. Well listen, get it through your empty head that no matter what you do I'll always love you, I may not want to see you for awhile because I'm mad or guilty but I'll always want to have you close to me."

"Well get that same message through your jock head, I don't want anyone but you."

"You know May If I could've walked away from my life earlier... I'd do it in a heartbeat. They made me want to die sooner. I thought that if you die you're completely happy and your soul somewhere lives on, I wouldn't be afraid of dying. Total peace after death, becoming someone else is the best hope I had. Being popular is just too much work. I wanted to get a job, and good grades. And a nice girl, like you."

"Me?" she said, evidently surprised but at the same time expectant of his answer.

"Yeah, you, There may be a lot of girls who are out there and drool over me...I won't name anyone in particular, but I've always had a favorite. I've always wondered what it would be like to pierce that face and meet the girl inside.

"What do you mean pierce my face?"

"You hide behind that scowl all the time. I don't think I've ever seen you smile." May shyly grinned as he continued talking.

"You have a beautiful smile."


Drew held out his hands, May blushed, placing her hands in the palm of his. He swept his arms around her waist, picking her up from the floor, lifting her off her feet.

"I'd give anything if we could forget about all the things that divide us and, and just...go for a walk, and forget about everything else. I still want to keep my promise and run away with you."

Gently, he leaned forward to kiss her. The room grew cold as the bleached door opened and the blonde-haired angel stepped back through the door. May pulled Drew close to her, in fear. The angel sighed a weary sigh as he sat on the sofa; Coughing drastically into his hands with sadness on his face.

"Hey," Drew walked over and looked at him, puzzled. "What wrong?"

"As much as I hate to do this," He said "The big man says one of you has to go, that's you kid." His eyes fell from Drew's gaze and fell upon May's. "I'm sorry."

"You" May eyes began to shadow a frightened expression. She didn't know where she would be going, or what awaited her there. The desolate feeling showered over her again.

The angel moved his hand and pointed across to the door. Once again it opened, this time a vibrant light crept through, as distant voice called out.

"May? May, is that you? I hardly recognize you."

May looked on in terrified curiosity. "That voice, it sounds so familiar." May smiled to some extent, as she approached the door peeking through, gasping in a joyful manner. "It's my grandma. I haven't seen her in three years, not since she..."

"You've grown up so much, May dear, let me look at you."

"May..." Drew whispered. The angel stood up and placed his hand on the young boy's shoulder. He smiled allowing him to sigh contently and relax. The blonde angel walked across the room, stopping just short of reaching the young girl, putting his hand on her shoulder.

"Grandma…" May said in disbelief, as she started to walk with the angel. "What are you doing here?"

"It's time for you to go dear. You're coming to stay with me now."

"W-wait," Drew said, his voice beginning to give way. "What does she mean?"

"I guess it means I...won't be going back." May answered him. Her head gently looked at the floor as she quietly wept.

Drew shook his head violently, running toward the angel and grabbing him by his torn shirt collar "No. You can't take her now. It's not her time."

"No. It is her time. It just came early." He whispered

"You can't do this!" Drew's face boiled pyretic red as he pounded on the angel's chest. "You can't take her away from me!"

"Drew please, its ok" she cried, Drew loosened his grip from the angel and ran to her, embracing her with all the new found strength he had.

"I Love you May…" He whispered in her ear."

"I love you too Drew," She whispered back to him. "I would have loved to take that walk with you. Maybe someday we will…."

"Goodbye May."

"Goodbye Drew…" May waved back to him, a warm smile on her face. She never looked so beautiful, he thought. That was the last time she saw her, as she in loving arms stepped through the door.

Drew fell back onto the couch, stunned. His chest grew heavier and heavier, his breathing was failing and the air was drastically leaving his body, as it did when he in the hospital.

April 21

The doctor rushed into the observation lab., his eyes gloomy and his mind elsewhere. He was in a hurry, everyone else sensed it. "Ok what's the prognosis on her, give me the full story."

The lab assistant nodded and handed the doctor a clipboard with the full information on his patient. "Doctor, We have discovered on her, our subject May, a hypothermic syringe, a bag containing Heroin, and a journal which she kept on her at all times. Our guess is she smuggled the needle in her journal which was hollow except for few pages in the front, along with the drugs, and overdosed sometime between midnight and 2 a.m."

"She was known before to have had a history of reckless behavior hasn't she?"he flipped the pages, seemingly interested with the information.

"Her mother said at one point she had tried suicide by overdosing, only her health had improved substantionally here. I doubt it was a suicide this time. "

"I don't believe it was either. The first time she was instantly addicted and couldn't live without it. How she had managed to shoot up on hospital grounds is beyond me. She was so secretive."

"From eyewitness reports it seemed she conversed daily with your boy."

He paused for a second, concluding silently "Do you have the coroner's report, the autopsy report?"

"Here it is"

"Blood level was 1.12 mgs. per liter," He sighed, "that would've killed anyone."

"Doctor I don't think she was addicted, I think it was more of a release therapy which she could not understand fully. It was an accident by all standards; this hospital is known for having incredible impressions on the young patients."

"Right, John I'm taking my coffee break now if you don't mind." He shoved the clipboard back into his hands and hurriedly walked off to the door.

"Doctor you'd better do something about your son, talk to him-"

"I don't feel like it now ok?"

"Well you should do something or-"

"Or else what?"

"Or else May isn't going to be the only patient you lose!"

He looked at his assistant, surprised by his outburst. "Right…I'll go now."

Drew knelt outside the hospital doors, his first visit to the outside in weeks. His hair had begun to grow back; a light shadow of his hair covered his head. "I can't believe it…she's gone…I shouldn't have let her go..,"

The doctor stepped out of the brightness of the hospital hallways, and into the gleaming sunset. He caught immediately the sight of his young and only son, Drew. He figured the sooner he had his chat with his son, the sooner he could go back inside.

"How are you son?" he called out. Drew turned around carelessly, lifting his head barely in a salutational gesture.

"I'm fine dad," He said, indifferently turning away.

"The chemotherapy seems to be working, you're walking again and some of your hair has grown back." He said, running his fingers across his son's head. Drew pulled his head away, and moved farther from his father.

"Who are you?" Drew asked.

He shook his head, "Oh Drew don't start, I know I haven't been around much-"

"You didn't even come and visit me, at least Mom managed too. You thought I was done for, didn't you? That's why you didn't come visit me."

"That's not true Drew, I just…

"Just what?"

"I couldn't stand to lose you, you're my son and I love you very much."

"Who the fuck are you? That's a likely story dad."

"Well it's true you know, but fine be that way you're still my son and patient and I'm still your father and doctor," He stood up and pulled another cigarette out of his pocket. "You can go home if you can get up and walk away tonight, though I doubt the chemotherapy would last you more than a few weeks…" he mumbled.

Drew turned to face his father, and threw various punches at his face in anger, none hit. "Come on tell me, cause I really want to know, Just who the fuck do you think you are to telling me that I-"

With one hand, his father pushed him aside and walked back into the hospital. "You're a faggot aren't you; in years she was your one and only girlfriend. Since she died, I guess you now have an excuse to dump her."

"Shut up!"

"Come back to get your goddamned I.V.!" Those were his last words to his son as he stepped into the hospital dropping his cigarette to floor outside and reaching in for another in his coat pocket.

"Son of a- I hate that bastard!" He said punching and kicking the brick wall until he could no longer feel the pain of his skin peeling across his knuckles. He sat back down, heaving and breathing heavily, pulling his knees into his stomach. "I wish I never met her, I just wish I could forget about it all."

"I can make you forget about it."

Drew looked up; the mysterious angel had appeared once more. He took a seat next to him on the brick fortification. "I can make you forget about it all Drew, as if you were never sick, as if you never had that conversation with your father, and as is you never met May."

Drew sighed sadly, uneasy about the angel's appearance and purpose. "Look why are helping me?"

"Cause that's what I was sent to do, but look, before you make your decision, I just want to show you what you're going to miss out on." The messily clad angel stood before the young boy, placing his hand on his forehead. "Just relax got it?"

"Yeah I-"

The memories just clouded his mind. One by one they replayed back to him. His hospital stay, the fight, and the highlighting conversations he had with her. That day he saved her from his friends who attacked him and then dared to lay a finger on her. The afterward delusions in the nurse's office and the rush to the locker room, having finally realized that she wasn't intently flirting with him, but trying to force May into making a move. It was all so clear now.

The hospital stays, afterward, into the flood again. The same trip he had back in the nurse's office except with her by his side. His amusing awakening techniques: 'I'm Drew,' he said. 'I'm supposed to be dead but I'm not, we're roommates and it's a good thing you're as young as me-if we were older they wouldn't let us sleep in the same room, on account of you know.' His hands and fingers brushing across her wrists; 'watermelon, watermelon, watermelon...god it's so pointless.' His midnight dances with her, helping her decide whose face to give to the gentleman of her dreams.

'God, you're fun to kiss.' Their last night together, their passion expanding beyond anything they could grasp; Awakening in disorientation next to her warm body, with her hand across his chest. 'The doctors are supposed to make everything better aren't they?' Oh but didn't they? Putting us in each other's presence, I never would've known what romance is. A beautiful wedding in the sky will follow, I may have survived but I won't stay here without you, I love you May. 'I had an extraordinary pair of patients'

'You must be a faggot. Shut up!' His relationship with his father, if not for his abandonment, he would've been caring and needless to his every command. He wouldn't have made it on his own along with May, He would've left before her and who knows what may have happened to her if not for him. Would she have lived, would she have been happy without him or sad?

"No!" Drew awoke from his trance, he shook his head. There's still a long time to go, I can't find a good reason to go on, without those memories. One person made the difference when I was at my weakest, just one person listened and shared similarities with me and didn't criticize or say what I was doing was wrong. She may be gone but she wouldn't want me to forget her or give up so easily. I forgive her, because I love her.

"No...Wait...just- let me... just let me keep it, please…Please," He looked around for the angel but he wasn't there, nor was his presence felt. All that was there was a young green haired boy, sitting on the edge of a hospital brick wall, with a ray of light on him.