A/N: So here's a new story from me! Except that it's not new at all! I first posted this last year on the Boneyard but never on this site, so I thought I would repost. I was going to go through and edit it, but I thought I should leave it as is, otherwise it would never get up! This is the very first story I wrote, I hope you like it. It's part of a series of six stories entitled A Year in the Life.
A quick note, I wrote this after the Judas on a Pole episode, so that's roughly the time period. Although there's no Sully or any of that! The first chapter's short, but I promise they get longer!
Thanks to the ABY girls! You rock!
Chapter One: Gift ExchangeTemperance Brennan took a look around her apartment and sighed. Why did I agree to do this? she thought. Because. she chided to herself. They are family. My family. She thought back to last month, when she had finally found her father only to have him leave with Russ. How she had stood outside the diner and Booth had explained to her that there was more than one type of family. It was at that moment that she realized he was right. Angela, Zack, Hodgins and Booth were her family.
They were more than work colleagues. They had been through so much, both good and bad. Kenton, the Gravedigger, her family. They had been there for it all. And this is why she, Dr. Temperance Brennan, had agreed to have the Christmas gift exchange at her apartment.
She thought back to earlier in the week when Angela proposed the gift exchange. She had walked out of her office and noticed Cam, Zack, Hodgins, Booth and Angela all sitting around the examination table. She walked up to them, but held back, not wanting to become involved in the conversation.
"So who wants to have the gift exchange? It definitely can't be at my apartment, cuz its way too small" Angela said.
"You just don't want me to see your place." Hodgins replied.
"You are absolutely correct!" Angela said, grinning.
"My apartment is out as well" Cam said. "It's really not big enough for everyone. So who has the biggest place?"
"Hodgins." Zach said, automatically. Jack immediately began to shift in his seat and look uncomfortable. "Well.. I.."
"I'll do it." She said, the words escaping her lips before she realized what she said.
"What?" Booth said, looking at her sceptically.
"I said, that I will have it at my place. I mean…, if that's okay with everyone."
"Sweetie, I thought you didn't do Christmas." Angela said.
"Well, maybe this year…" she trailed off, unsure of what to say.
"That sounds good, Bones." Booth said, flashing his charm smile. " Can I bring Parker?"
"Of course." She replied. "But I don't know have a lot of things in my place that he can play with."
"Just leave it up to me." Booth said.
And that was that. It was decided. Angela had come up to her afterwards and given her a big hug and walked away. She was unsure about what it was for, but she decided not to press the issue.
She did one more sweep of her apartment to make sure that her apartment was clean and then sat down on her couch to wait. However, she didn't have to wait very long. Five minutes after she sat down, there was a knock at her door.