Warnings: minor character death
Disclaimer: I do not own these characters. This is written for fun or something. I make no money, etc.

Summary: All about Sergeant Cole. And how he never really died. Not so much, anyhow. Undertones of Carson/Chair, Chuck/console. Spoilers: 2x18 Michael, 3x07 Common Ground

Author Notes: Fanfiction says yahboosux to minor character death. Also flagrant use of inanimate object shipping. Not beta'd. This fic has concepts in it from three of my other fics, two where inanimate shipping is the name of the game, and another where Cole has the nickname of 'King', hence the title. You don't need to have read them. You can find them listed on this site - Adapter, Let Me Help, and What's Wrong With You?


Elizabeth glanced at the ceiling as they sat down. She closed her eyes briefly, and then looked across her desk at John Sheppard and Kate Heightmeyer.

"All right, Kate. I'm listening."

Kate smiled tightly. "Thank you for seeing me, Dr Weir. I know that Carson and I said that Michael was ready to integrate, but I've had some second thoughts. I've talked to Carson, as you know, and he agrees. We need to qualify our decision."

Elizabeth took a deep breath. "We can't keep him locked up much longer. You'd better explain your concerns."

Kate nodded, looking pensive, "It's not Michael. It's everyone else. And I'm not saying that anyone has expressed anything other than scientific interest or bored tolerance."

"Incredible, really, considering we're effectively releasing a Wraith among us," John quipped.

Elizabeth sighed. "Colonel. Please. We're trying to make sure we do this in the right way. And he is no longer a Wraith. Not according to Carson."

John just raised an eyebrow.

Kate looked at him, and folded her hands together. "This is the problem, Dr Weir. Everyone is almost all right about having Lieutenant Kenmore among us, but underneath, most people are scared, or prejudiced, especially if they feel threatened. I strongly urge you to wait another week, let everyone get used to the idea some more. And you'll need to choose his security team carefully."

Elizabeth frowned, "Go on."

"Yeah, tell me more," John asked.

Kate looked at them both in turn. "You need men who won't blow his head off at the first sign of trouble. And there will be trouble, believe me. We are talking about a highly experimental process. Anything could happen."

"Colonel?" Having listened carefully to Kate, Elizabeth wanted to hear John's side.

"Well," he drawled, "I'm not saying that's not a possibility. But we need to keep our people safe."

Kate flexed her hands on her lap. "Colonel, don't you see? We have to make Michael one of our people now. It's the only way this whole thing will ever work. We can't simply create an underclass of humans in permanent captivity. We need to truly integrate him. You need a security team with a degree of compassion and a lack of prejudice."

John snorted, "A lack of prejudice against the Wraith? Yeah, right. Look, Elizabeth, we'll do our best, but I can't guarantee that my men will see Michael as anything other than a danger."

Kate threw up her hands, exasperated.

"Hey," John protested. "I like Michael! He seems okay."

"Yes," Elizabeth countered, "But will his Security team? You're right Kate, we need to select carefully. Keating is the head of security, surely he is the best man for the job?"

John shook his head, "Nope. Michael is a strong guy, and Keating, I hate to say it, just isn't up to it. And he knows it. He's ready to make the selection. Guys who are good in a fight." John grinned.

"We're trying to avoid fights," murmured Kate.

"Well, what about… Hawker? He seems kind," Elizabeth continued, "That's what we need, isn't it?"

Kate cocked her head to one side, "Not precisely. Too much empathy, and there's a risk of manipulation."

"Oh, for crying out loud," John growled, "Michael just needs a straightforward weight-matched security team. The rest is up to you, Kate. My men won't be there to babysit."

"I don't disagree, Colonel. Overfamiliarity by the guards could compromise safety. But they must be compassionate enough to treat him humanely, in every sense of the word. They may need to protect Michael, as well as those around him." She took a deep breath. "Can I suggest Sergeants Cole and Barker initially? Those are the type of men I believe we need."

Elizabeth and John looked at her, clearly thinking about the two Sergeants mentioned, and weighing up her words. Elizabeth looked at John.

"Well," he let out a breath, "All right. I see your point. But those guys aren't normally on security detail."

"No, but they have the necessary skills, and I believe they can do their duty without prejudice," Kate added.

Elizabeth nodded, "Sergeant Cole is a good man. And perhaps you are right, Kate, not everyone could do what it seems we need to ask them to do." She looked to John.

"Agreed," John conceded. "Cole and Barker first on the rota, and Keating and I will run the rest by you, Kate. And we brief them together - you can give them all the 'be compassionate' stuff."

"All right," smiled Kate. "Thank you, Colonel."


"Can you tell us in your own words your opinion of Lieutenant Kenmore, and the need for security as he is introduced to the city?" Kate's tone was neutral, calm. She smiled at Sergeant Frank Cole.

John sat motionless, leaning back in his chair, his face a disinterested mask.

His eyes flicking to the Colonel once or twice, Cole answered Kate politely. "If Dr Beckett has found a way to turn Wraith into humans, then I'm all for it. But I don't think it's going to be easy to keep the secret from him. That's where I think any security issue will lie. One wrong word from someone in the gym, and there could be trouble. I don't want to see anyone hurt."

Kate smiled.

John folded his arms. "You don't think Michael is a danger to us?"

Cole frowned. "Doc Beckett wouldn't release him if he thought he was. But it's an experiment, right? Something might happen that he hasn't thought of, I guess. That's the way things usually turn out nasty. We'll just have to take it a day at a time."

Kate and John exchanged looks, and John turned to Cole. "All right, Cole, report to the Infirmary first thing in the morning. You'll be assigned to Michael until further notice. I'll hand Logistics to Walker for the time being." He nodded. "That'll be all."

Cole stood up and saluted his commanding officer. "Yes sir. Thank you, sir." He turned and left the room.

Kate smiled smugly at John. "See?"

He smiled, conceding, "Yeah, okay, I get your point."