A/N: Hey guys!!! Sorry it took a little longer to get this chapter up! WELPS!! I'm not really good at fight scenes (cry) but I try my best!! So yeah! READ AND REVIEW!! Also…if you have any ideas as to what to add to my story I'd appreciate them!! I have writers block! LOLZ anywho!!! R&R!! 3


Dodging another energy ball that Chase had just pitched at him, Tyler gathered up his energy and took cover behind a wall.

"You can't hide from me, Baby Boy." Chase called and Tyler heard his footsteps getting closer. When they stopped, he sprang up and released his energy, which successfully threw Chase into a nearby wall, but he immediately jumped back up and laughed.

"Nice one, Ty…" he spoke as they both circled each other, waiting for the other to attack. "But you're gonna have to do a better job than that…"

From out of nowhere, a light blue energy ball came flying from Tyler and hit Chase dead in the chest. He flew back against the wall and grimaced at the pain. Tyler, quickly flew over to Chase and stomped down on his chest.

"You mean like this?" He asked sarcastically, and put more pressure onto Chase's chest with his foot. "Hey while you're down there…mind tying my shoe?"

Chase let out an angry yell and grabbed Tyler by the foot and flung him backwards, hurling energy balls out at him at random moments.

Tyler dodged them all and struck Chase yet again with an energy ball to his chest. But he didn't stop there. He flew them at him left and right, his anger getting the best of him until he realized that Chase was laying on the ground, his eyes an icy black…the pale gaze of death staring back at him.

Tyler walked slowly over to him and stared down at him…A slow smile curved from his lips. "Next time, Stay dead." Turning around, his eyes flashed black for a second and the rest of the ruins, along with Chase's limp form, were glazed over with fire…and Tyler walked away, a wicked smile covering his flawless face…