Thankyou Han-Chan and Inumaru12. if it wasn't for you two I wouldn't have thought writing this. I would also like to point out that this chapter is especially AU and that the chapters don't follow along in chronological order. Iroh met up with the Gaang some time before their final confrontation with the Fire Lord but after the Western Air Temple




Oh, my love, temptress divine,

Be for me, please be mine.

Hope sings high to skies above,

Within her words she speaks of love

He sang, serenading to his audience of his nephew and the Avatar. At first they looked upon him in utter astonishment. Zuko was more than a little afraid that the simple camp-fire gathering would become Music Night all over again.

In these times of troubles and fear,

When pain and strife are all that's here,

One thing shines through to the end,

My love for you, my doting friend.

"Uncle, please tell me you did not bring us out here to sing."

The Dragon of the West merely smiled, continuing with his song. He had requested a talk with them privately. Two days away from the Fire Nation, and still with no idea how to get anywhere near the palace, they had assumed it was to impart a preaching of great wisdom. In a way he mused, they were not wrong. But it was wisdom, they themselves must decode. Though admittedly with his choice of song he was screaming it in their face.

They melody changed

The ways of the world are strange and weathering,

And we must all come to our own decisions,

When there is no time for feathering

We tend to take the wrong provisions,

Aang sighed and fell back against Zuko's chest. The action surprised the older boy but he quickly adjusted his position to accommodate them both better.

Please forgive me, oh, my love

And help me rise to the skies above...

Aang's head turned, his cheek just under Zuko's chin. His lips, soft and pinked brushed against the firebender's neck. The action enticed a small inaudible gasp and Zuko tilted his head downward to look at the boy. His stormy eyes half-lidded, a soft smile in place. They didn't realise the music had stopped, drawn into each other almost completely, lips a mere hair's-breadth apart before they noticed.

The boys sprang apart, blushing profusely and spluttering in confusion.

Game set. Iroh smiled knowingly as the two's minds retreated back to their respective supposed girlfriends and tried to explain to themselves what the hell just happened. Zuko was feeling particularly disturbed as the Avatar had not only been the object of his obsessions for three years but also a twelve year old boy. He knew for a fact he didn't have a shota-complex... right?

Aang hiself was just reeling that he had almost kissed his firebending teacher... his male firebending teacher. Weirder still he'd wanted to. Damn puberty.

Iroh observed the after-effects and raised an amused eyebrow from behind his teacup.

Ok, Ok, not very good I know and I'm doubly disappointed with myself as it's not really fully Iroh's perspective and it sounded so much better in my head. This is based of this scene I saw in a Shakespere movie thing, and I immediately substituted the characters in my head for those you see here. I apologise and had you paid for this I would no doubt give you a full refund with interest for however long it took you to read it. Also, I need better ideas for a title.

Oh and sorry for the puberty thing at the end there, but right now I'm doubly pissed with it.

Further Full Apologies
