Disclaimer: I own nothing.

"Hey Ron is this yours?" Ginny asked, walking into the living room. Ron turned from his chess match against Charlie to look at her.

"Harry!" He shouted, dropping the Red Queen's Rook in his hand, and jumped out of his seat towards his sister. "Gimme that!"

Harry looked up from the Muggle novel he was reading to see Ron grabbing a stuffed bear from Ginny.
"You named a stuffed animal after me?" Harry asked. His eyebrows rose in an expression that was half amusement, half curiosity.

Ron turned to look at Harry. "Well…I," Ron stammered, ears turning red.

"It was a gift from me." Charlie answered with a smile. He gestured to the bear. " When we were young Ron came to me one day tears streaming down his face, seems the twins had been giving him a hard time again, so I got him a bear and told him that teddy would protect him from Fred and George's teasing. I told him that he should give it a good name, one that would strike fear in the twins, so that they would leave Ronnie alone." Charlie paused and chuckled slightly.

"What? What is it?" Harry asked him, it was clearly a memory that Charlie found amusing.

"'I will call him Harry Potter!'" Charlie declared in a baby voice. Ginny giggled and Harry's upper lip twitched as he tried to stifle a grin.

"Charles…shut it." Ron said dangerously, his face flushing. But Ron's protests seemed to do nothing but spur Charlie into continuing his story. "When I asked him why he chose the name he said, 'because Harry Potter is so strong and brave, he got rid of You-Know-Who after all, Fred and George doesn't stand a chance against him'."

Ginny doubled over in her laughter, while both Ron and Harry remained quiet, their faces slightly pink with embarrassment.

"I can't believe you still kept him after all this time though." Charlie observed, frowning softly.

"What do you mean?" Ron asked.

"Well, I thought for sure that you had gotten get rid of him. I mean, I haven't seen it in years, not since Fred transfigured it into a spider."

"Wait. You mean that this was the teddy that made you afraid of spiders?" Harry asked.

Ron shrugged. "Yeah, well I never held it again you can be sure of that, but I couldn't bring myself to toss it, and it wasn't because it was afraid to get near it either." He added. "It was because…" Ron paused and fell back into his seat with a sigh. "He was special to me, because he was a gift from you."

"That's very sweet of you Ronald." Charlie smiled brightly and patted Ron on the shoulder. "I think it's time for tea, Ginny would you give me a hand?" He asked after everyone drifted off into a moment of silence.

"Sure." Ginny and Charlie went into the kitchen to prepare tea leaving Harry and Ron to their own devices.

Ron looked over to Harry and found the Harry was watching him. He put the bear on the table next to the chess set so that it lay on its back. "Go on say it."

"Say what?" Harry asked, leaning against Ron on the couch.

"Tell me how lame I am." Ron breathed heavily out of his nose. "Stupid Charlie, he didn't have to tell you the whole story."

"You're not lame," Harry said, picking the bear up. "It was a nice story."

"Harry, I named my teddy after you," Ron pointed out.

"I know. It's a bit flattering I guess." Harry kissed Ron and handed him the bear. "But now you have the real Harry Potter to save you from the twins…and spiders, naturally."

Ron chuckled and kissed Harry back. "Good to know."