AN: I began this fic after I took down Tulips and Roses, and yes I know a lot of my fans were upset by that. However I feel this fic will be much better than that. I am going to give Naruto a form of bloodline in this fic, as well as making the age that he and everyone else become genin fourteen. The pairing has been decided and NO this will not be a Harem. Also for further note I HATE SAKURA… anyway enjoy.

Kirigakure, Sunagakure, Konohagakure, Kumogakure, Iwagakure these are The Great Five shinobi villages scattered throughout the nations. Kiri is located in the Land of Water, as such their shinobi specialize in water based jutsu, the village itself is actually on a small island isolated from the rest of the nations, located on the main continent. Suna can be found in the Land of Wind surrounded by a wide range of desert, due to the harsh conditions of the desert, shinobi from this hidden village are often able to function effectively in any weather. Konoha is by far the largest hidden village, it is home to a wide variety of skills as well as kekkai genkai, and this village is accustomed to peace although their shinobi are skilled and always taught to "look underneath the underneath". Kumo is one of the wavering hidden villages, due to the high peak terrains it would be difficult to invade, however it is also difficult to retrieve and exchange information with such a village, the shinobi of this village specialize in electrical jutsu. Iwa, not much is known about the Stone village, however its' forces have been weakened since The Great Shinobi war when the recently deceased Yondaime Hokage slaughtered more than half of their forces on his own, as such the village has declared peace with all other hidden villages, it is suspected that the territory is full of caves, mountains, and barren land.

Each Hidden Village's strength is based on not only the number of shinobi, but the skills, clans, and missions gifted upon said villages. Once every six months a meeting is held between the five Kage's in order to discuss certain political views between their villages.

At this moment one of the most important Kage meetings in history was currently taking place. This meeting regarding the upcoming generation of future shinobi and kunoichi alike. However the actual topic regarded one infant in particular, one that could very well shift the balance of power in the villages. One Naruto Namikaze, son of the Yondaime Hokage, and vessel of the Kyuubi no Kitsune, it had been only two months since the sealing of the demon fox and already multiple assassination attempts had been made, using the surname Uzumaki was pointless if he could not be safe within his own village.

"My fellow Kage's, I ask you today not as shinobi, not as leader's, but as friends and human beings… It has become apparent to me that young Naruto will not be safe within the walls of Konoha, and although it goes against the wishes of the late Yondaime Hokage… I believe that having the boy raised in a different hidden village would be much better for him." The Sandaime of Konoha, Sarutobi spoke gravely as he for once pulled the ever present pipe out of his mouth and placed it in the inner pocket of his Kage robes.

"While Iwa would greatly benefit from the boy… I think we all know what would happen the second the shinobi of Iwa learned of his name." The Tsuchikage sighed heavily, although he harbored anger towards the late Minato Namikaze, this was a child they were talking about, an innocent that had done no wrong and he could not put the boy in harms way.

Nods of agreement flew around the table. "Kumo is out of the question as well, our numbers are dwindled, and our civilians are becoming hostile…I fear rebellion." The Raikage's eyes took on a thoughtful look as he tipped his hat down, covering his face. "I apologize Sarutobi-san, there is not much that can be done."

"There is no need, I understand your situation and if you need Konoha will offer its support in anyway needed… however that leaves only Kiri and Suna as possible homes for young Naruto." Sarutobi glanced over at the two remaining Kage's.

The Yondaime Kazekage bit his lip, his eyes narrowed. "It would be… both problematic and beneficial for Suna to raise the child. His strength will undoubtedly be great, and truly help any village he is raised in…yet, my son Gaara recently became the host for Shukaku, I fear if they were to grow up and become out of control, the civilian's relationship with the shinobi population would become strained." He paused rubbing his temple. "Still, I fear that Gaara will grow up alone, Chiyo put the most basic of seals on the boy…and it may be possible that Shukaku would have some influence over him, perhaps a friend…would be beneficial."

Sarutobi sighed inwardly, the Yondaime Kazekage was a well respected man, and it was obvious that the man saw Naruto as a potential weapon, rather than a human child, just like he did his own son. On the other hand the shinobi from Suna were all in the upper rankings, due to only the best being able to excel, having the boy raised their would indeed make him powerful.

"What of you Mizukage-san?" Sarutobi asked the blue robed man, whom he held in high regard, not only for his power, but his insight as well.

"Hmm, I have no quarrels of taking the boy under my wing; the boy's Kekkai Genkai will allow him to take on a second elemental affinity depending on the conditions he is used to being around, if we are correct in our assumption that his natural affinity will be wind, he will be able to combine affinities." Bringing his fist to his lips in thought, the Mizukage continued. "There are many capable teachers that would be able to help the boy as well… yes I do believe the boy will do fine despite the financial problems occurring throughout the nation…"

The Kazekage glared at the Rokudaime Mizukage, his eyes hard. "If it is indeed true that the boy holds a wind affinity it would make more sense for him to come to Suna so he may harness this ability to his full potential! There are no wind users in Kiri!" He argued, turning to the Sandaime Hokage. "If we allow him to be raised in Kiri the boy will be of little use should he prove to have a wind affinity."

"Hmm, that is true… both options are hindering, as well as beneficial…what do you two propose we do?" Sarutobi asked, pulling out his pipe and sticking it in the corner of his mouth. 'Two options…what to do…'

"I… have a proposition; it would not only be of great benefit to the boy, but to the village alliance as well." The Mizukage smiled and nodded to himself as he spoke. "We will be unable to find out what the boys affinity will be until he is old enough to properly mold chakra, I will take the boy and train him myself as my apprentice when he is of the age when we can determine what affinity the boy has, if it is indeed wind… I will send the boy to Suna for a year to train, from then on every year we send the boy back and forth between Kiri and Suna to train."

The Kazekage pursed his lips tightly in thought. "It is indeed doable, however…" He paused, his gaze suddenly turning to the Hokage. "We would be doing you a large favor for this… I expect we will receive some form of compensation."

Sarutobi sighed, though the smile that crept onto his face was a grateful one. "Yes, yes, of course… in return for taking care of young Naruto and training him… I will redirect one third of all A-rank and one fifth of all S-rank mission Konoha recieves to Kiri and Suna." Taking a puff from his pipe, Sarutobi's gaze crossed over the Kazekage and Mizukage. "Is this acceptable?"

"Indeed." Was the reply from both Kage's.

"Very well then, however when Naruto turn's fifteen, he will be given a choice of what village he wishes to live in agreed?" Sarutobi asked, not only the two Kage's, but all the Kage's present.

Nods were his only reply.

"Well then… this meeting is adjourned, see you all in six months time, I will have one of my trusted Jounin's take young Naruto to Kiri as soon as possible…"

And with that the five shadows of their villages disbanded.

'Live well…Naruto.'

Seven Year Later, Kirigakure

A young blonde boy with wild, spiky hair, brilliant cerulean eyes, and whisker marks on his cheeks, ran through the streets of the Hidden Mist Village. He adorned a pure white haori along with sky blue hakama pants; on his feet were wooden geta sandals which had metal plating on the bottom.

Normally he was a cheerful and bright young boy, often he could be seen in the training grounds, being ordered and directed by the Mizukage in various taijutsu exercises and chakra control techniques, or being taught under the tutelage of Zabuza Momochi in the arts of the sword. However today his cheerful smile was replaced with a worried frown, his eyes were narrowed and his breathing was quick and shallow as he worked his way through the crowd of civilians who also had grave looks on their faces.

Last night in the dead silence, the Seven Swordsman of the Mist attempted to pull of a coup d'état and take over the village. The attempt had failed and the seven were forced to disband and spread out, however the Mizukage had been gravely injured and was said to be in critical condition.

"Mizukage-sama!" Naruto called out as he burst into the private hospital wing used for high ranking shinobi. The sight before him was not what he expected however, the Mizukage sat up from the hospital bed, smiling as his apprentice approached.

"Naruto-kun… what a pleasant surprise this is." He spoke cheerfully, his slightly wrinkled face turned bright although to Naruto it seemed a little forced.

Naruto glanced at the only nurse in the room, his eyebrows rose up in question as he turned to look back at his sensei, who only had medical wrap around his chest and left shoulder. "Why aren't you more hurt, you went up against six of the seven swordsmen?" He exclaimed loudly, throwing his hands up in the air.

The Mizukage gave a chuckle at this, his slightly wrinkled face turned up in a smile. "That's all you can say, I am Mizukage for a reason you brat… more importantly you are alright… Kisame went after you and you survived, how did you get away?" He asked, standing up from his bed and moving over to his young charge.

The young blonde seemed to brighten a bit at this, his eyes though, held a look of mystery and confusion. "It was amazing! I was out by the river, and he came at me… I didn't even know when I realized that he wasn't joking around… but he was about to catch me with Samehada, when I brought my hands up and a spike of ice flew up from the river and pierced him… he was a bunshin though, but I don't know what type cause he more dissolved than dispersed like any form of bunshin I've seen…" Naruto's eyes suddenly drifted back up to the Mizukage's. "How did it happen though?"

"Ice… so it is wind and water." The Mizukage whispered, sighing softly. "Very well Naruto, follow me…"

With a curious expression the young jinchuuriki followed his mentor back to his office. "Naruto... what I am about to tell you does not leave this room understand?"

Naruto blinked as he closed the door behind him, moving over to the desk and sitting down in the guest chair. "Hai…" He nodded slightly, interested in whatever he was about to hear.

A grave sigh broke the pregnant silence that had been present only moments before, giving the beginning to the Mizukage's speech. "Naruto… do you remember what I told you about kekkai genkai?"

Naruto nodded slowly, confused as to what a bloodline would have to do with him.

"Seven years ago… a rare bloodline was said to have died out, this bloodline gave a person the ability to adapt to their surroundings, and be able to contain and combine two elemental affinities…" Naruto's eyes widened at this revelation.

"I thought it was impossible for any one person to have more than one elemental affinity!" The blonde exclaimed, sitting on the edge of his seat now.

Smiling at the lessons he had taught the boy sinking in, the Mizukage nodded. "Hai… in normal circumstances such a feat is impossible, however this kekkai genkai developed around half a century ago… it all depended on what element the person spent the most time around, whatever element that happened to be would become a natural second affinity, what has been found however is that every person to ever house this bloodline had their first natural affinity as wind."

"You can't be implying that…" The young boy trailed off, his mind working a million miles a minute as he digested this new information.

Nodding, the Mizukage continued. "Hai… you are the last remaining person to have this ability, taking the affinities of wind and water to take control of a sub element…ice." Pausing, the leader of Kiri broke out into a small smile. "Coincidentally… there was a clan in this land that also had the ability to control ice naturally, unfortunately… as far as I know they were wiped out as well; however I do posses a scroll containing a list of their customized jutsus."

Naruto jumped out of his seat at this, his eyes sparkling with anticipation and his lips turned up into his trademark foxy grin. "You're gonna teach me their jutsu!" He cried out, always interested in learning anything relevant to jutsu. However his grin faded when his mentor shook his head n decline.

"No, I am unable to perform their jutsu, plus they would require almost complete control over both wind and water… no for the next year, we will be devoting every hour of daylight to helping you master control over the element of water."

Tilting his head in confusion, the blonde seven year old asked. "What about wind… how am I going to learn that?"

A small smirk was the initial thing that crossed the Kage's lips. "Oh do not worry… rest assured that you will be taught to control the wind... but not until you have control over water… now, let us go… we have only a year to teach you what most cannot learn in a decade." He said, motioning for the boy to tag along as he exited his office.

'I can only hope the Kazekage won't be too upset with me, keeping the boy longer than the initial agreement.' The Mizukage glanced out of the corner of his eye at the young boy that walked beside him towards the training grounds, not only his protégé, not only his student, but the closest thing he would ever have, and ever care for…as a son.

AN: Gah, not anywhere near as good as I hoped it would start out, but eh its a prologue, please tell me if i get any translations wrong or if you see any spelling errors, which i know there are. Anyways I hope you guys like it, I would very much appreciate any advice, criticism, and words of encouragement. Please don't flame, it's a waste of my time and yours. Anyways I'm out, till next time!

Also if anyone knows a good japanese translation site, I would very much appreciate it if you would email it to me, I WON'T be able to continue this story till a good one is found, the ones I find all redirect the translation into Kanji and I can't really use that.

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