Digimon D-Tamer

Written by DarkMagicEradicator67

Rating Pending: K+

Disclaimer: I don't own Digimon or any of its characters, except for the original characters that I have created. Everything else is property of Bandai and Toei Animation.

The Digital Network! It has spread throughout the entire world, creating a new parallel one! The people of Earth don't know it yet, but a great disaster is about to happen, as the worlds collide…




"Take cover, the Dark Area's here!"

Voices screamed throughout the Dragonic continent as buildings were blasted down. An army of Devimon riding Devidramon flew around everywhere, blasting every dragon digimon in sight. Attacks of Death Claw and Crimson Nail were cried, as many digimon were deleted from existence. One small green dragon digimon fell to the ground as the army of devil digimon marched towards it.


"Aw, crap!" Dracomon yelled as a Devidramon grabbed him by the neck and his grip began to grow stronger and stronger. Suddenly, a sword struck through the Devidramon and its body was instantly deleted. Dracomon turned to see a VictoryGreymon with its Dramon Breaker in his fist.


"Dracomon, get out of here!" VictoryGreymon shouted. "You're our only hope to save this world!"

"What are you talking about?!" Dracomon asked, as the army of evil digimon started to overwhelm the fighting digimon and a few of them flew towards VictoryGreymon and Dracomon.

"Just go!" VictoryGreymon shouted as he grabbed Dracomon and flew away from the battle. A Devimon who was watching them held a black orb in his fist and as it glowed, it evolved into NeoDevimon.


VictoryGreymon continued to fly through the air carrying a curious Dracomon in his arms.

"VictoryGreymon, where are you taking me?" Dracomon asked.

"Dracomon, you are the last pure-blooded dragon." VictoryGreymon explained. "You are the only thing that can stand in the way of the Dark Area family from overtaking the Digital Network."

"Stun Claw!"

With a strike of NeoDevimon's claw, VictoryGreymon roared in pain as he fell down from the sky and crash-landed at the shoreline of a nearby island.

"Oh no!" Dracomon shouted as he got up and ran towards VictoryGreymon.

"D-Dracomon…" VictoryGreymon stuttered. "I've been paralyzed…you need to get help."

"How am I supposed to do that?" Dracomon cried as NeoDevimon landed close to the two dragons and started striking everything in sight, in search for them.

"Here, use this…" VictoryGreymon said as he pointed to his Dramon Breaker with his eyes.

"Your sword?" Dracomon asked as he picked it up.

"When the time comes," VictoryGreymon said. "You will acknowledge the true power of the sword."

There was a great explosion behind them and NeoDevimon's figure was seen glaring at them.

"I believe it's time for you two to go now." NeoDevimon said with a claw in the air.

"Baby Breath!"

Dracomon's fireball hit NeoDevimon dead on, but he didn't take any damage. As the paralysis apparently wore off, VictoryGreymon slowly began to stand up in front of Dracomon.

"VictoryGreymon!" Dracomon cried. "I'll take him down!"

"No, you must escape!" VictoryGreymon pleaded.

"It's time to die!" NeoDevimon cried. "Guilty Claw!"

"Victory Charge!"

VictoryGreymon reflected the attack and it blasted Dracomon into the air along with the Dramon Breaker. A digital gate opened in the sky and Dracomon fell through it.

"Now…" VictoryGreymon growled as he faced NeoDevimon with anger. "Let's finish this!"

"Hachiro, wake up!!!!"

At the sound of the voice, Hachiro Ryuu woke up instantly to the crashing of books on his desk. His teacher, Ms. Daimon, glared at him.

"Honestly," Ms. Daimon said. "I don't know how you plan on moving to high school if you keep falling asleep in class like that!"


"Man, I hate school..." Ryuu said as he leaned down against a tree as the school day ended. The sun gleamed on his face as he drifted asleep.


The soft feminine voice that woke Ryuu up turned out to be Brasilie Vani, Ryuu's girlfriend.

"Hi, Ryuu-kun." Vani smiled as she kissed Ryuu on the cheek and she leaned on the tree next to him.

"Hey, Vani." Ryuu said.

"That was some show you put on back in Daimon's class." Vani laughed.

"Oh, that." Ryuu said. "Well, I was very tired from, uh…"

"From playing that new Digital Monster virtual thingie, right?" Vani answered for him.

"Vani, they're really cool!" Ryuu exclaimed. "The Digital Monsters are real, and they're best thing since that Monster Rancher stuff ten years ago!"

"Yeah, yeah." Vani said as the sound of a car horn interrupted them. "Well, I've got to go, my mom's here." And with that, Vani kissed Ryuu on the cheek and ran towards her mother's car and hopped in. Seconds later, they drove off, leaving Ryuu and his thoughts alone.

"I don't care what anyone else says…" Ryuu said in his head as he began to drift. "Digital Monsters are real and…and I'll…prove it…"

As if on cue, a digital gate opened and Dracomon fell out of it, crash-landing on Ryuu, instantly waking him up and freaking him out.

"Holy #$!" Ryuu shouted. "What the hell?!" Ryuu's jaw dropped at the sight of Dracomon's appearance.

"Uh, whoops…" Dracomon said to himself.

"Hey, I know you!" Ryuu shouted as he pulled a green and blue card that read, "CARD GAME- BATTLE & EVOLUTION" on the back. "You're Dracomon, A Child Level Digimon who is the last of the pureblood dragons."

"Yeah, that's me I guess." Dracomon said as he rolled off of Ryuu and the two stared each other in the eye, desperately waiting for the other to make the next move.

"So…you're a digital monster?" Ryuu asked, breaking the ice.

"Yeah!" Dracomon roared, but Ryuu covered his mouth.

"Quiet!" Ryuu whispered. "The police might come up here and try to take you away!"

"Away…?" Dracomon said with a worried voice. "Save me, mister!"

"Okay first of all," Ryuu began. "The name's Hachiro Ryuu, the ultimate gamer!"

"I'm Dracomon!" Dracomon nodded as the two shook hands, which was the sign that a new bond of friendship just began.


"Sir, the last dragon got away." NeoDevimon said, looking down at his own shadow, which began to glow blood-red eyes and it changed into a shadow of a much larger digimon.

"He's escaped into the Human World." A cold sinister voice cackled. "NeoDevimon, I give you permission to obtain him."

"Yes, Master." NeoDevimon nodded. A digital gate appeared right in front of him and NeoDevimon flew inside as the cackling laugh continued.


"Well, here we are!" Ryuu said as he entered his room and Dracomon flew in from the window. "We're lucky that nobody was home, Dracomon." Dracomon looked all over Ryuu's room and there was a bed, a closet, a TV sitting on a stand with a picture of Ryuu and Vani together, a soccer ball, and a box containing Digimon trading cards.

"Ryuu, this place looks messy." Dracomon said as Ryuu anime fell. "I guess it'll do, though." Dracomon leaped onto Ryuu's bed, and it instantly cracked, causing Ryuu's eyes to widen.

"WHAT THE HELL?!!!" Ryuu exclaimed angrily, as Dracomon repeatedly bowed before Ryuu apologetically, yelling "Sorry!" over and over again.

Instantaneously, a dark arm grabbed Dracomon through Ryuu's window and thrusted him out the window.

"Dracomon!" Ryuu yelled as he ran towards the window and saw NeoDevimon clutching Dracomon by the neck, and Dracomon was straining in pain. "Who the hell are you?!"

"I am NeoDevimon." NeoDevimon said. "I am a Nightmare Soldier, working for the Dark Area. This digimon is the last of the Dragon's Roar digimon, and he needs to be executed."

"T-the last…" Dracomon said weakly. "So…VictoryGreymon is…?"

"Dead." NeoDevimon laughed as he completed Dracomon's sentence. "I finished him off with one swipe off my Guilty Claw since he didn't have his precious sword."

"T-the Dramon Breaker…w-where is it?!" Dracomon said as he struggled to break free.

"Let my friend go!" Ryuu yelled. "He hasn't done anything to you!"

"That I cannot do." NeoDevimon said. "This is a filthy pureblood dragon, and he must be punished."

"Well, I'm not going to let that happen!" Ryuu shouted as he picked up a book sitting on the floor beside him and threw it at NeoDevimon, who swatted it down with his arm.

"Is that the best you can do, weak human?!" NeoDevimon chuckled. "Maybe we should take over the Human World as well…"

"I won't let you!" Dracomon shouted as he sunk his teeth into NeoDevimon's arm, causing him to scream in pain as Dracomon fell to the ground.

"Dracomon, are you alright?" Ryuu asked Dracomon, who nodded.

"Yeah, I'm just fine and dandy." Dracomon said.

"You bastard…" NeoDevimon growled as he shot a death glare at Dracomon. "You'll pay for that!"

"Baby Breath!"

A blast of steam fired from Dracomon's mouth headed for NeoDevimon, but he blocked it with his claw.

"You're weak." NeoDevimon taunted as he flew towards Dracomon and repeatedly struck him with his claws. "How can a weak Child Level like you take on a Perfect like me?"

"Leave him alone!" Ryuu shouted as he leapt from his window and rapidly threw a digimon card and it swept through NeoDevimon's cheek, causing it to bleed.

"W-what…?!" NeoDevimon said as he glared at Ryuu.

"G Shurunen!"

The laser beam that came from Dracomon's horns hit NeoDevimon in the stomach, and it created a barrier of smoke around him.

"I knew this card would come in handy." Ryuu said as he picked up the digimon card he used to strike NeoDevimon, which happened to be a HolyAngemon card.

(Author's Note): If you didn't get the reference, it's a whole angel vs. devil thing.

"You idiots!" NeoDevimon screamed as he flew into the air. "You really think you can defeat me?"

"Guilty Claw!"

With a powerful strike, NeoDevimon knocked Dracomon into the sky and he fell to the ground unconscious.

"DRACOMON!!!" Ryuu cried as he ran towards Dracomon's unconscious body. "Dracomon, no…" A single tear fell from Ryuu's face and it landed on Dracomon's beaten body.


Suddenly, a light broke out from Ryuu's pocket and he looked inside to see his cellphone shining like the morning sun. It began to change shape and it transformed into a strange device.

"Huh? What is this thing?" Ryuu asked as he looked at it.

"A digivice…?" NeoDevimon gasped.

"Digivice…?" Ryuu gasped as the words, "EVOLUTION" appeared on the screen. "Whoa…" The same light shining from the digivice started to glow from Dracomon's body.


"Dracomon digivolve to…"


A big fierce looking dragon took Dracomon's place and Ryuu and NeoDevimon stood in awe at Dracomon's evolution.


"So you evolved, eh?" NeoDevimon laughed. "No matter… you're still an Adult, whilst I'm a Perfect."

Coredramon flew up into the air and went high in the sky.

"Hey, you're not getting away that easy!" NeoDevimon yelled as he flew after Coredramon.

"This has got to be the single most coolest thing I've ever seen in my life…" Ryuu smiled.


In the sky, Coredramon and NeoDevimon were circling each other in the sky.

"You think just because you evolved, you can defeat a Nightmare Soldier?" NeoDevimon laughed.

"Stun Claw!"

NeoDevimon's electric claws were fired at Coredramon, but he flew out of the way before they were able to make contact.

"You're a fast dragon, aren't you?!" NeoDevimon taunted as Coredramon's wings started to shine.

"Strike Bomber!"

Fire bombs flew out of Coredramon's wings and they burned NeoDevimon's claws, making them incapable of attacking.

"M-my claws!" NeoDevimon shrieked. "I'll send you…TO HELL!!!!"

"Deep Sorrow!"

NeoDevimon's body emitted a dark aura and it formed into a demonic monster and it flew towards Coredramon, whose mouth began to produce flames.

"Blue Flare Breath!"

A blue sonic firestorm came from Coredramon's mouth and it quickly overpowered NeoDevimon's dark aura and was heading for NeoDevimon's body.

"No, this can't be…" NeoDevimon gasped as the flames overwhelmed his body and he was completely deleted, leaving nothing but a digiegg, which flew up into the sky.

"Whoa, that was so awesome!" Ryuu cheered. Coredramon flew down to Ryuu and he changed back into Dracomon. "Dracomon, you were so cool!"

"Thanks, Ryuu!" Dracomon smiled. "Does that mean we're partners from now on?"

"Always!" Ryuu said. "I'm gonna be the best Digimon Tamer and you're going to be the best Digimon partner!"

"Yeah, there's no digimon out there that can beat the two of us!" Dracomon laughed.


"That's what you think…" the same sinister voice cackled, as an army of Nightmare Soldiers bowed before his demonic silhouette deep in the Dark Area of the Digital World.