Hahaha this is a Seph/Cloud fic, if ya don't like this pairing, or yaoi, or Cloud in a dress, well, you know where the back button is. And before I forget….

Disclaimer: pssh I WISH I owned them.


'I'm gonna be late, I'm gonna be late, stupid alarm clock, stupid Zack!' Heavy footsteps echoed through an empty hallway as desperate cadet Cloud Strife tried to get to his Strategy Class on time.

'Damn it Jenno-sensei is gonna kill me'

Coming to the end of the hallway, Cloud veered around the corner in one jerky motion, busy in his thoughts he didn't see the innocent bystander in front of him before it was to late.


Cloud fell on his ass, dropping his strategy and materia books.

"Watch where you're going asshole!" He exclaimed, not caring who he bumped into as he picked up his abused books.

"Excuse me?" an irritated, but masculine voice asked.

Cloud froze, why did that voice sound so familiar? He slowly lifted his gaze to meet the General, towering over him, glaring at him through narrowed emerald eyes.

"What did you call me?" Sephiroth asked menacingly.

Right then the bell rang, and Cloud glared back at the General, forget respect, now he WAS late for class.

"I called you an asshole!" Cloud cried, this was the entire GENERALS fault, if the General hadn't gotten in his way, he wouldn't be late for class, the bastard! Sadly, Cloud didn't realize that if he'd been watching where he was going, he wouldn't have run into the General. But alas, he was human, and humans were prone to stupidity.

Sephiroth stared at the cadet, inwardly dumbfounded. No one, not even the bastard Hojo, would ever insult him; him, the General of Shinra, even his title demanded respect. Every one either feared him, or respected, well except for Zack.

Sephiroth sized the cadet up; he was short for a boy his age, only making it up to his chest. He had amazing blue eyes and spiky blonde hair that framed his face, he wasn't scrawny, but he wasn't muscular either, making him look very feminine. All in all, Sephiroth was surprised he didn't mistake him for a girl.

"What's your name?" Sephiroth asked/demanded.

"Cloud Strife," Cloud replied, why did it feel like he was being eye-raped?

Sephiroth's hand slowly came forward and Cloud began to panic. Was he reaching for his Masamune? Oh God, w-was the General gonna kill him? He bit his lip nervously, but, instead of an agonizing death by the most powerful idol in existence, a leather clad hand cupped his cheek.

"You should respect your elders Cloud Strife," Sephiroth advised lightly, "get to class."

He dropped his hand and slowly made his way down the hall, but before he got too far, he turned to Cloud, who stood frozen in his spot.

"Oh and Cadet, detention in my office after your classes."


A/N: Ok these are Clouds classes as a Cadet.

Wake up at 6:00a.m.

Eat breakfast


Training Courses


Strategy Class


Materia Class




History of Shinra (is that what the world is called?)


Sword Training

Those are his classes.

ANYWAYS!!! Review if you want to know what happens next!!! What are you waiting for!!!!!! TO THE BLUE BUTTON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!