For Better or For Worst

Sam's POV

I knew what I was doing was wrong. But after the accident I don't think, nor do I care. See I used to be the perfect child. I got straight A's, I was student council president, I tutored for fun, and I played the piano, was a ballerina, and did all the other stuff my parents wanted. They didn't worry about me, because in their minds I could do no wrong. Instead they worried about my opposite, Roxy. Roxy and I are identical twins. She was the rebel. She played guitar, was a skateboarder/snowboarder, played pranks for fun, got B's and C's, she was captain of the soccer team, and always did the opposite of me. We shared nothing in common except for looks and blood.

Despite all those differences, we were best friends. We knew everything about each other. Although we had different friends, we would've rather been with each other than them. Our parents never understood it though, but I think they liked the fact we were the only kids on the block who didn't physically fight 24/7. If we did it was extremely rare. Our dad, Shawn Michaels, thought something had to be wrong with us, especially since we were raised in a house with a wrestler! But all he had to do was take a look at our mom and know that's where we got the idea of no physical fighting.

Our mother, Lynn Odette Veronica Erickson-Michaels, believed in karma…and getting even. Whenever Roxy and I did fight, it was mentally. Once we got in a big fight over who got the new doll. I didn't even want it, but I did because she did. Well she got me all right. She used reverse psychology. She acted like she didn't want it anymore, so I told her to keep it, and she did! When I realized that she tricked me, I said "I want it now!" and she said, "You had your chance", and pranced off to play with the doll.

Now that I look back I realized how happy and close we were. But that was then, this is now. Now I am a completely different person. Why, well because of the accident. It was sophomore year in high school. Roxy and I were both at awards night because of her soccer award and my dance award. Our mom was running late and didn't want to miss anything so she ran one red light. Just one, and it was over. I don't understand, I run them all the time and nothing ever happens, but she did it just once, and she lost her life. It's not fair, but than again life isn't fair.

For Better or For Worse?

It definitely wasn't easy. Being a 15 year old without a mom. Now I am 16 and I still need her. And so does Roxy. We have both changed. Roxy, I honestly can't tell you what has become of her because we don't talk enough to know. I just know one thing; she has a boyfriend named Randy Orton. Roxy stopped talking to me after the accident, I wonder if she blames me? I blame myself, I am the one who called her cell and told her she better not be late. She always forgot about my things, but Roxy's games were always her first priority. I guess I was always a bit jealous of Roxy. Another thing is, I was born on Christmas Day, at 12:01 AM. My parents always called me their Christmas gift. But Roxy was born on Christmas Eve at 11:59 AM. They always said that made her special being able to turn a year older, right when the biggest day of the year was going to begin. It's kind of like New Years Eve. Everyone parties, but when the actual day, January 1st, is here people don't care because they are too drunk and hung over, to them it's just another day. I guess, looking at these things, I have always been a bit jealous of her.

But I do know one reason Roxy doesn't talk to me. It's because I changed into the things I used to laugh at with Roxy and swore I would never become. I became a cheerleader, party girl, and whore, slept around, drank, smoked occasionally, and dropped all my AP classes.

I don't know what caused the change, probably because my mom died, my dad stepped back. He doesn't talk to Roxy or me anymore. He can't even tell us apart! So I guess I do it for the attention, but than I do it for me I guess. See I don't have to meet standards anymore. My mom isn't around to see me fail, and that's what pushed me to do so well before she died. So I guess I do know what caused the change…Well thinking of my dad makes me think of one horrible thing, Rebecca. You won't believe this, because I still can't, he got married 5 months after my mom died, to his high school sweet heart. I hate her so much. She tries to be my mom so I just tell her to fuck off. My business is nobody's but mine now, and she, and no one else, has any business prying into it.

But enough of this sad drama, at this very moment my phone is ringing like crazy, and I just can't stop smiling because I know exactly who is calling, and exactly why. At the moment Randy Orton is calling to tell me how much fun he had with me last night. I really like teasing him, that's why I don't pick up. I also don't pick up because I love getting compliments on how hot I am, how good I was last night, and etc… on my voicemail. Bur wait! You're probably think Randy Orton, isn't that Roxy's boyfriend? And the truth is, he is hers and that's what satisfies me the most. Like I said, maybe jealousy drives me into sleeping around with Randy, but he likes it and trust me, he wants it a lot more than I do.

Plus for once in my freaking life I am wanted and getting the attention, not Roxy. Kind of selfish, but its kind of obvious that he's cheating so it's her own fault for not realizing it. I think I am teaching her a lesson, you can't trust people. He never returns her calls and she sits there waiting for him to call back, while the whole time she waits, I am screwing him. Its quite satisfying actually, can't pin point why, but it just does. I guess that makes me a whore, but I am totally ok with it, nobody's opinion matters to me anymore, the one person whose opinion mattered most died, just like the old me.