A/N: Just so you all know, I hate this chapter. If someone doesn't give me a story idea soon, then I'm going to have to scrape this! Ugh! My creative juice is running low. I'm too busy trying to come up with a proper chapter for Some Dangerous Liaisons, since no one liked my ending!

Huffing! Now I have to write more to make some people happy! LOL. So blame Some Dangerous Liaisions for me having a sucky chapter.

Bitter Coffee

Draco's flat (present day)

The last time Pansy had seen Draco so intense it had been sixth year, when he'd been sneaking around the castle trying to fix that stupid Vanishing Cabinet. She hadn't known what he had been doing, but his eyes had burned bright and his face had taken on a lean, hardened expression.

He looked that way now as he cradled Potter's head in his lap.

She didn't quite know what to say at this point.

Draco had lost his mind.

And what do you say to someone who has gone completely around the bend?


"I don't want to fucking hear it, Pansy! Either shut up or get out! As a matter of fact, just get out anyway!" He snapped viciously.

Pansy held up her hands in defeat. "I'm not going to say anything, Draco. What can I say? You have a stunned Auror sitting on your lap. And not just any Auror…THE AUROR of the century. You never do things halfway do you?"

"I thought you weren't going to say anything?"

Pansy sighed wearily and waddled over to him. She ran her fingers through his hair. "Draco, what are you going to do now? You hexed him, behind his back. When he wakes up, what do you think he's going to do?"

Draco looked down at Harry's face. He looked so angelic and peaceful with his eyes closed. Draco touched Harry's lips gently.

"Harry loves me, Pansy. He's just pissed right now. Stubborn as a jackass. He knows it. He just has to fight me every step of the way."

"Don't you think he may have good reason to? He's not like us. He doesn't understand Slytherin ways. He definitely doesn't understand pureblood traditions. He can never accept you married to someone else and still being with him. Blaise is right about that. Potter won't share."

"He doesn't have to "share" me. Do you think I touch Felice? I mean, yeah, I do in order to fulfill the requirements of the legacy clause, but how else am I going to have an heir? But it's not about feelings. I don't love Felice. And I doubt she loves me. Harry knows that."

Pansy shook her head. "That doesn't matter, Draco. Not to him. He's too honest for that. You don't know that about him? Even I know that."

"It shouldn't have mattered! He knew it wouldn't change anything! He just wants things his way or no way! And he's only marrying that Weasley bitch to get back at me," he said angrily.

Pansy felt the blond tense under her fingers. She moved to rub his shoulders, noticing how tight his muscles were. Draco shrugged her hands and maneuvered himself from under Harry's head and stood up. He began to pace.

"Harry is doing this to prove a point, that's all. He's trying to show me what it felt like when I got married. He's more Slytherin than you think he is, Pansy. I had always thought Potter an idiot in school, but he's far from that. He knows what he's doing."

Pansy wasn't so sure.

"Draco, even if that is true Potter is not going to just use Weasley to get back at you. If he asked her to marry him, then he's going to do it. I mean that's his best friend's sister. There's no way that he's not going to go through with it, Draco."

Draco stopped pacing to look at her. "He won't. He can't. He hates lying more than he hates hurting people. He'd be lying to her if he married her. He loves me, not her."

Pansy sighed. This was pointless. Draco refused to listen to reason about this. He'd never been this stubborn before. He'd never cared about much. The only time he'd held his ground about something this long had been when he wanted to tease the Gryffindors at school. And come to think of it, didn't that have mostly to do with Potter?

It was always about Potter.

The wards gave a shift and Draco looked around. "Blaise is trying to come through. I'm not in the mood for him again. I don't have anything new to tell him."

"You're not going to let him through?" Pansy asked, with a disapproving look on her face.

Draco rolled his eyes in irritation. He pointed at Harry. "Don't you think that would be a little awkward?"

Pansy huffed and looked down at Harry. "So you still haven't told me what you're going to do about this. You can't keep him stunned forever. You'd better deal with this soon."

"I haven't had a chance to think yet! Somebody keeps interrupting me with stupid questions and opinions which I didn't ask for."

"And you call me stupid? Stunning your ex-boyfriend who just happens to be one of the best Aurors in the wizarding world, after going to his house and causing him to cheat on his fiancée, while she's there."

Draco surprised her by giving her large grin. "Brilliant, I say. I stunned the best Auror and got him to cheat on his fiancée, with her just down the hall. Bloody brilliant, I must admit. Some of my better work."

Pansy gave a snort of disgust. "Why am I friends with you again?"

"Because I'm me."

The fireplace whooshed green and Blaise stepped out of the fireplace. Draco whirled to stare at him. Pansy's eyes widened in surprise. Blaise looked at both of them with a raised eyebrow.

"What? You didn't think I'd come back? I don't give up that easily."

Draco spluttered, "How'd you get through the wards? I didn't lower them."

Blaise scowled and Pansy threw Draco a dark look. "He meant that he hadn't lowered them yet, that's all."

Suddnly, Dibby appeared in the living room, holding a tea towel. "Will Master Draco be wanting to feed his guests? Dibby is ready to prepare dinner. Dibby wasn't knowing that Master Blaise was returning, but Dibby let Master Blaise in because Master Draco was busy."

Draco's gaze narrowed to the elf, who shrunk back at her Master's look. "Is Dibby doing something wrong, sir?"

"Did I tell you to lower the wards?"

Dibby looked horrified for a moment, then said timidly, "Master says that when he's busy that his lover can come whenever he wants. Master Blaise is being Master's lover, yes? But Dibby is being confused some, with two of Master's lovers being here at the same time."

Draco groaned and Blaise glared at Draco furiously. "What is she talking about?"

Pansy groaned even louder than Draco did. "Are you blind, Blaise." She pointed below her at the couch.

Blaise looked comical as his mouth fell open. He stared at Harry on the couch and then looked at Draco. "Why the hell is he here? And who stunned him?"

"He came to work things out, Blaise." Draco said testily.

"He did not, Draco. He came to tell you to leave him alone and you know it." Pansy snapped. "Stop lying to us and yourself."

"I thought I told you to get the hell out. Both of you as a matter of fact! I'll deal with this on my own."

Blaise stood his ground. "I'm not leaving, Draco. I shouldn't have left the first time. This is wrong. We have a good thing if you'll just let it happen. You'll never get Potter back and now that one of you has stunned him-"

Pansy pointed at Draco. "You know I didn't do it."

Draco turned to look at Blaise. "What do you want, Blaise? As you can see, I'm kind of busy right now."

"You know what I want, Draco. I'm not willing to give it up so easily. Look, I know you're having some issues about Potter right now, but we all know the guy. He's not going to go along with you being married. He's getting married himself, so what are you doing? I'm here for you and you know that."

"Yes, I do know that. And I'm sorry if I gave you the impression that we were going to be permanent. We've had fun for some time, but that's what it's been…fun."

Blaise took a deep breath but plowed on anyway. "Draco, listen. I want this to work. You obviously care about me or you wouldn't have kept coming back, right? Once Potter is out of the picture, who will be there for you? Me. I'm just letting you know that I'm…willing to wait for this, all right?"

Draco ran his hand through his hair and sighed. Blaise was more determined then he thought. How could he explain to him that he was just as determined to get through to Harry? He wasn't going to give up on him, especially now that things were probably on the rocks between him and Weasley. This was his best shot at winning the Gryffindor back.

The love of his life.

"Blaise, you're not a Hufflepuff. What's this bullshit you're talking? Waiting for me? Why? You're a Slytherin! Start acting like it! You can have anyone you want!"

"Then get the fuck over here and stop acting like a two-bit home-wrecking skank."

Pansy choked as she swallowed back her laughter.

Draco's eyes narrowed in anger, but was too gobsmacked to respond.

Blaise continued, "You call me a Hufflepuff? What the hell is this that you're doing? You've got the man stunned on your couch? What kind of shit is that? The man is engaged, Draco! Leave him alone. He doesn't want you anymore, as crazy as that sounds! But he's entitled to do what he wants. Yeah, I can have whoever I want, and I've chosen who that is. You can have the same, with me."

Blaise's words seared his heart and left it shriveled and burnt.

He opened his mouth to respond but Blaise walked over to him and took him in his arms. "I love you, Draco. I want this." He planted his lips firmly on Draco's and brushed his tongue across them.

A spluttering had both of them whipping their heads to stare in Pansy's direction.

Pansy stood over the couch, her wand pointed at Potter, who was struggling to push himself up from the couch.

Draco backed away from Blaise, but the jilted lover seized him and pulled him back, holding him tight against his chest. Draco tried to push him away, but Blaise was stronger and larger than Draco. Draco was by no means weak, but Blaise was spurned on by his anger, hurt and jealousy.

The room suddenly felt hot and Draco was scared to admit that he was afraid of what Harry was going to do.

"Malfoy," came Harry's voice, low and hissing, "Merlin, help you…fuck being an Auror…I'm going to kill you."

Harry was rising from the couch like black smoke, and his eyes glittered like two emerald gems. There was a smell of electricity in the air, and Draco knew that he was in BIG trouble.

Harry was about to use wandless magic on him.

That meant that his brains were going to end up under one of his gorgeous end tables or that his legs were going to be where his ears were.

Blaise's grip was loosening and Draco took that opportunity to step back.

"Potter, don't be like that. You were being unreasonable. I just wanted to talk that's all. You didn't let me finish what I was saying."

Harry cracked his neck. "And there was a reason for that. I didn't want to hear the rest of what you had to say. But as usual, you don't think about anyone else but yourself. So, now it's my turn to talk. And you're going to listen."

Draco rolled his eyes and Harry snarled, "If you ever come near me again, I will personally make it my life's mission to destroy you. And I won't stop with just you; I'll take down every Malfoy that's in your wretched family…that includes your bastard father, Narcissa and your new bride. Do I make myself clear, Malfoy?"

Blaise looked scandalized. "Don't you threaten him or his family, you arse! Just because you're an Auror-"

Harry cut his eyes to Blaise. "Was I talking to you?"

Blaise's lip curled. "You don't scare me, Potter. You're still an arrogant prick and now you just have a badge that makes it public."

Draco raised his hand towards Blaise. "You're not helping, Blaise. Can you take Pansy and go somewhere? I need to talk to Harry."

Three squawks of protest erupted.

"I'm not going anywhere!"

"I don't want to hear anything you have to say!"

"Hell no, you're not talking to him!"

Draco blinked and cursed under his breath. This was ridiculous.

Pansy said, "Draco, we're not leaving you here with this mad-man. Are you crazy?"

Harry snorted and Pansy rolled her eyes.

Harry had decided he'd had enough. "I meant what I said Malfoy. Don't test me."

Harry headed for the floo again but Draco pushed past Blaise and over to him. Harry spun around with his wand out.

"You're not getting me again, Malfoy. I made that mistake once tonight. I should've remembered how sneaky you are."

Draco bit back his angry retort and stared into Harry's eyes. "After everything we've been through, you can't even find it in yourself to hear me out? You listen to all kinds of tales from criminals and murderers, but you won't even listen to me!"

Draco was beyond caring that he was practically begging now. "Harry…please."

Harry's gaze softened for a moment and he heaved a big sigh and Draco's heart flooded his body with hope. If he could just get the Gryffindor alone, he would be able to convince him to give them another chance.

But Blaise had other ideas. He stepped forward and put his hand on Draco's shoulder. "Draco, Potter's not worth all of this trouble! He said to leave him alone; it's his loss that he doesn't want you anymore. Fuck him!"

Potter's gaze hardened instantly and Draco wanted to kill Blaise with his bare hands. Draco turned to Blaise.

"Blaise, get out! I don't need this shit from you! I'll talk to you later!"

But Blaise puffed up his chest and he moved in front of Draco, his eyes fixed on Harry. "You've been nothing but a son-of-a-bitch since the day we laid eyes on you, Potter! Do you know how many lives you're ruined? How many families separated because of you? And now you're playing with Draco and he's a mess and he doesn't deserve this from you!"

Harry blinked and then said calmly, "And who have I ruined, Blaise? I know you're not talking about Death Eaters? You can't be that stupid. And playing with Draco as you said? Draco got married. MARRIED. Do you see a ring on my finger? No. If anyone did any playing it was him. So shut up about things you don't know."

"If you really loved him, it wouldn't have mattered to you that he was married. I truly love Draco and I'm here for him. You abandoned him at the first moment of difficulty. Where was your bravery then, Gryffindor?? I'm still here and I still want him."

Harry clenched his fists. "Don't tell me how I feel, Zabini! I know that I loved Draco more than anything. He chose something else. I wanted to try and make a life with him, but that's not what he wanted! So take this shit up with him! Don't get pissed at me because your dick is hard for him but he's caught up in the past!"

Blaise growled, "Then leave, Potter! Get out! Do what you said earlier and go!"

"I'll leave when I get good and ready, Zabini. My dealings are with Draco, not you. So maybe you need to shut your fucking yap before I shut it for you."

The room sizzled with electricity and Draco knew that things were getting ready to get ugly.

As pissed as he was at Blaise, he didn't want to see his friend killed by Harry's uncontrollable temper.

He moved to block Harry's line of sight from Blaise. "Harry, calm down. Don't let that get to you." He reached for his hand and began rubbing it again. "Just relax, all right."

Harry was still staring at Blaise, a murderous glare in his eye. Blaise stood his ground, but was decidedly less sure about the situation. This was Harry Potter after all.

"Harry," Draco whispered and was relieved when Harry's eyes cut to him, "please don't go. I really need to talk to you. Please. If I've ever meant anything to you, then you'll let me have this moment. Please."

Harry looked into Draco's eyes and Harry saw all of the anguish, hurt, anger and misery reflected from his soul.

But most of all he saw the bone-crushing love that Draco was desperately trying to show him and that he desperately wanted Harry to return.

"You have five minutes."

Three years, ten months ago:

Draco was so fucked.

So completely and thoroughly fucked.

He was lying there in his soft bed at the Manor and Blaise was leaning over him, sucking away on his cock and all he could think about was Potter.

Draco pushed the man's face out of his mind and concentrated on Blaise's mouth, who was doing wondrous things to him.

Draco groaned and Blaise suddenly was in his face, pressing his own swollen member inside of him.

"Draco," Blaise moaned, "you feel so good."

Draco knew this already.

Potter had told him several times already, since he'd been shagging him almost every night since his first dinner at Harry's home.

Draco wasn't complaining. In fact, he couldn't get over to Potter's fast enough when that little black owl would show up with an invitation for "dinner".

Draco could hardly think about anything else after the owl would depart. Unless he was brewing. Then Draco was able to work even more efficiently, because he was trying to hurry up and finish so he could go.

Potter would have cooked some delicious meal that Draco would savor. Then somewhere between dessert and coffee, Draco would be on his knees with Harry's cock down his throat. Or Potter would pull Draco into his lap and Draco would ride him enthusiastically, sweat glistening on their bodies.

Sometimes, they even made it to the bedroom on the top floor. Depending on what kind of day Harry had, would determine what kind of fucking he was going to get.

If the Minister had come down hard on them about some unsolved case that was embarrassing the Ministry, Harry would throw his legs over his shoulders and Draco would hang on for dear life, while he rocked his hips frantically to keep up with Harry's pumping. Potter was silent during these shagging, his gaze and concentration centered on pleasing Draco the roughest way possible.

Draco would come screaming…a most undignified sound…but he wouldn't be able to help it.

A solved case would earn Draco the satisfaction of Harry swallowing his come. Harry didn't also suck him, but when he did, Harry was insatiable with it.

A new case and Harry was gentle as a lamb, massaging and stroking him like he was a pampered prince. Harry's cock would slide in him so slowly that Draco could feel Harry's heartbeat through his pulsing veins. That slow fuck would drive Draco insane with desire and no amount of begging or moaning or grabbing Harry to try and make him fuck him harder would change his pace.

Draco loved and hated those types of orgasms. It would boil up and he could feel it coming, but it would take forever to arrive and when it crashed upon his body, Draco's toes and legs would be so cramped from clenching and his head would ache from the ringing in his ears.

Those would be the times he would cry out anything. If Harry had been doing this to him while at Hogwarts, things would have been very different for Slytherin. Harry would've known every password to Slytherin, would have received an "O" in Potions, and would have known every secret from their Quidditch play book. That Vanishing Cabinet would've never been fixed and Draco surely would have told Voldemort to get bent.

All Harry would have had to do was ask him anything…and Draco would've refused him nothing.

Of course, he never told Harry any of this. Because it wasn't like he liked Harry or anything. And Potter had made certain to let him know on several occasions that he really didn't care for him at all.

And then everything went pear-shaped.

It started with the Weaslette.

That ginger-haired Harpie had returned home for a break from her team and wasted no time in sinking her claws into Harry.

Draco and Narcissa were dining at the upscale LaBohemme with Eledora Parkinson and Pansy. Pansy's mother refused to give up the idea that her Pansy was going to be a Malfoy.

Draco's eyes had glazed over at the first mention of "destined to be together".

He signaled the waiter for another glass of port, when Pansy leaned over to whisper, "I don't know why mother won't let this go. I even told her that you like to shag boys now. That only made her more determined."

"I only shagged one boy, thank you very much. And it was your suggestion, need I remind you."

Pansy rolled her eyes. "Oh please, Draco. Blaise told me about your little romp with Potter in the tulips. Which you will be explaining to me right now. How did Potter end up at my house in order for you to suck him off?"

"God, does Blaise tell you everything? It just happened all right? I guess I got caught up in the moment."

Pansy grinned. "You got caught up in Tracy's story! That's what that was!"

"So what if I did? So I found out and it's done." He casually picked up his wine glass and took a sip, hoping that would end the questioning. Pansy had the nose of a bloodhound when it came to sexual escapades. She could smell a shag a mile away.

Pansy stared at him suspiciously. "So that's it? Nothing else has happened since then? You're not shagging him?"

"Of course not! I hate Potter! I can't stand to be around him."

"Well, bollocks for you then, because here he comes."

Draco twisted so fast that he heard the tendons crack in his neck. He winced at the sharp pain, but immediately forgot about it.

Potter was being escorted across the restaurant by the hostess, who was simpering like a first year. It seemed the entire restaurant had gone quiet as everyone stared at the Boy-Who-Lived.

Draco's eyes narrowed when he saw the head of ginger hair next to him as the hostess hurried to seat them.

His eyes shifted back to Harry, and his gaze sharpened to one of hunger. Harry was dressed in Muggle clothes again, and Draco had to grudgingly admit that Potter looked spectacular in that style of clothing.

Potter had taken to wearing a gold earring, one that Draco had got his tongue caught on a number of times, and even from that distance, it could be seen reflecting the light.

Draco's pants grew tight and he shifted, his eyes still on the couple. His hand groped for the wine glass and he missed it, knocking it onto the table. He cursed and a house elf immediately appeared to vanish the mess.

"Get me a real drink," he growled furiously, his eyes connecting to Potter's hand which had just grabbed the Weaslette's.

The restaurant had ceased to exist for Draco, the world around him disappearing and centering on the table that housed Harry and that bitch.

He saw how her eyes twinkled when she laughed at whatever dumb joke he probably just told. Harry told a lot of dumb jokes. His lopsided grin meant that she had just complimented him about something, because he always smiled like that when complimented because he was embarrassed. Harry biting his lip meant that something was troubling him; probably some case at work.


A sharp pinch on his arm had him cringing. "What was that for?"

Pansy was irritated. "I've been calling your name for like five minutes! You've been staring at Potter. I must admit that he is looking quite fit. Weasley looks a right mess though. I guess she's pretty enough, but that outfit is hideous. God, she has some nice tits though. Potter should love that." Pansy looked down at her own small breasts. "Bitch."

Draco still wasn't paying any attention to Pansy until she mentioned Ginny's boobs. "What? What are you talking about?"

Pansy smirked. "Tracy told me that Potter loves big tits. There was this girl in their class that had a huge set. Every time she moved, all the men just drooled over them. Potter included. She said the Weasel practically would shoot a load whenever she came in the room."

Draco's throat was tightening.

The waiter appeared with an amber colored drink. "Sir, is this to your liking becau-"

Draco had snatched the drink and downed it before he could even finish his sentence. "Bring me another one."

The waiter smirked slightly and disappeared.

Draco's chest was burning, but he couldn't tell if it was because of the drink or his heart.

Pansy was watching him closely. "You all right, Draco? You seem…preoccupied."

"I'm fine," he answered, but his lips had thinned to a straight line and Pansy saw that his neck was tense. He still hadn't looked away from Potter.

Pansy smiled knowingly. Something was up. Even if Draco wasn't shagging Potter, he really wanted to.

She noticed that Potter was standing up and Ginny was nodding at him. Their appetizers had arrived and she was eating some spinach type dish.

She felt Draco move and she turned to look at him. He was rising from his seat.

"Where are you going?"

"To the loo."

He walked away and Pansy saw that Potter had already headed in that direction.

She smirked again.

Draco entered the men's room and saw Potter casually taking a leak, his back to Draco.

Draco grinned and sidled up behind him, reaching around to push Potter's hand.

Potter jerked and his aim went askew. Draco snickered and stepped back. Potter glared and then turned. "I was wondering when you were going to show your arse."

Draco melted on the inside. Potter had noticed him in the restaurant. "I can show you my arse now, if you like." He reached for Potter's hand, but Harry pulled back. He fixed himself and walked to the sink to wash his hands.

"No, Malfoy."

Draco felt irritation rising in him. "Oh, is it because of the Weaselette?"

Harry glanced at him through the mirror. "Her name is Ginny, Malfoy."

"And mine is Draco."

Harry stiffened but didn't say anything. He shut the water off and reached for a paper towel.

"I'm here with Ginny, just like you're here with Pansy. Surely you can understand how inappropriate that would be."

"I'm not here with Pansy like that. You know that."

"Well, I can't say the same. I care for Ginny. Will always love her. And you know that also."

Something broke inside of Draco. He hissed, "So, why the hell have you been shagging me then? If you love her so much."

Harry looked slightly guilty. "I love Ginny. But she's not here and right now we're friends. I've been shagging you because it's been good." He turned to go but Draco grabbed his arm.

"So what now? She's back in the picture and she doesn't know anything about this…" He hated that he sounded like he cared.

Harry looked incredulous for a moment and then shrugged. "Of course she doesn't know about this. No one knows about this! I'd never tell anyone this. They don't even know I'm even talking to you. It's just sex between us, Draco. I know you have lots of other lovers. I'll owl you when I get some free time."

He gave Draco a strange look and then left the bathroom.

Draco stood there burning with rage.

Potter thought he could just dismiss him like that?

Fuck him!

Draco left the bathroom and headed back towards his table. Pansy was giving him a devious smile. Draco stopped and then turned to look towards Potter, who had taken his seat again and was talking to Weaselette.

Draco turned and headed towards their table. He smirked as Potter's face rapidly began to pale as he approached. He lowered his fork slowly as Draco stopped in front of them.

Ginny looked up at him in surprise.


Draco smiled magnanimously and Harry's eyes narrowed. "I just wanted to come over and say hello. You're looking well, Weasley. Nice cleavage."

Ginny blushed and then frowned. Harry was glaring daggers at him. He looked at Harry. "Oh, I'm sorry. Did you not tell Weasley that we had buried the hatchet? She looks really surprised. I'm so glad that I could share the good news."

Draco inwardly crowed with delight at Harry's stunned silence. Ginny, on the other hand, was looking from Harry to Draco.

"Really? Well…how…nice. Harry, I had no idea that you were friends with Malfoy. Why didn't you tell me?"

Harry's tongue was rooted to the top of his mouth as if by a permanent Sticking Charm. "I-just didn't get around to telling you yet. It was hardly on top of my list of things to do."

"Now that's not very nice, Harry. It will make me seem a liar that we are friends. Tell Kreacher that he'll have to come up with some new drink for me to try. That last one just didn't get it."

"He comes over??"

Draco grinned happily. "Oh…yes. I come…whenever Harry lets me."

Draco knew he was going to pay for this, but the look on his lover's face was priceless. "Well, I'll let you two get back to dinner. Mother says hello by the way, and would love to have you over for lunch again soon, since you had to leave so abruptly last time. She just adores Mini-you."

Ginny raised an eyebrow and Harry groaned. "He means Teddy."

"You had lunch at Malfoy Manor? What else haven't you told me?"

Draco slithered away, enjoying Potter's flustered response to her question.

Pansy was eyeing him when he returned. "So what mayhem did you cause now? Potter's face looks like a boiled lobster."

"I simply said hello."

Draco got his pay back a week later in Diagon Alley.

Harry hadn't owled him since the dinner confrontation.

Draco told himself that he wasn't moping or upset about that. It was just as Potter said it was. Sex with no strings.

So why was he feeling uneasy about Weasley being in town and Harry's indifferent attitude about telling his friends that they were "friendly."

Draco left Slugs and Jiggers Apothecary with his potions supplies and headed to Fortescue's. He was in the mood for something sugary.

Draco heard Potter before he saw him and turned in the direction of his voice, his heart racing.

His heart stopped.

Potter was standing outside of the Daily Prophet office. The Weasel and MacMillan were with him.

They were dressed in their Auror robes and Potter was pointing angrily at the paper in his hand.

Draco sauntered closer, trying to overhear the rest of their conversation. He didn't really feel like a confrontation with Weasley, so he quickly cast a Disillusionment Charm to keep out of sight.

Ron's voice, still managed to grate on Draco's nerves, was trying to calm Harry down. "Come on, Mate. It's salvageable. They didn't completely blow the case. The editor didn't know that such an innocent statement could've tipped them off. Most likely they didn't even read it. Relax…let's go the Leaky for a quick drink before we go back."

Harry tossed the paper into the nearest rubbish bin. "Stupid woman! Like an apology is going to make it any better. I tell you they shouldn't be allowed inside our offices at all. Think it's all right to take random comments and put them in the paper. Idiots."

MacMillan ooked at Harry and Draco noticed that his look was remarkably less platonic than Ron's.

"Yeah, Harry. We can fix it. Don't worry. Let's get that drink like Weasley said." His hand came up and rested against Harry's shoulder.

Harry sighed and rubbed his eyes. "You go on ahead. I'll catch up in a minute."

Ron nodded. "I want to stop by to see George anyway." He glanced at Ernie. "You coming?" Draco noticed that his look was not particularly friendly towards the other blond.

Harry was heading down a small side street and Ernie was watching him go. "Ummmm…you go ahead. I'll meet you, too."

Ron gave him a dirty look and hissed, "Leave him alone, MacMillan. You've caused enough trouble already."

"Look, I already told you that I was sorry about that. Harry has forgiven me, so why can't you let it go? We work together, so the animosity is counter-productive. He's been a lot friendlier with me lately, so I take that as he may want to re-kindle the relationship."

"You didn't have a relationship! Wasn't that the problem to begin with?"

Ernie huffed. "Why do I even bother? I don't know why Harry keeps you as his friend. You have no idea about anything relationship-wise. It took you how long to ask out Hermione?"

Ron threw up his hands. "Well, have at it then. Don't go crying to Robards when Harry doesn't give you what you want."

Ernie rolled his eyes and walked after Harry. Ron watched him go, shaking his head. "Wanker."

Draco watched Ron head up the street towards his brother's shop and Draco quickly followed behind Ernie.

He glanced up the alley and saw Harry leaning against a brick wall, his arms crossed in front of him. Ernie had just reached him.

Draco moved as quietly as he could to hear what they were talking about.

"I thought you were going with Ron."

"I'd rather be with you."

Harry sighed. "Don't start, Ernie. I told you I don't want this complicated."

"I'm not trying to make it that way, Harry. Not like before, OK? I just want to know when I'm going to see you again."

"You know Ginny's in town. I'm spending all my time with her."

"Yeah, but she just got here. What were you doing all that time before? Are you seeing someone else?"

Draco's ears had perked up considerably. He inched closer still, making sure he didn't disturb anything.

Harry hesitated and then said, "No, I'm not seeing anyone."

MacMillan looked relieved, but Draco was livid. "I was afraid that someone had caught your eye."

Harry snorted. "Hardly."

"So, is there a chance I can see you when Ginny leaves? I'll make you dinner and everything."

A wistful look came across Harry's face for a moment, and then he said mildly. "Yeah, I like seafood."

MacMillan brightened considerably. "OK! Let me know when you're free." He looked around furtively and then leaned in and kissed Harry on the lips. "I've missed you." He said softly.

Harry shifted uncomfortably at Ernie's close proximity, but he didn't shove him away. "I'll let you know. I'll see you both in a moment." It was clearly a dismissal and Ernie still skipped away as if he had just won the wizard lottery.

"You can come out now, Malfoy."

Draco blinked. How the hell does he do that?

Draco removed the charm and glared at Harry. "Isn't there a rule in the Auror squad about dating co-workers. Fucks up the job, doesn't it?"

"Why are you following me?"

"I wasn't. You just happened to be in an area that I needed to be in."

Harry gaped at him and then started laughing. "You're full of shit. And I don't appreciate that little stunt of yours the other night. Consider our little thing over."

He pushed himself from the wall and walked towards him.

Little winglets of pain flew all through his body. "That's stupid, Potter. You're mad about that? I didn't say anything wrong!"

Harry stopped in front of him. "It wasn't for you to tell! I'll tell my own friends when I want them to know something. It's not for you to decide, Malfoy! Just because we're having a bit of sex doesn't give you free reign in my life!"

Draco swallowed thickly. "Fine, Potter! I didn't think that Gryffindor Sword was shoved so far up your arse!"

Harry's mouth opened and then he just shook his head. "Whatever, Draco." He strode off and Draco stood there alone.

Which led him to the scene that he was now in.

He stormed home and after breaking several vases and then repairing them after Narcissa came to yell at him about it, he fire-called Blaise.

Blaise had been only too happy to oblige Draco's needs.

So Draco stared at the ceiling while he clutched the back of his best friend, who was grunting over him, and wished that he would hurry up and finish.

It wasn't that it was bad, far from it, but Draco's heart was not into it. He thrust his hips against Blaise and tightened his muscles and Blaise was coming, crying out Draco's name.

Blaise collapsed against him and then rolled over next to him on the bed. He turned to look at him.

"Draco, you OK?"

"I don't do pillow talk, Blaise," he said irritably, sitting up. His cock was still hard.

Blaise pushed himself up on his elbows and saw Draco's hardened member. "Fuck, Draco, I'm sorry. Let me take care of that for you."

"Don't worry about it." Draco got up and headed to the shower.

"Draco, come on…I'm sorry. I was too excited. I hadn't seen you in a long time. Let me finish sucking you."

"I said it's fine!"

Blaise looked hurt but didn't say anything else. Draco slammed the door to the bathroom.

He started the shower and got in, letting the hot water soak into his hair and skin. His cock was still hard and he grabbed a hold of it, stroking it slowly.

Potter's face appeared in his mind and Draco imagined he felt Harry's lips on him, sucking him slowly and running his tongue around his length.

Draco's breath hitched and he pulled faster, his hips beginning to thrust and sending his cock sliding through his hand. Harry's hands were on his arse now, pulling him closer as he tongued him and Draco closed his eyes, imagining the bright green of his eyes and his plump lips and how Harry's thick cock felt when it slid into his own mouth and inside of him.

Draco gasped and his hand became a blur and Harry was now pressing against his prostate and Draco's hand reached out to steady himself against the wall because his knees were going weak.

Draco squeezed the tip of himself and his balls tightened and his imaginary Harry was whispering in his ear, "Love you, Draco," and Draco's cock tensed and pulsed and his come hit the shower wall in a hard gushing stream.

Draco grunted, "fuck! Yes, fuck me Harry!" His hips bucked wildly and Draco grabbed the soap dish handle to keep from falling over.

His vision swum and he was light-headed in the intense heat. His member had stopped throbbing and Draco felt empty.

He leaned his head against the tile, letting its chill cool him down.

His heart was yammering in his chest, but it wasn't just because of the after-effects of an orgasm

Draco was in love.