The group of them gathered around the front of the building. All of them were tall and looked terrifyingly powerful. They made an impressive bunch; none of them looked like high school students at all. It seemed that they were somehow separated from the many other cliques of the high school. They stood out, casually, from the other groups, especially the one who seemed a bit apart from even his own group.

He was tall like the rest of them and had shaggy, long – for a boy- hair. He was leaning on a motorcycle. His face held a blank look; it looked as if it hadn't smiled in ages, his eyes unreadable. The shadows thrown over his face made it look gaunt and serious.

I could do nothing but stare. Something tugged at my mind, trying to make myself remember something the boy reminded me of. I was about to give up when a girl walked past asking her friend, "Have you seen that new werewolf movie? It's supposed to be the scariest thing ever!" Werewolf

I looked back at the boy by the motorcycle and gaped as the details from the books fit. With the long hair, the tight, serious face, he looked exactly like…like Jacob Black.