i don't own naruto.

yay I like this story its got kakashi as the main dude along obito and the girl that kakashi is crushing on thank to his buddy. anyway enjoy!

finding out.

It was only a C-rank mission a simple escort mission until the ambush! The client was killed in the 1st attack the next 2 attacks all three of team 7 were hurt, but kakashi got the most, both legs crushed by a rather large tree, a large gash on his back side, his right arm snapped in the 1st attack, and all out of chakra. "Kakashi…your…gonna …be…fine!" Sakura cried. "yah Kakashi when we get back I'll buy you the new book of 'Icha Icha' I swear" Naruto smiled sadly. "come on gasp…guys I know I'm gonna die I can fill It" kakashi said. "no no you can't die please don't die?" Sakura cried. Kakashi with what strength he had left pushed Sakura's glowing hand away "save your chakra Saku…gasp-ra" both Sakura and Naruto could do nothing to help there ex-teacher and closest friend, but sit there and watch him die. "Naruto, you'll make a great hokage one day!" kakashi said in a sad tone knowing he will never get to see that great day when this kid who has always been like a little brother to him become hokage of the hidden leaf village. "Sakura I'm so proud to have you as my student and as one of my best friends you truly are one of the most strongest and beautiful women I have ever had the pleasure of knowing!" kakashi said with a sad tone "and I do believe that you have both earn this…" kakashi slowly lifted his hand to the top of his mask and pulled… it was the sexy face Sakura had ever lane eyes on "Kakashi… I'm so sorry I can't save you I'm too weak it's my fault!"

Sakura cried even harder. "oh know Sakura it's not your fault this could never be your fault please don't cry?" Kakashi cooed as Sacra sank into his chest as he lay against a tree he rapped his arms around her know matter how bad they hurt he wasn't going to show his pain he never has and never will. "kakashi please let me fix you I can barrow chakra from naruto please?" she cried in to his vest. "will you stop crying so I can see your pretty eyes? Then yes!" Kakashi said kissing Sakura on the forehead.

30 min. later

kakashi had passed out.

Kakashi's mind

Where am I? kakashi thought. He walked around in this foggy place for bout five minutes and then when he was about give up and take out his book "kakashi…hey where are you man?" came a voice he knew all to well "…Obito…" he yelled. "yeah who else?" he came in to site. "…Obito…is… that… really…y-you? Are you ok?" he said with tears in his eyes "yeah why wouldn't I be? Kakashi you acking wired whats wron-" he was cut off when kakashi ran to him and hugged him crying into his shoulder. "hey dude your really scarring me!! What the hell is wrong?" the very confused man asked. "whats going on your dead!" kakashi asked "I'm not dead not yet anyway?" he said. "what are you talking about I saw you die?" he was dumbfounded "Here I well tell you what is going on kay?" all kakashi did was nod. "kay this is whats going on, Im dead in a way yes but I was hanging with Rin, and sensei in the spirt world kay? And they kinda kicked me out… anyway thats not the point I have been here in your mind for about four mouths and dude you need to get laid! I think you should go for that hot ass medic-nin with the pink hair!" he finished "kay there is so many things wrong with that! And besides I'm dieing anyway so it wont do any good I'm going back to the spirt world with you!" kakashi sighed. "not I can help It!" Obito yelled and poofed away. "why do I feel like I'm going to kick the shit out of him?"

With Naruto and Sakura

"hey look he's waking up!" Naruto yelled "kakashi?" Sakura asked to see if it were true. "what the hell?" kakashi said seeing he was In a hospital bed "oh god kakashi we thought you were you know gone!!" yelled the hokage to be! "why am I alive?" kakashi asked out of pure shock " Don't remember? You got when I was healing you and started running you didn't stop till you were at the village gate? Then you yell at sakura about how sexy her ass was!" Naruto started to laugh.

"yep now say thanks and go get laid!" Obito ordered.

"kiss my ass" kakashi said not knowing he said it out loud. 'shit' he thought.

They all stared at him with one eyebrow raised.