AN: Hey everybody! I'm sorry if you came on here expecting a new chapter only to find yet another AN, it's like a giant middle finger straight to the face, right? Now to get to the real reason that I'm writing this... as you know I've been having a horrible case of writers block and one of the techniques most people use to get rid of it is to reread the story. Well I did that, and do you know what I found? a big heaping pile of crap. After writing for the period of time I have after writing this I've gained some experience, and I'm actually thinking of writing my own book (more on that later). After gaining all of this experience and reading this story I've realized how badly written it is. Now now I'm not discontinuing this story, quite the opposite. I've decided to rewrite, reconstruct, and re-imagine "The Life of a Blind Jinchuuriki". And as I am writing this I'm wondering to myself, 'maybe the reason I have this writers block is because of how badly written my story is'. So this story will be under reconstruction until further notice. but I need to tell you guys that I will not be rewriting the story one chapter at time, putting them online one by one, no I'm going to redo the story all at once having all six chapters on at once. Oh, and if happen to be a beta reader for this story could you please tell me, I've got an awful memory and I really need help remembering. I also want to note that the only reason that I haven't been updating my stories is because I haven't been working on this one at all, and my beta for my other story's computer broke so he couldn't work, but now I'm going to be working on these stories again, but I'm also going to be distracted by my book. so... sorry.
Anyways... about this book I said that I will be writing, I mean a full book, not a little fanfiction thing, but an actual original piece (or as original as you can get in this world now) I will not be telling you guys any specific details for I don't even have all of them yet. I'm still in the brainstorming stage at the moment but I have a basic idea of what the story is about, the main characters' names, and a title (well maybe, it might change in the future). I'm still debating whether or not I should put some of this info on here or not, so I'm going to put a poll on my profile asking if I should or shouldn't put this info on. I just want to note that I will not use anybody on this website as a beta reader. I'd rather it be someone that I know and can meet in person. And again, I think to myself that maybe if this story is good enough and enough people like it, they might even write their own fanfiction on my story. but I'm getting ahead of myself.
Well thanks for listening, or rather, reading, to what I felt like saying to the public...