The Secret Life of Tempe Brennan, Aged 15 and 3/4

Author: Fact Vs Fiction

Rating: M ( Rated for child abuse, Mentions of drug abuse, Language and severe bullying.)

Summary: We all know Temperance was in the system and we all know it wasn't a good experience. But just how bad did it get? And how did it effect the woman she is today??

Disclaimer: I don't own BONES

Temperance Brennan sighed. Not a tired sigh, no, a contented one. Today Temperance Brennan was officially 15 years, 273 days and three quarter days old. Or. In lay persons terms, 15 and three quarters. You may laugh, snigger. It's a childish thing to do, is it not? Children stop that silly behavior at 7… Temperance Brennan was no different. Until foster care, that is. In the system every day is a step towards your 18th birthday. A step towards the end…

Tempe Brennan had been with the Dawsons 2 months now. A record since entering the system 6 months previously. Her 7th family, yet another record. This one in her social workers books.

The Dawsons were a good family in Tempe's experience. Mr. And Mrs. Dawson had 3 children of their own. Laura, 17, Matthew, 15, and Bethany who was just two years. Bethany had kept her sane during her time there. Tempe cared for Beth and the Dawsons gave her her space and that suited her just fine.

Tempe's high spirits faded upon entering the kitchen. Mr. & Mrs. Dawson looked up, along with Mrs. Penticost. Temperance's social worker.

"Temperance. Go and Pack please"

Temperance turned on her heel and trudged back up the stairs, head held high. She had learn't quickly that this was all just part of the system. She had thought, however, that the Dawsons would've been big enough to say it to her face.

To just tell her they didn't want her….

Guess she thought wrong….


A/N: Okay I know it's short but I'm almost certain the next chapter is going up immediately after this one. I have this whole story written and edited so it's just my typing skills holding things up. Let me know what you think.
