Down South

Summary: ...And she never did like cowboys.

Dreamshipping-Asuka x Johan. I never figured I'd like a pairing made of pure crack, but I quite like Judai and Asuka, which is very similar. It's a something part mini story I'm doing, because I think this pairing is cute. Does anyone else like it I wonder?


"I don't."

"But Manjoume can be really gallant you know?"


"I think you should date Ryo. Ah, unless you are already, which you are so-"


"It's Judai-!"

"Look," Asuka cut in sharply, troubled with the hard task of restraining her temper, "I'm not remotely interested in boys."

"But Asuka-"

"I love duelling," she said firmly, brandishing her duel disk. Her two friends frowned at it as though it were the bane of their lives. After a few moments, Momo paled and gulped. Junko shot her a questioning look, while Asuka stared through slitted eyes.

Momo seemed to have discovered something.

Asuka sighed exasperatedly.

"Ah, Asuka?" she queried, averting her eyes. The blonde arched a brow. "You tell us...lots of things, don't you?"

She blinked.

"I tell you most things. What are you getting at?"

"Momo?" the other girl prompted.

"Um, ah...are you...?" Momo proceeded to gulp again. "Do you...prefer our gender?"

Asuka sighed for the second time, though this time it was in resignation.

Was it so wrong to be more focused on duelling than dating?

...Apparently so, if your best friends who happened to be your roommates were boy hounds.

"Honestly," Asuka grumbled, crossing her arms, "I never get a break. They keep asking me questions I've answered years ago."

"Yeah...hey...this shirt or this one?"

"What? with the stripes."

"Ah, thanks Asuka."

"How do I stop them from-?"

"Does this tie work?"

"Fubuki," Asuka growled, "have you been listening at all?"

Her brother whipped his head around to face her, a sheepish expression gracing it. Asuka sighed for a third time, resting her head against her hand. "Geez, I am desperate; coming to your for advice. I'd be better off consulting Judai." She finished with an irritated look in his direction.

He sweatdropped at her, raising his hands in defence.

"Sorry. I'm just really busy."

Her brow twitched.

"For a casual fling with some girls?"

Fubuki felt sweat accumulating at the base of his neck from her stare. Her eyes could be really scary.

"I try my best," he replied earnestly.

"Look, I think I'll just-"


Asuka obliged, casting intrigued eyes on her goofy older brother. He came prancing towards her, a big, cheesy grin plastered on his face.

That didn't reassure her.


"Why don't you date Judai?"

A vein pulsed on Asuka's forehead, and she wasn't too happy with the fact she prevented herself from throttling Fubuki.

"For a start, Judai is like me; he only loves duelling, which I've told you so many times now."

Fubuki could only gawp at her.

"Surely you like a boy? C'mon, maybe that Johan-"

"Don't even go there," Asuka interjected, flushing slightly. She hadn't the slightest why his question had beckoned such a reaction from her. Either way, she hoped Fubuki had been too busy coming up with all her possible infatuations.

...But he hadn't.

That sly grin slowly winding its way up his face told her everything she dreaded.


"Asuka, why don't you come to the party with me?" he quizzed.

"I have things to do," she responded, feeling very, very cautious. Why hadn't he latched onto her one mistake? Better yet, what was circulating in that complex mind of his?

"Surely they can wait." He gripped her arm and his grin furthered. Asuka didn't like where this was going. "You need to loosen out little sister. Come and spend the night with your dear big brother."

Obviously, he didn't seem to realise that by saying she had things to do, she was busy.

"I can't," she repeated, frowning. "I'm completely busy tonight."

"Oh, don't worry. It's an all night party."


"I'd be too tired in the morning."

"Oh, don't be such a party pooper. Wanna settle this with a duel?"

"If I do will you stop pestering me?"


"Actually, no." Asuka surveyed him carefully, wondering what made him change his mind. "You beat me last time. I won't risk it." She arched a brow.

"Then there's no chance I'm going," she forewarned.

He smiled easily at her.

"Of course you are, don't be silly," he chuckled, walking away from her to plonk down on a nearby seat. Asuka groaned and shook her head.

"Fubuki..." she began with a warning tone.

His eyes slipped closed, as though he was ignoring her. Asuka scowled at him, knuckling her hands, before swerving around. She didn't have time for this.

"Oh Asuka!" Fubuki's sing song voice irked and halted her.

"What?" she hissed, composure degrading.

"If you don't come, then I'll tell dad it was you who lost his duel deck."

"I really hate you sometimes," she said spitefully, narrowing her eyes. Unperturbed, Fubuki grinned toothily at his sister and slung an arm around her.

"C'mon, this'll cheer you up."

"I'm not staying here through the night," she explained to him again, just so it was processed. Fubuki, who was already away and gorging on various foods, nodded in her direction. She sighed for the fourth time.

"Alright Asuka! Now, go and mingle with some boys. Make your big brother proud!"

On cue, a vast menagerie of boys flooded her personal space. A fifth sigh worked its way out of her.

She waded through the ocean of bodies, politely declining their offers (it was becoming increasingly apparent that a minority of the lads weren't so...clean in their requests) until she spotted a familiar face. Relief met her.

"Ryo?" She smiled upon reaching him. "How did my brother get you here?"

"You probably don't want to know," he told her.

"Ok. So, are you alright?"

"I'm fine. It's easier just to hang back when Fubuki blackmails you into doing something."

"You too?"

"It seems so."

"What is he like?" Asuka chuckled, bringing her palm to her forehead. Ryo gave her a small quirk of his lips, shrugging.

"He's a character all right."

"Hmm. This whole mess started because of me going to him for love advice."

Ryo's brow ascended. Asuka sighed for a 6th time. "Exactly."

"What possessed you to go to him in the first place?"

"I'm not sure..." her brows slanted. "I think I originally went just to vent my frustration."

"Because you know he can listen to rants by not listening?"


"Listen Asuka, I need to chat to him." Ryo placed his hand on her shoulder reassuringly. "I know you don't need any boy trouble, but try and find someone to chat with."

"Can't I come with you?"

"If you want, but if I let you, I wouldn't be a good friend."


"Your brother is as imaginative as ever," he admitted, scratching his head. "I'd stay out of his sensor if I was you."

"Ah." Asuka gave him an understanding smile. "But you don't think I can handle my own brother?"

"I know you can, but I wanna talk to him in private."

"Ok..." her brows threaded together as she brooded, but she managed a smile anyhow. "Have fun..."

He smirked at her.


And with that he was gone.

Finding herself alone once more, Asuka felt very awkward. She scanned the room, hoping to find anyone else she knew. Unfortunately, the majority of those attending were her brother's fangirls.

Asuka sighed for the seventh time.

This was all Fubuki's fault.

"I swear when this is done..." she trailed off when she felt a hand on her shoulder.

Instinctively she thought it might be Ryo or Fubuki, but something felt different. Panicking a bit, she whirled around, mouth set into an angry thin line, ready to decimate and-

"Are you alright?"

"Johan?" she gasped.

He blanked at her. She reddened a bit and shook her head, feeling great discomfort because his hand hadn't moved.


"Why are you here?"

He looked hurt at her tone of voice. She blushed harder.

'In control.'

"I'm here because your brother said it'd be fun if I came." Asuka's face twisted into a glare. So that was it. "Oh, and," Johan's previous look of hurt was eradicated as his face lit up in jubilance, "the food here is really nice."

She smiled in spite of her brother slaying urges.

"Is it? I might try something."

His face lit up even more, if that was possible.

"Oh! Try the eggbread, it's delicious!"

Asuka's eyes widened and shone.

"They have that here?!"

Johan blinked at her, before his lids drooped and he smirked and her cheekily.

"You like them?"

Crimson whiplashed her face yet again. She seemed to have sighed and blushed too many times today, and she wasn't exactly favoured by it.

"They're alright." She resisted the urge to rub the back of her head out of embarrassment.

Johan smiled.

"Do you want me to come with you?" he questioned, tilting his head in an adorable manner.

Oh yes. Asuka felt exceedingly uncomfortable.

And his hand was still loitering on her shoulder.

"That'd be nice," she said sincerely, squashing the turbulence in her stomach. It felt like she'd drank expired milk or something, but she hadn't.

Fubuki had though.

Numerous times.

"Alright then." Thankfully, his hand finally slipped from its position on her shoulder. Oddly, it also felt cold. Was the air-conditioning on?

"Alright, let's go." Asuka smiled widely and began walking ahead, with a bewildered looking Johan lagging behind.

She paused and threw him a concerned look over her shoulder. He caught it and displayed a large grin.

"It's really hot in here. Wanna go outside after we eat? You might have to drag me though."

So, presumably the air-conditioning wasn't on.