A/N: This story will be an Itachi/ Sakura one. Sorry to all you Sasuke fans, but he will be a lot darker in this story.

Preface: Sakura is twenty years old, and the head medic in Konoha's hospital. Sasuke hasn't returned and any attempts at getting him back have all failed. Naruto finally realizes Hinata loves him, and starts seeing her without her father's consent. Tsunade has just sent Sakura to a neighboring village to bring medicine and treat the people there for a common illness that they can't seem to get over. This is regarded as a priority mission, Sakura is sent alone because the land she is crossing is not hostel or enemy territory, and Tsunade can afford too many shinobi to leave the village due to hostilities between Konoha and Sound.

Chapter 1

Sakura jumped from one tree to the next, her short pink hair whipping around her face as the wind came from behind her. She grumbled slightly and paused on a branch to re-secure her hair in a half pony tail. She had been traveling for a day, but still had two to go before she reached the small village.

She continued on until it was to dark to travel safely. As a medic, she knew what crashing into a tree at full speed in the dark could do to one's body. She rolled out her sleeping bag and set up a small fire to cook rice with. After dinner, she searched the perimeter of her camp, and placed alerting seals all around, just in case someone wanted to sneak up on her in the middle of the night.

She laid her head down and drifted off into a light sleep, plagued with dreams.

"Don't go! I'll scream!" Sakura yelled to her friend, the boy she had loved most of her life, her partner, Sasuke. He vanished in front of her and appeared behind her.

"Sakura… Thank you." He whispered and knocked her out.

Sakura awoke with a start, looking around nervously before remembering where she was. It was about three in the morning, and the sun was no where near the horizon yet. She took a deep breath and tried to pry the thoughts of the night Sasuke left from her mind. His leaving had scarred her terribly, and she often wondered if she was stronger, would he have ever left? She became stronger, faster, and a better person after he left, not only to prove to the world that she could. That she wasn't a weak shallow girl who chased after Naruto and Sasuke because they could protect her. She proved it to her self that she was powerful, and that she could save people's lives.

Sakura, giving up on sleep, stood up and started packing her camp up. When everything was packed, she turned to leave in the direction of the village, the sun was just on the horizon giving enough light to travel slowly by. As she turned to head out, her eyes locked on a pair of red sharingan eyes. She gasped and jumped back, not knowing how someone could have gotten so close without her even realizing it.

"Sasuke?" She gasped. He gave an arrogant smirk and locked her unsuspecting eyes in his sharingan. She fell under the pressure of his gaze, loosing consciousness quickly.

"Well that was easy." Suigetsu laughed. Karin just rolled her eyes and placed the chakra drain seal on the unconscious girl's back. Sasuke looked on from a distance, feeling the chakra drain out of the pink haired girl.

Sasuke knew the only way to get his Mangekyo Sharingan was to kill his best friend, Naruto. To do that, he needed to lure him out with the one thing Sasuke knew Naruto would protect; Sakura.

"Hey, she is coming around." Jugo said quietly. Sasuke's team stepped back, just in case the seal didn't work, they knew about her power and wasn't going to risk their necks for a failed plan.

Sakura stirred and opened her eyes. She felt drained of most of her chakra and nauseous because of it. She looked around and saw three people she didn't know, and one she knew all to well. She sat up, only to be kicked down by Suigetsu with a laugh. She winced and tried to sit up again. She looked at Sasuke, who's eyes had turned back to their coal like natural color.

"What is going on?" She asked forcefully, knowing that she didn't have the energy to back her attitude but not wanting to look weak.

"It is time I severed my last ties Sakura. You will bring Naruto to me, with your screams." Sasuke said darkly. Sakura's eyes widened before Suigetsu pounced on her. Karin and Jugo restrained her arms and legs as Suigetsu slowly started to undo her clothing. She screamed for him to stop, for Sasuke to help her. Sasuke turned his back, not being able to watch what was going to happen to the girl he knew to be innocent. He wanted power and he would get it at any cost.

"You were my friend Sasuke! I trusted you with my life!" Sakura screamed. She was panicking now. "Naruto wont be able to hear me all the way out here you know!" she tried to reason, but Suigetsu was down to her bra and panties.

"It is a preview darling, don't think that this will be the last time." Suigetsu said darkly, licking her cheek which was stained with tears. Sasuke closed his mind to the screams of protest. Soon he would defeat his old friend and have the power needed to kill his brother at last. Sakura would understand one day, he thought.

Just as Suigetsu was about to lower himself on to Sakura's naked body, a crash came through the woods. Suigetsu, Jugo, and Karin were flung backwords twenty feet in the air, hitting trees. Sasuke turned to face the intruders, only to be met with another Sharingan.

Sakura scrambled to put her clothes on as she watched in horror of the two men who saved her. Kisame targeted the three snake team mates as Itachi stared down his brother.

"This cant be happening." Sakura whispered to herself.

Itachi and Sasuke began to battle.

Sakura tried to run away, but was quickly stopped by a kunai in the side by Karin.

"You wont get away, bitch!" she screamed and lounged at Sakura. Sakura blocked the hits as best as she could with no chakra left in her body. She was soon hit in the face and in the stomach, knocking her out for the second time.

"You will never defeat me brother, do you know why?" Itachi growled at Sasuke. His anger was radiating off of him in waves so strong, Kisame had been frightened. Sasuke coughed up blood.

"I would never sink as low as you to gain power. I may have killed pathetic weaklings, but I did so quickly and merciously. You torture this girl, your old team mate, who fought at your side for power? If you want her dead, you should have killed her, not this Sasuke. Think on it, and when you are strong enough to realize that your lazy ways to gain power will never work, then come and fight me. For now, live with the fact that you may have ruined your soul for nothing." Itachi threw Sasuke to the ground and picked up the bleeding pink haired kunoichi.

"What are you going to do with her?" Kisame asked suspiciously, wiping his bloody sword on Karin's dead body.

"She is one of the best medics in the world, she will heal my eyes for payment of us saving her life." Itachi answered coldly.

Itachi may be a cold hearted murderer who killed his entire clan, but he thought that raping a girl who could not defend herself was dishonorable. He had been trailing the girl for the last few miles, coming to realize she was Haruno Sakura, the apprentice of Tsunade. His eye sight had gotten to the point of near blindness, and the pain it was causing him was starting to become unbearable. When he saw Sasuke not coming to her defence, Itachi realized that he wanted her pain and blood to lure his old friend Naruto to him. Disguested with his brother, he surged forward to stop the crime against the medic.

He felt strange when he attacked his brother, as if he was on fire with rage. He couldn't understand what these emotions were and why he was felt them at the sight of the crumpled girl in his arms. Something deep and primal jumped to the surface when she was being attacked. It told him to take her for himself, that she belonged to him and that no one was to touch her but him. He needed the medic to regain his sight, but the animal inside him wanted more, and it unnerved Itachi greatly.

"We need to get her to the base, she is loosing a lot of blood." Kisame said loudly, breaking Itachi from his thoughts.

"Hn." He responded and quickened his pace.

A/N: This one will be darker than my other fics. Please read and review!