Author's Note: As usual Don't own anything you can recognize... AU from 2x07 "Out of Time"...just exploring the possibilities...the what-ifs... XD Enjoy and please Review XD


"Stay back Nathan..." Bob warned him.

"I got it." He glanced back then advanced towards her.

"Don't do it, Nikki, this isn't you..." She grabbed his shirt collar and held him at arms' length. "This isn't you.." He said once more, staring directly into her eyes. Silently pleading with her to stop. Her eyes were filled with anger, despair, and pain.

He was about to continue when Nikki continued, slamming the syringe into Nathans' chest, just left of his shoulder blade, causing him to gasp with shock and a small twinge of pain. Within the split second she threw him aside like a rag dall, his body colliding and doubling over a chair, which in turn flipped over on him, pinning him down. Having no hope of getting up without help. He hissed in pain as he was flipped onto his chest and the chair brought down more weight on him, making the needle of the syringe push into his flesh fully, as well as the entire vial of the virus be injected into his system.

Nathan watched weakly as Nikki stared at Bob for a moment with the same hatred as she glared at Nathan with, but it seemed to fade quickly. The nightmare was expelled, either by her own will, or something else.

Time had slown then as she turned around to him, crumbling to her knees, her facial expression was a horrified one; at what she had done. He stared at her for a moment longer then, let his head drop and eyes close.


Next time he was aware of anything from the real world he was on a gurney, flat on his back. He gasped as he opened his eyes, taking in a breathe of sterile air. He glanced around, it resembled much like a low-class hospital, not nearly as well off as the ones he had been in before.

With a quick survey of things he found that their were two people in the room; Nikki and Mohinder. The woman was sitting in a chair in the furtherest corner, her knees against her chest, and her arms around her legs. She was looking out the window into the hall, it had been clearly obvious that she had been crying. Nathan than looked towards Mohinder, who had his back facing him, typing madly on a laptop.

The silence persisted until Mohinder turned around, a clean syringe in hand, filled with a clear liquid. He seemed rather startled when he found Nathan staring at him, his eyes asking questions his voice didn't have the bravery too. After a moment of staring, Nathan finally allowed himself to speak.

"How bad?" He asked, resorting to short responses. He knew the syringe that Nikki stuck him with was the virus. He didn't know all the details of the virus yet, but had sensed it most likely fatal for anyone to come in contact with.

Nikki was standing at the other side of the bed at him, looking like she was about to cry again. Staring at Mohinder, hoping against all odds, that Nathan would not be another victim of her power.

"My bloods' not a cure for this anymore..." Mohinder answered quietly, slowly, with a twinge of saddness in his voice. Nathan stared at him in almost disbelief.

"I'm dying?" He asked, but it was more of a statement.

"Yes." Mohinder answered after hesitation, glancing down at the syringe he had been holding.

"What's that?" Nathan finally asked about what Mohinder was holding.

"It's morphine...for when the symptoms start showing...which should be any time now." Mohinder explained softly. Nathan just stared in disbelief at the Indian doctor.

He was really dying this time.