Chapter 4 - Fall With Me

Whilst Kanda was trying her best to figure out the snowy white object,the being which was the carrier of the object groaned in pain and shook his head slightly trying to set his bearing straight. Of course this would result in the snowy white object,namely being his hair,floating and waving into Kanda's nose,causing her to sneeze. On her part,Kanda was more than a little freaked out when the bundle of whiteness began to move around and tickle her nose and she did her best to stop the incoming explosion but to no avail.


The impact of her sneeze was amazing. To the point that their positions were switched. Without much warning,Allen found himself face first in the chest of whoever it was while Kanda finally got her bearing and at long last uncovered the mystery behind the snowy white object. And that realization did not please her one bit. Allen on the other hand had unconsciously wrapped his arms around the waist of the person atop him in a futile attempt to stabilize himself before trying to sit up.

Kanda froze when she felt arms snake around her slim waist and she became all too aware of the face pressed against her chest. Panicking slightly she braced her arms on the floor between the two of them and pried away from the other being and almost succeeded. Well. Almost. Forgetting about the pair of arms around her waist,just as soon as she was about to lift her body off,she was pulled back down thanks to the strong grip.


Allen recognized the grunt and on instinct,immediately released his arms just as Kanda's voice sounded

"Oi you damn moyashi!Release me so I can get off you,you idiot!"

Scrambling away from Allen,Kanda hurriedly stood up and dusted off her clothes,proceeding to glare at Allen who was also dazedly getting up and leaning against the wall for support. Glancing over to her,he slowly began to place two and two together and groaned lightly when he felt a slight pain on his head where Kanda's chin had bumped into when she had somehow switched their places after sneezing.

Rubbing her chin slightly,Kanda cast Allen an accusatory look and shot out

"You can't even get directions right,I thought you might at least be able to open doors right. You really are a failure,moyashi. And I even have to call you senpai. Pfft."

With a last sarcastic blow of breath,Kanda turned on her heels and disappeared into the cafeteria in a whirl of jet black hair. Allen sighed,feeling too mentally exhausted to even try to comprehend what had happened and turned on his way back to his room. The last thought occupying his mind was

For a guy,he seriously is petite...and smells good...kinda flowery...though I wonder why his chest was so soft...kinda comfy,really but I expected muscles and such...wait why the hell am I even thinking this...God,Allen wake up!

Reaching his room door,Allen twisted the door open only to witness Komui slobbering over a picture of Lenalee and doing his jelly dance. Once again realizing he was at the wrong room as well as wrong wing of the building,he hurriedly shut the door with a muttered apology and proceeded to backtrack in what he hoped was the right direction. For some reason he was feeling mentally exhausted and the notion of a quick nap sure as hell sounded great.

Meanwhile in the cafeteria

Sitting down on a vacant table,Kanda was still mildly fuming as she recalled what had taken place mere minutes ago. Unconsciously,her hands came up protectively to her chest as she felt her cheeks burn in embarrassment. The feelings of his arms around her waist earlier had caused her mind to numb and her mental wall of protection to crumble and it irked her to no end.

Angrily she thought

I'm NOT supposed to feel anything at all!Why am i letting that idiot moyashi affect me so!I refuse to let this kinda thing affect me and show any weakness!As a Yuu,this is completely unacceptable...I will have to start to up my training and strengthen myself both physically and mentally..

Her train of thought was cut short as her bowl of soba arrived and she began to dig into the noodles almost with vengeance,vowing to herself to never repeat the same mistake twice.

A/N - Hiii don't kill me for not updating in ages is basically a filler chapter before more action comes in (if and when it hits me) I promise I'll try thank you SO much for continued support even though I've been so inactive!As always,please do read and review and feedback of any sort is appreciated thanks! *flying kisses*