Now, lets see if I get away with this... This is a Vampire Chronicals/Harry Potter crossover. I've this gets deleted, I'll post it on www harrypotterfanfiction com.


Occurs in the summer after the fifth book and basically ignores the last two books...


And on with the story.

Harry lay on his bed in No. 4 Privite Drive. He lay on his side, staring at the watch he used as a clock as the seconds ticked closer and closer to 12.

Almost thereā€¦ he thought as the seconds flicked into the fifties.

Then it clicked 12 and he had a sudden urge to throw up.

The pounding that excused itself as footsteps were what woke him up from sleep. Harry rubbed his eyes and quickly got up. He knew that as soon as he heard the pounding footsteps, he better get ready A.S.A.P. or be in for a pounding. As a precaution Harry tucked his wand in his back pocket. At the same time, his door promptly flew open to reveal his cousin (though the doorframe blocked the edges).

"Dad says to get your scrawny arse downstairs pronto and make breakfast. Or else."

Harry felt a sudden dig of anger. He had always had a temper, but he normally kept it under lock and key. This time, for some reason or other, he couldn't. Maybe it was the smug smile placed firmly on Dudleys pudgy pig face. Maybe he was sick of being ordered around. Then again, maybe not. But what he did next was completely unexplainable. Harry lunged at Dudley at lightning speed or faster. The next thing he knew, his teeth were firmly in Dudleys neck, his cousins scream echo in the house and two sets of feet rushed up the stairs.

He heard his aunt scream and his uncle blubber on about something or other. He felt his cousin go limp in his hands. He realized what he was doing and let go, shuffling away from the scene.

"Wha- wha- wha-?" he himself blubbered.

Suddenly, Aunt Petunias screams were ordered.


"Bu- but-"


Harry picked himself up off the ground and ran. He ran out his bedroom door, he ran out the front door and he pelted down the street.

Mudgus Fletcher sat, concealed, near number 4 Privite Drive. He looked at the doorway as it slammed open and thought he saw, for just a second, Harry Potter standing in the doorway. But then the image disappeared and left and empty doorway. Mudgus shook his head, ignoring the image and deciding he was paranoid.

Harry slowed to a normal paced walked a few streets away. He found a low wall and sat on it, thinking about what to do next. He decided that he should call the Knight Bus and, since he didn't want those on the Knight Bus to know the location of the Headquaters, he decided to go to the Burrow. He held out his wand hand and with a crack, crash and boom, the Knight Bus rolled up.

"'Ello 'Ello and welcome to tha Knight Bus! I'm Stan Shunpike and I'll be your conductor this even'n. If you'll kindly state were 'oo'd like ta go."

"The Burrow thanks, Stan."

"Off ta see tha Weasleys eh? Well I warn ya- Oh 'ang on a sec! Ernie! Ernie it's 'im! It's 'Arry Potter! Sorry 'Arry, still 'ave ta charge ya the 9 sickles, but I'll throw the 'ot chocolate in for free 'kay?"

"Thanks Stan."

Harry paid and shuffled over to one of the beds. He sat with his hands in his hands for the short ride, only removing them to sip his hot chocolate. The Knight Bus screeched to a stop in front of a dirt path.

"'Ere we are 'Arry. Tha Burrow. Jus' walk on down that there path an' 'oo'll get there fine."

Harry nodded in thanks and walked down the path. He knocked on the door and was received by Molly Weasley.

"Oh! Hello Harry. Um, Ron and Hermione and the others are out on a field somewhere, but um. Harry, what are you doing here?"

He gulped and explained as best as he could.

"I, I. Aunt petunia kicked me out 'cause I bit Dudley in the neck and he got really pale and I didn't know where to go and this was the first place that occurred."

It had come out in a bit of a rush, really.

"Can, can I talk to Dumbledore?"

Molly looked at him with a loving maternal eye. She could see how distressed he was.

"Of course you can, Harry."

She walked over to the fireplace and floo called Dumbledore. Soon after she pulled her head out of the fire, Dumbledore himself stepped out of the fire. He worriedly strood over to Harry.

"Harry, why are you here? You should be at your aunts."

Harry swallowed and gave Dumbledore the explanation, who nodded with a slight frown on his face.

"Sir, please - what's happening to me?"

Dumbledore gave a grim smile.

"Harry, your father isn't really James Potter. He is a vampire named Lestat De Lioncourt."

Ah-ha! Evil cliffie! I'll have the next chappie up later. If this gets past being just a document that is...

There is no particular placment in time for the vampires... all I'll say is that Claudias gone and Lestat has Akashas blood in him. The rest of the background doesn't really matter.

See you at the next chapter!