
Jack Harkness had to hand it to the kid. He successfully sealed the gate. The portal to the other world was no longer a threat.

It was cold, and a breeze swirled snow around his feet. It was cold and biting, but he didn't feel it. His warm wool coat easily kept off the cold wet sting off. Captain Jack Harkness lay at a distance with binoculars in hand watching them. Just over the snowy knoll he was hiding behind he saw the object of his new mission. Two young men, no more than boys, standing on the road waving down vehicles as they passed by. They seemed harmless, children in the eyes of his society. The youngest, under his heavy German army issue coat, wore a blue suit jacket, matching slacks and white shirt, with suspenders. His clothes were large on him. He needed a belt to hold up the pants, and both sleeves and pants were rolled up. His long dark gold hair was tied tight at the nape of his neck, and tucked into his jacket. He carried a battered leather suitcase and trailed behind the older boy, occasionally stopping to point at something.

The other boy shared the same height as the younger. A leather thong in the back of his head bound his long yellow gold hair. He was dressed in a long brown frock coat, light brown slacks, a vest, and a white shirt. He was slender, and very pretty. Yet, his features were hardened, revealing a very uptight young man.

Pulling out his communicator Jack spoke steadily to his agency. "I found them, yes, I'm sure its Edward and Alphonse Elric. They both have gold eyes…" He paused checking the gadget on his wrist. "And their readings are off the chart. Should I try to intercept them before they make contact?"

"Your orders are to proceed according to plan." A voice rippled over the static.

"Damn," Jack frowned. They always insisted on doing things by the book. He shook his head, watching the elder Elric. He was darned cute, and legal to boot. Jack shook his head. It was unfortunate that these post WWII types were so narrow-minded. Edward Elric would make quite the catch. Well, he could dream couldn't he? "Copy, but we don't want to sit on this too long, I saw what these kids could do when they brought down the Thule Society three months ago. They're dangerous."

There was a pause; headquarters wasn't going to budge on this one. "You have your orders, Captain. Over and out." With a faint smile Jack Harkness shrugged. He had his orders, but he still didn't like it. Switching off his device, he continued to watch the youngsters. A truck pulled over and the boys were piling in the back.