Author's Note

The name delivers: this is defiantly the opposite of Twilight. Now, before we go any farther, we would like to say that our hearts go out to all the BellaxEdward fans, but to make this story work, we had to make it BellaxJacob. Please refrain from throwing things at us! This is our first fanfiction, so please be nice. We really messed up some of the characters, but it's more fun this way.

Also, we have some original characters that you might want to know about.

Almost Edward: he has a bit of a hero complex and he has a life-long dream to truly be Edward, but alas, he is Edward…almost.

The Who: our evil, murderous Vice Principle. He has been know to kill children and stick them in the air-vents and his dream is to bring us to the dark side.

Shoes: the Who's most loyal follower, bent on destroying all resistance to the Who. He can teleport through light-switches and he fuels a secret passion for all 4 main characters. (yes, even the men)

Trombone: the devilishly charming trombone player in music class. All the girls want him and all the guys want to be him, but alas, none of them have the skills to play…TROMBONE!! 3

CHAD BROWN: the most amazingly cool civics/careers/history teacher in all the land. His name cannot be said, you must scream it in a hardcore fashion.

We will probably add more characters later on in the story. Enjoy!

Bella & Alice

Disclaimer: Stephenie Meyer owns all the wonderful characters that we do not. But we all know that we are far too charming to sue anyways. Please let this be a disclaimer for all future chapters.

PS Jacob is now Australian. Get over it.