Hey everybody, so I thought I would try a Life with Derek story since I love it so much and have been inspired by some pretty good writers on here. They know who they are. Anyways, hope you enjoy and please let me know what you think, and yes, I own nothing but the idea that makes this story possible with everything that I borrowed from the creators of lwd.

She stood outside her apartment, her bags were in the car, and her sister was waiting in the driver's seat. She had to force herself to breathe. In through the nose, out through the mouth. She continued the breaths but felt a sudden anxiety and almost let it take control.

"Casey, what's wrong?" her sister asked from in the car.

Casey turned to look at Lizzie. "Nothing."

"Come on, we have to go, we have a plane to catch."

She somehow found the strength to listen to her sister and get into the cab but the entire ride to the airport, she felt anxious. They were flying back to Toronto from New York where Casey had been living the past couple years. She worked at her father's firm as a paralegal.

They arrived at the airport within half an hour and Casey couldn't help but stare at the building as though it were a death sentence.

Lizzie paid the driver as he helped unload the trunk. Casey sluggishly gathered her things.

She was getting married in two days. Tomorrow was the rehearsal and dinner. She forced herself to breath through the heart palpitations that started at the thought that her wedding was 48 hours of occurring.

After they were driven to the terminal, she felt ready to collapse. "Oh god, Lizzie, I don't feel well."

Lizzie frowned at her. "Come on Case, there's nothing to worry about, we're perfectly on time."

But Casey wasn't sure. She felt like something terrible was about to happen.

They got checked through and went through security without a problem and soon were waiting in the lounge for their plane.

While they were waiting, Casey tried to figure out what was wrong with her. Everything was going to plan. She was getting married in two days. After the wedding celebrations they would go to their new apartment for a quiet weekend away from everyone. They had decided to put off their honeymoon since he was swamped with work. Going in the winter would be better, anyway, she told herself, since they would be able to escape the doldrums of winter then.

But there was something not right. She could feel it. There was a nagging in the back of her mind that something was not right at all. She forced herself through the breathing exercises again.

Shortly they were on the plane and making their way across the country back home. Casey read through some of her reports for her boss while Lizzie read a magazine and listened to her Ipod.

She caught herself gazing off every so often. She found herself lost in her memories.

"Surprise," a masculine voice said from behind her as he slipped his arms around her.

She smiled as she leaned her head back to look at him.

"Hey sexy," he said as he kissed her on the forehead.

"What are you doing?"

"Saying hi to you after a good morning of practice."

"Oh yeah," she said as she stood and engulfed him in a hug. "Did you get the chance to take out Sam and the guys and score all the goals?"

He rolled his eyes. "I am not a hockey hooligan and you know it."

She gave him her version of his smirk that she had somehow copied from him over the years of being together. "Sure babe."

"Coach told me that our next game is going to be the most scouted game of the season. I really need it if I am ever going to make it pro. There are a few schools that I would like to have gunning for me so I can have my dream."

Her smile faltered for a split-second.

He noticed. "Casey, what's wrong?"


"Babe, you know you're part of my dream for the future. Even if we end up at different schools, we can still be together. I am going to go to school to play hockey and make it onto the triple a team and you will finish with your B.A. and become a paralegal. We'll live in some posh penthouse apartment until I go pro then we'll have a big house and lots of kids and…"

She laughed. "But what if you don't go pro?"

He shrugged, "then we'll live off your money while I lounge and dream the big dream."

She laughed. "Oh babe, what would I do without you?"

"Probably suffer a boring existence as grade-grubber or klutzilla."

She scowled at him and smacked him on the arm.

He swept her off her feet and took her over to the couch, kissing her neck, while she squealed in laughter.

"Put me down," she shrieked.

He laughed. "Alright, I'll drop you right here."

"Der-ek! Don't you dare!"

He laughed and then dropped her on the couch. He smirked before pouncing on her.

A stewardess came over and was offering an array of food to buy. She grabbed a sandwich and swept through one of the depositions before her.

"oh mom wanted us to stop by tonight to take some pressure off the visit from Aunt Fiona and Uncle Harry. Fiona has been really eager to help out around the house and Harry seems to want to take everyone hiking."

Casey laughed. "I can imagine George's reaction to that."

Lizzie smiled. "Yeah, and Vicki and her boyfriend have been staying in the house too and that is a drama within itself. Mom doesn't care if they share a room, since they are in the guest room – or your old room. But Aunt Fiona has been freaking out about it. It's silly really."

Casey shook her head.

"Dad said he was catching a flight in the late morning."

Casey nodded. She finished her sandwich and went back to her papers. She needed to ignore the feeling of anxiety that was building when the wedding was being mentioned.

She did find comfort in her memories. Torturous memories, but memories when she had the feeling that all was right with the world.

She woke up that morning feeling a little tired. Perhaps she might admit to herself that she was brutally hung over. She had gone to a party last night with Derek and the guys celebrating his big scholarship acceptance to the University of Toronto.

After all the scouts had come out and thrown their offers, Derek chose to go with U of T since he could have the comforts of home not too far away. Plus he could enjoy the partying since graduating at 18 and the legal drinking age in Ontario was 19, there was no way that he would wait two more years to be legal to drink.

There was a knock on her door. She groaned.

Derek poked his head in. "Hey there sunshine."

She covered her eyes and groaned.

He came and sat down on the bed. He rubbed her back and she moaned.

"Oh that feels good."

"I think you will feel better after a shower and then we can go enjoy a nice quiet day outside."

She gave a small smile as she leaned over and kissed him.

"What would I do without you?"

He laughed. "Well, let's see if I wasn't around you might have tried to have sex with me in front of everyone."

She frowned. "I did not!"

He laughed. "Okay, maybe not in front of everyone. But you certainly enjoyed yourself last night."

She groaned as she rested her forehead against his arm.

"Alright, so I drank too much, was practically all over you, and tried to… was it climb the trellis on the front porch?"

Derek laughed. "Yeah, babe, I got to see your hot little lacy thong and girl I have to say that ass of yours is fine."

She groaned again.

"And you are certainly in the mood when you have a few drinks in your system."

She closed her eyes. "Alright, but should you really be complaining about that?"

He shook his head. "Oh you don't hear me complaining about it at all, I just found you entertaining."

She smacked him on the chest and then proceeded to drag him into the bathroom to share a shower. After which he took her out to the aquarium to see the new baby seal that had been born a few weeks before. After that Derek had taken her out to her favorite patio restaurant for dinner and they talked about their plans for the fall.

She heard the captain speaking about the current temperature of Toronto and the time.

She sighed as she put her papers back in the folder and got ready for the landing.

Lizzie was busy looking out the window, not really noticing that Casey had slipped off to her own world of lost memories.

The feeling of dread was knotting in her stomach again. Maybe she should go see a doctor, she thought. There was clearly something wrong with her.

Once they landed, Lizzie led Casey off the plane. They smiled and thanked the stewardesses and the captain and made their way to baggage claim. Once they had their bags on the cart they started out to the main entrance where they were supposed to be picked up.

"Casey!" someone called.

She forced her mouth into a bright smile and turned to look for her fiancé.

He swept her into a hug. "Oh I missed you," he said, putting an arm around her as he took the cart and started to push it.

She kept the bright smile. "Yeah, I missed you too Max."

I know, I know, I was leading you on. Trust me, it's going to be great. Alright, so let me know what you think. This is my first lwd flick. But I needed to channel some of my emotions and this story is the result. Please review, I really want to make sure that this is ok, otherwise I will kybosh the whole thing. And yes to my other fans, I will finish the last of the other story, just working on the last details of the chapter.