
Disclaimer: Insert standard disclaimer here. I do not own Gundam Wing or Sailor Moon, including any and all characters or other trademarks associated with either Gundam Wing or Sailor Moon. I do however claim right to any original characters or original situations included in this story.

Hiiro Yui watched through the bulletproof glass over looking the Preventers' live-fire training area as one lone senior trainee played bad-guy for a full anti-terrorism unit running it's daily exercise.

"What is the target armed with?" Hiiro asked the captain overseeing the exercise, the man quickly checked over the paperwork before replying.

"One fighting knife, six throwing knives, and one handgun with two clips provided. Target is free to collect any weapons or ammo dropped by or captured from the unit." he listed off before setting the papers on the computer terminal next to him.

"Expected completion time?"

"It's a timed exercise. Situational- there is a bomb on site, they have an hour to find and disarm the bomb, or forty minutes to capture and interrogate the target, and then find the bomb."the captain explained, "It's been twenty minutes."

Hiiro nodded and watched as the black-suited target took out two members of the unit, managing to retrieve a semiautomatic rifle from one of them, before being forced around a corner by a third.

"How many has the target taken down so far?"

"Those were numbers ten and eleven; there are seven more remaining."


"You got us again, Tsukino- are you sure you don't want to join the anti-terrorism unit once you've finished training?" the good natured squad commander asked as their target entered the locker room, helmet still shielding Hiiro's view of the person's face from where he stood by the door.

There was a muffled laugh, which turned into a feminine giggle as the figure pulled off the helmet, spilling more blonde hair than should have been able to fit underneath it.

"Sorry, Ian. I still haven't heard my true calling." the young woman said with a smile, before the commander -Ian Truvoski, was his name, if he remembered correctly- suddenly realized Hiiro's presence in the room.

"Sir! I didn't realize you were on base today!" he said, snapping to attention and walking over to salute Hiiro.

"I had a friend recommend it to me." Hiiro replied, returning the salute before waving at the commander to be at ease; "Will you introduce me to our talented terrorist?"

"Of course, Sir." Ian replied before waving Tsukino over. "This is Cadet First Captain Usagi Tsukino. Japan sent her to us, she's got about a week left in her live-combat training."

"Full officer's training?" Hiiro asked the woman, as she saluted him.

"Yes, Sir." Usagi answered, her voice softer than he had expected after seeing her performance in the training area.


"Not yet, Sir." she replied, and Hiiro paused a moment to look her over a bit more closely; she couldn't be older than twenty-one or two, and a small frame despite the lean muscle that must have been hiding underneath the black jump suit she wore.

"Considered spec ops?" he finally asked after a moment of silence, making Ian look, startled, at the petite blonde beside him.

"I've wished, Sir. But that's hard to get into..." she replied with a slight grin, "I've heard you're very picky, Shosa."

Hiiro's lips quirked into a small grin of his own, before turning back to look at the older woman that had silently appeared in the doorway; "Tell Une that I want her on a shuttle to L1 as soon as her graduation ceremony is over, Sally. And thank Maxwell for me, when you see him next."

"Sure thing, Hiiro."

Usagi typed away on her laptop as she neared the end of her five hour trip from Earth, and her heart hadn't stopped pounding since the sleek black Preventers' car had picked her up from her graduation in Brussels.

Her father and mother had been extremely proud when she told them where she was being stationed, and her little brother had told her that he was following in her footsteps- he was starting his own training as soon as he finished high school.

With a sigh, Usagi snapped shut the laptop, at least Shingo wasn't going to waste her parents money with two years of college before making up his mind, like she had. With a small smile, Usagi remembered her days in university, she didn't regret the experience- only the fact that her parents had to sacrifice as much as they had in order for her to go to the best school in Japan.

Only for her to decide at the end of her second year that she wanted to join the Preventers, and screw finishing school before hand. Of course, it was her roommate slash best friend's fault. Rei had made the comment, at the beginning of the semester, that Usagi just didn't seem to put as much into her studies anymore. That she spent more time at Rei's father's dojo, than she did in class.

After weeks of introspections, Usagi had figured out that she wanted to fight the problems she saw, not talk about them like her major in international relations was preparing her for. Her dilemma had been easy to solve after that point, there was only one place she could go to do what she wanted.

Author's Note:

So, yes, I did say I wasn't going to write gw/sm xovers anymore. But, well... things change, hey.

A translation note:

'Shosa' is 'Major' – if you watch Ghost in the Shell subtitled though, that's a pretty easy one to pick up on. Also- the name "Rise" was taken from the name of a song from the GitS:SAC 2ndGIG OST. It's the opening song, and I think it fits very well for the planned story line.

Usagi's rank of "Cadet First Captain " is taken from West Point tradition, the Cadet First Captain is the highest position in the Corps of Cadets.


11/27/07 - 02:54:03 PM