I do not own Ghost Hunt or any of the character (although I wish I did).
Authors Note:
I have watched all series in the anime but I haven't read the manga so please put up with my limited knowledge. Please review. Thank you!
Chapter One:
Mai was sitting in the office of the SPR reviewing and filing past cases for her narcissistic boss, Naru. It had been a typical day, Naru had totally ignored her unless he needed tea or her to do work for him. At 7 o'clock he had merely handed her a large stack of papers without any explanation whatsoever.
"That damn bastard," she muttered under her breath. "I am going to making him pay for this." She glared at the door of his office.
She had been organizing for two hours when it happened, she yawned. Her eyelids were feeling droopy. "Must stay awake," she moaned. She slapped herself. It was to no avail. Within 10 seconds she was asleep on the couch, her dying words being, "Forgive me, Naru."
Approximately an hour later Naru stepped out of his office and turned off the lights. As he headed to the door, coat in hand he noticed Mai asleep on the couch. "Dear God, what have I done to deserve her," Naru muttered sarcastically under his breath. He was about to wake her up, when he realized how peaceful she looked. Her lips were slightly parted and her face glowed in the pale moonlight.
He went over to the telephone and was about to call her home, when he remembered her parents had died. He turned back to her sleeping form, and he made a decision.
Mai felt something warm pushing on her. She was feeling so serene until this thing had started to bother her. She opened her eyes and saw Naru staring down at her.
"Ahhhhh," she yelled and jumped up quickly. "I'm so sorry Naru," she cried and bowed to him.
"I know you are," he said with his usual attitude, which reminded her how much she hated him. "I can't have my employees inconveniencing other people."
"Whaaaat?" Mai yelled. Naru held up a hand to silence her and continued.
"It is my understanding that you are staying with a teacher. However, this must be an inconvenience to her, so as an employee I will be offering you somewhere to stay."
"Thank you Naru- chan!" she yelled and hugged him, forgetting for a second that he ws Naru. Naru looked slightly shocked.
"But," Naru said hastily, "Of course your living expenses will be subtracted from your salary." It's just like Naru to ruin a moment like that, Mai thought.
He handed her his cell phone. "You should call the person you live with, and tell her." Her old teacher was not home yet, so Mai left a message on the answering machine telling her of the current situation and thanking her for her help. It was then she remembered that she would need to get her belongings.
"Uhhh, Naru, I need to get my stuff from her apartment." Naru simply nodded and picked up the car keys from their usual area by the computer. The ride to the apartment was awkward and silent. The only words exchanged between the two, was when Naru needed directions. Mai watched his steady profile as he drove to the apartment, silhouetted by the neon highlighted sky. She watched as the lights projected onto Naru's hair and face emphasizing his intense beauty. When she got there, she led Naru to her apartment. It was a slightly dilapidated looking building and was not in the best of neighborhoods. It only took them one trip to get all her stuff. She left a note on the kitchen table telling her old teacher that she would be leaving and to check the answering machine. The ride to wherever Naru lived was even quieter. Mai wondered what type of place he lived in. Was it an apartment or a house? She knew that he most likely lived with Lin- san. Just as she was about to ask Naru where exactly he lived, he pulled up into a parking garage for an apartment building. She was expecting some unusual building, but it was a plain regular apartment complex. It was from what she could tell a sort of gray- blue colour and it had lots of windows. Naru stepped out of the van and opened the trunk. They each grabbed a box of her belongings and Naru shut the trunk.
"We live on the fifth story," Naru said suddenly, making Mai jump. So he did live with Lin- san then, she thought. She followed Naru up the five flights of stairs. She was gasping for breath when she finally made it to the top. "I can't believe your this out of shape," Naru said coolly to her. Mai growled under her breath but followed Naru obediently to his room. He opened the door and Mai walked inside after him.
"What a nice apartment you have," Mai exclaimed admiring the cold and precise furniture. Naru ignored this comment.
"This unit has two rooms. One of them is mine, and the other will become yours," Naru exclaimed. Living in the same apartment unit as Naru- chan, just the thought of it made Mai blush. Wait, does that mean Naru and Lin-san share a room?, Mai thought startled. As if he heard her thoughts, Naru said, "Lin lives in the apartment adjacent to ours." Naru proceeded to take her on a quick tour of the rooms. When Naru explained that there was only one bathroom, and that the only entrance to it was from Naru's room, Mai was shocked, seemingly much to Naru's amusement.
"I think you should go ahead and take you shower," Naru said looking pointedly at her. Once she was alone in the bathroom she took off her clothes. "Is he trying to say I smell?" she asked herself. She sniffed herself, and then her clothes. "What is he trying to do? I don't smell at all! Damn bastard, he's probably just trying to annoy me." The shower was one of the most refreshing she had had in a long time. When she got out, she looked across the sink at the mirror. She stared intensely at her reflection and wondered if someone like her would have a chance with someone like Naru. She sighed. It was hopeless. Why did she ever have to fall in love with a guy like him? Forgetting exactly where she was she wrapped a towel around herself and walked out the door only to be confronted with Naru sitting on his bed reading something. Naru looked and she screamed and ran back into the bathroom. "Oh dear God," she said, "Please let me have remembered to bring some clothes in." She looked around the bathroom and only saw the clothes she had just been wearing. She hung her head in defeat.
She opened the door and peeked outside. "Naru- chan," she said softly. "I left my clothes in my room."
"Typical," Naru replied and got up to get her some. Mai couldn't help but notice his apparent amusement at her situation. He reentered the room and handed her, her clothes through the door. Mai looked at what he handed her and realized it was an overlarge shirt from her father and that Naru had failed to give her pants. Sighing, Mai quickly got dressed and left the bathroom. She walked over to Naru's bed and watched him read the book. She wondered if she should sit down beside him, or whether that would be to awkward. While she was lost in her thoughts Naru looked up and asked, "May I help you?" in his usual dismissive tone. Mai internally growled at him, but smiled at him.
"Well I was wondering where I would sleep, since the other room does not seem to have a bed." Naru simply stared at her.
"You can sleep on the couch," he said finally, and looked away.
"The couch?!?" Mai yelled, pleased when Naru winced slightly.
"Fine," Naru snapped back. "I will sleep on the floor and you can sleep on my bed." Stupid Naru. He did this on purpose. If she took his bed she would look inconsiderate.
"Fine, I'll take the couch," she said glaring at him as she stalked out of the room.
"It was useless to get so upset in the first place," Naru said as she retreated. If Naru hadn't been offering her a place in his apartment and if he hadn't been her boss Mai would have slapped him then. But she had to content herself with imagining it.
A Little Past Midnight
Mai woke up and realized she was freezing cold. The couch was made of some sort of polished leather material and apparently did not absorb warmth. The skimpy blanket she had brought with her was basically useless. On top of that her throat was dry and sore. Mai got up and made her way unsteadily to the bathroom. There she got a drink of water. As she walked out of the bathroom she felt heat radiate from the opposite side of the room. As she went closer the heat she realized it was coming from Naru. When she got to his bed she touched his face and realized how warm he was. Tired and disoriented, she crawled into his bed wrapping herself around his warm body.
Later Naru woke to find himself embraced by a sleeping girl. He disentangled himself from her body and was just about to get up when he noticed a strand of her hair. Every time she breathed out it moved up and when she inhaled it moved back to its original position. It was hypnotic to him, the ginger strand of hair that brushed her cream coloured skin every time she breathed. He stared at it for such a long time he forgot exactly where he was. So it was slightly startling to him when she opened her eyes. She jumped up when she realized she was in his bed and he was staring at her. A slow smirk spread across his face.
"Enjoying the view?" he asked.
Mai blushed. "Naru, you really are a narcissist." She couldn't think of anything else to say.
(The end for now. Yay!)