Ziva collapsed on top of McGee and laid her head on his chest, listening to each breath, in and out. McGee gently stroked her hair as he felt her weight on top of him.

"Well tonight was fun," McGee started, eyeing his empty wallet strewn on the floor.

Ziva pulled herself up, and faced McGee, "What makes you think I'm done with you yet?"

"Seriously? I don't think I have the energy."

"There is always more pudding downstairs…"

McGee laughed, and raised his hand to Ziva's face, gently wrapping a strand of fallen loose hair behind her ear.

"Besides, you will find the energy when I show you what I mean," Ziva said rolling off of McGee and hopping out of the damp bed. McGee gave a confused look as Ziva walked over to her wardrobe and started throwing clothes across the room, obviously hunting for something. He face turned to concern at the sight of the red marks on Ziva's butt.

"Those friction marks are going to need a serious application of ointment, Ziva."

"Not nearly as much as they will by the end of tonight," Ziva said mysteriously,

"What are you looking for?" McGee said, choosing to ignore Ziva's last statement while getting out of bed, and automatically turning to straighten the scattered sheets.

After a moment of silence Ziva's triumphant voice hollered from inside the wardrobe, "Got it."

"Got what?" McGee answered turning to see. His question was quickly answered as Ziva pulled a huge leather trunk from the bottom of the wardrobe.

"It took you that long to find that?"

"No, it took me that long to find this," she said after removing the trunk fully from the wardrobe and reaching in to retrieve another smaller leather item.

McGee's eyes opened wide with shock, but Ziva just smiled.

"You don't seriously think that…"

"You haven't seen the rest yet," Ziva said seductively as she popped the lid to the trunk and it flew open revealing a treasure trove of magical items.

McGee's jaw dropped.