Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or any of its characters. They belong to JK Rowling, not some sad, little fan fiction author.

He couldn't even begin to tell you when he started to think this way. When it all began to change from helping his best friend fight evil to, how I can get them to notice me. As the sixth of seven children Ron was use to being unrecognized, a part of the group. He'd always been just another Weasley.

Then he'd met Harry, The-Boy-Who-Lived, and suddenly everything changed. He finally had someone to need him. To depend on only him and it was intoxicating.

I mean how could he not help but notice how clueless Harry was. How even the simplest wizarding customs were foreign to him. It was only to obvious that Harry hadn't know a thing about magic until he'd gotten his letter.

And it was also obvious that he'd been neglected as well. The baggy clothes, the small, skinny frame, and the almost desperate way he tried to keep Ron as his friend. It had taken Ron months to break Harry of the habit of agreeing with everything Ron said or did and even longer to get him to not copy him in everything he did. Like he didn't know how an eleven year old boy was supposed to act.

Yes in the beginning Harry had been dependant on him and even Hermione to some extinct looked to him for help. Then it began to change, Harry became bolder and more confident in himself and Hermione didn't need him for anything anymore when she could look it up herself and he was suddenly just that Weasley boy seen with Harry Potter.

That was when the jealousy started.

It seemed like yet again he was being left out. The sidekick, the hero's best friend but not the hero himself. He tried to keep it controlled, to keep the nasty comments that burned his tongue like acid to himself.

He knew Harry didn't like the attention. He saw it in every time Harry would flinch when another article or picture of him was printed in the paper, every time a group of girls would break out into giggles when he walked past. The way he never took advantage of his celebrity status. Harry couldn't help that he was famous. Ron told himself, like a personal mantra. He lost his parents and had to live with those horrible muggles. Surely he paid a hefty price for his popularity.

But still, Ron wanted it. The recognition, the admiration, the awe. He wanted to be looked at like he was special, like he wasn't just another Weasley kid.

All these feelings boiled over like a hot, bubbling cauldron when the Tri-wizard tournament took place and Harry was chosen as the fourth champion in a three man competition. Ron saw a red as fiery as his hair and with a fit red heads are known to throw got into a fight with his best friend.

Harry was devastated and somewhere deep down Ron knew he was being unfair. That the whole mess wasn't Harry's fault, but the angry monster that lived inside him just could not let it go.

After the first task and the roaring green eyed monster was scared into submission, Ron promised himself to never let anything like that happen again. He put a leash on the monster, curbed his sharp tongue and everything went back to normal.

They had adventures, saved people, and just generally got into trouble, when it happened again.

The monster was set lose and they fought again. Ron ended up storming away, leaving them and then almost instantly regretting it. Why couldn't he get himself under control? Why couldn't he rid himself of the affliction that had been plaguing him for years?

He needed to be needed and he needed to feel useful like he wasn't just dead weight dragging everybody down. He wanted skills, or looks or something, anything to make him unique.

He couldn't stand being part of the crowd of just blending in to obscurity. He couldn't deal with being nothing, of being nobody.

The very idea of going through life unnoticed like Harry wanted was just something he could not comprehend. Harry was always in the spot light while Ron was in the shadow it cast. He tried to keep the other monster, who answered to resentment, from rearing its ugly head.

Harry was his friend really he was no matter what the beings who lived inside him said. If Harry was going to take on the Grim Reaper himself then Ron would be there right beside him. But the voices he just could not ignore were always whispering to him that they wanted more. More fame, more prestige.

It got to the point where he wasn't sure why he was doing anything he did anymore. If he was really saving people because they needed to be saved or because he hoped his picture would get in the paper.

He needed a break and after the last fight with Harry during the horcrux hunt he took some time to think and to exorcize the demons that had been tormenting him for so long.

He sat down and realized that he didn't need the world's acceptance at all to feel whole. That he would never get what he needed to be happy from someone else. That no matter what he did the feelings he wanted could only come from within himself. His friends liked him for who he was and they didn't see him as another Weasley kid.

They saw him as Ron. They saw him as himself and he didn't need any more than that. His friends loved him and his family did too. All this time he'd been searching for something to make him confident in himself and really he didn't need anything after all. That he was good enough already.

He came to the conclusion that maybe being just Ron was what he'd been searching for all along and that maybe being just Ron wasn't so bad after all.

A/N: Wow it took me a long time to finish this. I'm really sorry for anybody who was waiting for this update. I just couldn't seem to find any inspiration for Ron's part and then all of a sudden the words came to me. So here you guys go, that's all there is and there isn't any more.
