Serpents Coil

Summary: Harry has been brought to a mental facility by the order after Sirius' death to help him and now he is wound in the serpents coil.

Chapter 1: The idea

" Sirius...I didn't mean it. I'm sorry I never meant to...No I didn't know!" Harry rambled as he slept. On lookers only could give the poor boy sympathy.

Downstairs they were discussing the poor boy suffering in his nightmares and by them I meant the Order of the Phoenix.

" Albus, something must be done! This cannot go on much longer. He does not get a good nights sleep among getting out of his dead godfather bed to eat. This is not healthy, not one bit. He needs help and I don't believe any of us can give it to him." Molly Weasley demanded to the elder man in front of her.

" What can I do? No where else is safe and ..." He was cut off by an angry protest from Remus.

" Harry needs help Albus. He is going to follow Sirius unless we do something to help him!" Remus bellowed as someone else had the nerve to interupt the werewolf.

" I have an idea that might help Harry." The person stated as they turned around towards the stairs to see Hermione and Ron.

" What are you two doing up and down here?" Mrs. Weasley demanded as Albus stopped her from reprimanding them.

" We want to help our friend mum. When my best mate doesn't even tell me things anymore it's time to step in." Hermione and the order turned to the youngest red-haired son, he was so serious and persistants in his eyes, but he wasn't done. " It's more than just Sirius thats made him like this and he needs help so we came up with this plan. "

" Go ahead." Remus stated as Hermione pulled out a notebook she had set on the stairs while they were listening to the comments about their friend.

" Well we thought of sending to a muggle mental facility. It would help him and my aunt is one of the doctors there that works with cases like Harry." Hermione explained getting a strange looked from Dumbledore.

" Cases, Miss Granger?"

" Abused children who were taught everything was their fault among other things sir. " Hermione stated firmly with a tight lip.

" Whats makes you so sure Potter is abused Miss Granger?" Snape questioned stiffly as Hermione looked into his eyes and didn't see any cruel taunting emotions forming, but maybe concern?

" First of all his hogwarts letter was addressed to the cupboard under the stairs. He wears those rags and his best clothes consist of his uniform for school. He's so thin and pale when he comes back from those...Dursleys, with scars and bruises too. Also remember his second year had to have bars pulled from the window and rescued just to go back to school. Every year it's something different. Summer before fourth year they didn't like the tongue-toffee joke and took it out on him. Locked him up with no food for a week and two days when he came back. Rubbed it into him he was a murderer when Professor Dumbledore wrote to them about Cedrics death. Need I say more because there's alot more." Hermione was flushed by her rant and looked about ready to cry, with water clouding her vision.

And that was how Harry Potter found himself in a mental facility two days later alone.

A/N: Now how was that? Lets just say this will be a different experiance for Harry and someone that will show up very soon. Read my other stories, so far I believe everyone likes: "My Baby Dragon" I'll update soon.
