Disclaimer: I only own the character of Andy, Eric Kripke owns my beloved Winchester boys and the oh so annoying Cassia and Bela.

Dean sat on the couch, beer in hand, watching the clock. It was midnight now and with the final toll of the grandfather clock decorating the dull hotel room came a new day. It was the 3rd anniversary of the worst and best day of his life. On this day three years ago, hellhounds were supposed to come get him, to collect his dues, his payment for Sam being alive. That night he hadn't been out partying, celebrating the last day of his life. No, he was in the hospital with Bela, the most annoying and amazing woman he had ever met, waiting for his daughter to be born. He sat in the waiting room, all the time worrying that those damn dogs would show up to take him or worse, Cassia herself would show up to do the job, but as time wore on, nothing happened. Hours had passed since they had first come to the hospital and he was becoming restless. Then, a doctor stepped through the double doors, carrying some scrubs and heading towards him.

"She wants you in there with her; she says she needs to tell you something." The doctor's worried eyes looked tiredly at Dean as he stood up.

"Is she o.k.?" Dean asked, grabbing the scrubs and hurriedly putting them on.

The doctor nodded and turned back to the doors. "This way please."

Dean stepped into the delivery room and quickly made his way to Bela's side. He tightly held her hand and looked at her pained, but still smiling face. "So what did you need to tell me?" he asked, clearing his throat.

"Well there's no point in beating around the bush, so I might as well be frank. They aren't coming for your soul. So I want you to take care of this kid, make her life hell for making me go through the weight gain and process of giving birth. Teach her what's really out there, don't leave her in the dark, she needs to know." Bela struggled to finish speaking in between deep breaths.

"Why are you saying that Bela, why aren't they coming for me?" Dean's heart raced, she couldn't have done what he thought she had. This was the woman who cared only for herself and keeping herself alive.

"Because love, I made a trade, they get me and you live. I pissed that bitch off once and she was dying to take my offer. I live to name my daughter and then I go peacefully." She smiled faintly as she finished speaking, waiting for Dean to explode.

Dean sat there listening, not moving or making a sound. As he came to terms with what was going to happen a single tear slid down his face and shook his head in denial. "No." he whispered. "Why can't people just let me die?"

The baby was born and she was named Andrea, they called her Andy. Then, after naming her daughter, just as promised, Bela died. The doctors said it was from cardiac arrest, only Dean would know the real reason.

Dean was brought out of his flashback by the sound of small footsteps. He looked up from his almost empty bottle to see little Andy standing in the doorway, curly, light brown hair all over the place and one leg of her Power Rangers pajamas higher than the other. She dragged a hand across her sleepy face and walked over to him, dragging a well-loved X-man doll behind her. Dean scooted over on the lumpy hotel couch to make room for her as she climbed up beside him. He put an arm around her tiny shoulders and looked down at the little girl who already looked so much like her mother.

"I can't sleep Daddy." She said, snuggling in closer to his side. "The bed squeaks and Uncle Sammy snores." She yawned and then continued to talk. "Anyways, I'm not sleepy; I can stay up with you." Two big gray eyes looked up at him. These were the eyes that could melt his heart and get him to do anything.

"Sorry kiddo, you've got to go to sleep. Today is a big day and you don't want to be tired so you?" Dean asked, pulling the little girl into his lap.

Andy's eyes widened as she continued to look up at him. "What's today?"

"It's your birthday." Dean said smiling as he saw a look of excitement spread across his daughter's face.

"No way!" she exclaimed, sitting up straight. "What did you get me daddy?"

Dean stood up, carrying the still chattering little girl back to her squeaky bed. "You'll find out after you sleep some more." He told her, hoping that she would go to sleep.

"But I'm already awake daddy, tell me now!" There was a look of determination in her soft gray eyes and her jaw was set.

"Hush or you'll wake up Uncle Sammy." Dean said a tone of mock sternness in his voice.

"Oops!" she said, clamping her mouth shut as Dean set her down on the bed.

Dean pulled the covers up to Andy's chin as her eyes started to close. As he bent down to kiss her on the forehead he whispered, "I love you kid, sleep tight." While he was walking away he heard his daughter say. "Love you more daddy." He looked back at the innocent little form that was now asleep and he wondered how was he ever going to tell her what the world was really like and what was hiding in the shadows.